
PNBA Book Awards

2004 Awards

2003 Awards

2002 Awards

2001 Awards

2000 Awards

1999 Awards

1998 Awards

1997 Awards

1996 Awards

1995 Awards

1994 Awards

1993 Awards

1992 Awards

1991 Awards

1990 Awards

1989 Awards

1988 Awards

1987 Awards

1986 Awards

1985 Awards

1984 Awards

Celebrating the authors of the PNW

Since 1965 the PNBA has presented annual awards to recognize excellence in writing from the Pacific Northwest. Rather than soliciting nominations for specific categories, we simply require that the author and/or illustrator reside within the five-state PNBA region (Washington, Oregon, Alaska, Montana, and Idaho), and that the book be published within the current calendar year. In addition, nominations may be submitted for special awards honoring efforts in publishing, illustration or for a body of work. Special awards are determined at the discretion of PNBA's Awards Committee.

The Awards Committee is made up of booksellers representing all five states. A new committee is formed each January and the winners are picked by the committee in mid-November. DEADLINE FOR SUBMISSIONS EACH YEAR IS OCTOBER 31ST. If the nominated book will not be published until after the deadline, galleys/reading copies should be sent to the committee. The PNBA office should be contacted for a list of the current year's committee chair and members.

The authors of each winning PNBA Book Award title will receive $1000.00, to be presented at a ceremony at PNBA's Spring Trade Show in mid-March. The awards are heavily publicized, and PNBA member bookstores are encouraged to feature and promote the winning titles. PNBA will distribute, free to our member stores, large full-color posters advertising the Awards, shelf-talkers for each title, bookmarks showing the winning books and offer a $75 display allowance to any store doing an instore display of the winning titles. This promotional attention results in substantially increased store sales.

Northwest booksellers are encouraged to make nominations. Publishers are requested to send a copy of each nominated book to each of the current committee members. A list of the current Awards Committee members is available from the Awards Committee Chair. When submitting nominations, include the Nominated Title; the Author; the Publisher's Name, Address and Contact information. Send this information to the Awards Committee Chair:

Christy McDanold

Secret Garden Bookshop

2214 NW Market Street

Seattle, WA 98107-2304

email: pnbabookawards@pnba.org

Nomination Form