
Heart of Hinduism: Index

This works in the same way as an ordinary index found in a book, except that instead of pages numbers there are links to the pages. These links are named after the section they are found in.


Abhinavagupta Tradition, Tradition

Acharya Tradition, Tradition

Advaita Vedanta Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Agamas Tradition

Agni Practice, Practice

Agnihotra Practice

Agriculture Lifestyle,Lifestyle

Ahimsa Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Akbar, Emperor Tradition, Lifestyle

Animals Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Architecture Practice, Lifestyle

Arjuna Concepts, Tradition, Tradition

Art Lifestyle, Practice, Lifestyle

Arti Practice, Practice

Arts Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition

Aryan Tradition, Tradition

Arya Samaj Tradition, Practice, Tradition

Asceticism (see Austerity)

Ashramas Concepts, Practice, Practice

Astrology Lifestyle, Practice, Tradition

Atman Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Aum Lifestyle, Practice

Aurobindo Chose Tradition

Austerity Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition (see also Renunciation)

Authority Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Tradition

Avatars Practice, Practice, Tradition


Bathing Practice,Lifestyle

Beauty Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Lifestyle

Beliefs (see concepts)

Belonging/Identity Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts-Concepts, Practice-Practice,Lifestyle,Lifestyle,Tradition,Tradition

Bhagavad-gita Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Bhagavat Purana Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle, Tradition

Bhajan Practice, Practice, Lifestyle

Bhakti (devotional service) Practice, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Bhaktivedanta Swami Tradition

Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Tradition

Birth Ceremonies Practice

Books (see Literature)

Brahma Practice, Concepts, Concepts, Practice

Brahman Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Lifestyle

Brahmanas (see Varnashramadharma)

Brahmachari (see Ashramas)

Brahmo Samaj Tradition

Britain Tradition, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Buddhism Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Bulls Lifestyle


Calendar Practice, Practice

Caste Lifestyle, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition (see also Varnashramadharma)

Celibacy Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice

Charity Practice, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle

Chaitanya Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Chanakya Concepts, Concepts, Tradition

Children Lifestyle, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle, Tradition

Circumambulation Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice

Civilisation Tradition, Tradition (see also Values)

Cleanliness Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice

Clothes (see Dress)

Concepts Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice (see also Doctrine)

Compassion Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice

Conscience Concepts, Concepts, Concepts

Conception, rituals Practice

Concepts Concepts, Concepts, Tradition (see also Doctrine)

Cows Concepts, Practice, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Lifestyle

Creation Concepts, Practice, Practice

Cremation Practice, Concepts, Practice


Dance Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Darshan Practice, Practice, Practice

Dayananda Sarasvati Tradition

Death Practice, Concepts, Practice

Deity (see God, gods and goddesses)

Denominations Tradition, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Devi (see Shakti)

Devendranath Tagore Tradition

Dharma Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice,Lifestyle, Lifestyle,Tradition,Tradition

Dilemma Concepts, Concepts, Tradition

Diva Practice, Lifestyle

Divorce Practice, Lifestyle

Doctrine Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition

Dowry Practice,Lifestyle

Drama Lifestyle, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Draupadi Concepts, Tradition, Tradition

Dress Lifestyle, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Drugs Concepts, Concepts, Practice

Dualism Concepts, Tradition, Tradition (see also Personalism, Monotheism)

Durga Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition (see also Shakti)

Dvaita Vedanta (see Dualism)


Earth, as goddess Practice, Practice, Practice, Concepts)Practice

Economics Concepts,Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Tradition

Education Concepts, Practice,Lifestyle

Environment Concepts, Practice, Lifestyle

Epics Tradition, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Evolution Concepts, Concepts, Tradition


Family Lifestyle, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice

Fasting Practice, Lifestyle

Festivals Practice

Fire ceremony (see Havan)

Flowers Practice, Practice, Practice

Food Lifestyle, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle,Lifestyle,Lifestyle

Funeral Practice, Concepts


Gandhi Tradition, Concepts, Concepts,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Gayatri Concepts, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

God Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition,Tradition

Gods, goddesses Concepts, Tradition

Goodness (see Guna)

Govinda Practice

Grace Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition

Greed Concepts, Tradition

Grihasta (see Householder)

Guna Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle,Lifestyle

Guru Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition


Happiness Concepts, Concepts

Hare Krishna Tradition, Tradition

Havan Practice, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle, Tradition

Health and hygiene Concepts,Lifestyle

Heaven/Hell Concepts, Concepts, Concepts

Henotheism Concepts

Hills Practice, Practice

Hindu Mahasabha Tradition

History Tradition, Concepts, Lifestyle, Tradition

Home Practice, Lifestyle, Concepts,Lifestyle

Honesty Concepts, Concepts, Practice

Hospitality Concepts, Lifestyle, Lifestyle

Horoscope (see astrology)

Householder Practice, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle


Images, sacred (see Murti)

Impersonalism (belief in an impersonal God) Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition (see also Monism, Advaita)

Incense Practice, Lifestyle

India Practice, Practice (map), Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Indra Practice, Tradition

Initiation Practice, Concepts

Initiation, rites (see Upayana) Ishtadeva Practice

ISKCON Tradition


Jainism Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Japa Practice, Practice

Jnana (knowledge) Practice, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition


Kabir Tradition

Kali, age of (see Yuga)

Kali, goddess Practice, Practice, Tradition

Karma Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Knowledge (see Jnana)

Krishna Practice, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Kshatriyas (see Varnashramadharma)


Lakshmi Practice, Practice, Lifestyle

Language Lifestyle, Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition

Liberation (see moksha)

