
The Cult - ChuckPalahniuk.net

Chuck Comics by Kissgz, aka Gabor

Invisible Monsters

Late last year, comic artist Kissgz (Gabor) began sending me pages from his Invisible Monsters comic (still being written/drawn at the time). I was quite blown away by the talent Kissgz showed for colors, shading, and basic penciling. See, I'd recently had a big graphic novel renaissance, reading up on everything from Frank Miller to Warren Ellis to Alan Moore to Brian Michael Bendis.

Well, Kissgz eventually finished his Invisible Monsters comic and the feedback he got from Chuck fans was awesome. Lets hope more of you talented comic artists out there pick up your pencils and adapt some of Chuck's other books. But for now, this page belongs to Kissgz.

Check out his completed Invisible Monsters and then scroll down for installments for his new Lullaby, Basic Membership required!

Read the Invisible Monsters Comic

Download the Invisible Monsters Comic - PDF 19MB


Comic artist Kissgz returns with the first 12 pages of his newewst Chuck adaptation, Lullaby! This exclusive is only for Basic Members and up, but you can see an awesome sample of Kissgz's talent by checking out the above Invisible Monsters comic. If you like what you see, Join our site and then check back here frequently for additions!

For all you members, enjoy the first 12 pages of Kissgz's Lullaby adaptation. Gabor already has the first 36 pages written and drawn, so expect solid updates here each month, like a serial, as our story continues. And be sure and email Kissgz your thoughts if you like what you see. Or, if you want to make suggestions... such as convincing him that he needs to do Survivor next! ::winks::

Read the Lullaby Comic

Want to help get these published?

If you would like to contact Kissgz to provide feedback, comments, or just simple praise for his work, you may do so at Gabor@chuckpalahniuk.net. We're also on the lookout for anyone that may work in the comic industry or some sort of printing press that is interested in helping us print hardcopies of his wonderful adaptations, and even possible distribution, so we can get this into some comic stores. Judging by the initial feedback Kissgz received for his Invisible Monsters comic, it's already obvious that Chuck fans would go nuts if this were on shelves! So for any honest leads or suggestions, also contact us at Comics@chuckpalahniuk.net. Thanks!