Lifestyle Lifestyle, Practice, Practice, Tradition

Literature Concepts, Concepts, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition


Madhva Tradition, Tradition

Mahabharata Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Mandir Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle

Manu Smriti Tradition, Practice

Margs (paths) Concepts, Practice

Marriage Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle, Lifestyle

Matter (see Prakriti)

Maya/materialism Concepts, Concepts

Meditation Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Merit Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice

Migration Tradition, Lifestyle, Tradition

Mimamsa Tradition, Tradition

Mind & sensecontrol Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Mirabai Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Moghals Tradition, Lifestyle

Moksha Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Monism (see Advaita)

Monotheism Concepts, Concepts, Concepts

Morality Concepts, Tradition (see also Dharma, Values)

Mountains Practice, Practice

Murari Bapu Tradition

Murti Practice, Concepts, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition

Music Lifestyle, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Myth (see Story)


Narayana Practice (see also Vishnu)

Nataraja Practice (see also Shiva)

Negative discrimination Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Nonviolence (see Ahimsa)

Nyaya Tradition


Parvati Practice, Practice Tradition (see also Shakti)

Perfumes Lifestyle, Practice (see also Incense)

Personalism (belief in personal God) Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Philosophy (see Doctrine)

Pilgrimage Practice, Practice

Planets Concepts, Practice,Lifestyle

Poetsaints Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Politics Tradition

Prakriti Concepts, Concepts, Tradition

Prasada (see Food)

Pravachan Practice, Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Prayer Practice, Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Priests Practice, Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Proverbs Concepts, Concepts, Tradition

Puja Practice, Tradition

Puranas Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Purity Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition


Racial Prejudice Concepts, Concepts

Raja yoga Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Rama Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Ramakrishna Tradition, Tradition

Rama Mohan Roy Tradition

Ramana Maharshi Tradition

Ramanuja Tradition, Lifestyle, Tradition

Ramayana Tradition, Concepts, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition

Rashtriya Syayamsevak Sangha (RSS) Tradition

Reform Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Reincarnation Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice

Renunciation (see Sannyasa)

Respect Concepts, Concepts, Practice

Retirement Practice,Lifestyle

Revelation Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Rights & Responsibilities Concepts (see also Dharma)

Rig Veda Tradition, Concepts,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Rites of Passage (see Samskaras)

Rivers Practice, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle

Rudra Practice (see also Shiva)


Sacraments (see Samskaras)

Sacred thread Practice, Tradition

Sacrifice Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Salvation (see moksha)

Samskaras Practice, Concepts,Lifestyle

Sampradaya Concepts, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Sanatanadharma Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Tradition

Sankhya Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition

Sannyasa/Sannyasi Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Sanskrit Lifestyle, Tradition

Sanskriti Lifestyle

Sarasvati Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition

Satya Sai Baba Tradition

Science(s) Concepts, Concepts, Concepts,Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Scripture (see Literature)

Sculpture Lifestyle, Practice, Practice

Service (see Seva, Bhakti)

Seva Practice, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice

Sex Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice,Lifestyle

Shaivas/Shaivites (see Shaivism)

Shaivism Tradition, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition (see also Shiva)

Shakti Practice, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Shaktism Tradition, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition

Shankara Tradition, Tradition

Shiva Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Shrine Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice

Shruti Tradition, Lifestyle (see also Literature)

Shudras (see Varnashramadharma)

Sita Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Smarta tradition Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Smriti Tradition, Tradition (see also Literature)

Social concerns and issues Lifestyle, Concepts, Practice, Tradition, Tradition Tradition, Tradition (see also Values, Varnashramadharma)

Spirit (see Brahman)

Stages of life (see Ashramas)

Story Concepts, Concepts, Lifestyle, Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Student Life Practice, Concepts, Concepts,Lifestyle

Suffering Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition (see also moksha)

Sustainability Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Lifestyle

Symbols Lifestyle, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition

Surdas Tradition

Surya Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition

Swami Narayana Tradition, Practice, Tradition, Tradition


Tantra Tradition, Tradition

Temple (see Mandir)

Theology (see Doctrine)

Time Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition

Tolerance Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts

Transience Concepts, Concepts,Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice

Trimurti Practice, Concepts, Tradition

Truth Concepts, Tradition, Tradition

Tukarama Tradition

Tulsidas Tradition, Tradition

Tulsi plant Practice, Practice, Tradition


Untouchables Lifestyle, Tradition

Upanishads Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Upavedas Tradition, Tradition

Urbanisation Lifestyle


Vallabha Tradition, Tradition

Vaisheshika Tradition

Vaishnavism Tradition, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition (see also Vishnu)

Vaishyas (see Varnashramadharma)

Vanaprashta (see Ashramas)

Varnashramadharma Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Tradition

Values Lifestyle

Vedas Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice, Lifestyle, Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition

Vedangas Tradition, Lifestyle

Vedanta Tradition, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Vedanta Sutras Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Village Lifestyle, Concepts, Practice,Lifestyle, Tradition

Vishnu Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition (see also Vaishnavism)

Vishva Hindu Parishad (VHP) Tradition

Voluntary work (see charity)


Water Practice, Practice,Lifestyle

War Practice, Lifestyle, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Wealth/Poverty Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice,Lifestyle

Wisdom Concepts, Concepts, Concepts, Practice, Practice, Tradition

Women Concepts, Practice, Practice, Practice,Lifestyle, Lifestyle, Tradition

Work Practice,Lifestyle,Lifestyle, Tradition

Worship Practice, Practice, Practice, Tradition, Tradition, Practice, Tradition


Yoga Practice, Tradition, Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition, Tradition

Yuga Concepts, Concepts, Tradition, Tradition