
Heart of Hinduism:

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What is Heart of Hinduism?

The Heart of Hinduism website is based closely on the Heart of Hinduism textbook, used widely in UK schools. It is a description of the Hindu tradition produced by practitioners of the tradition.

Who is Heart of Hinduism?

The Heart of Hinduism text book is produced by ISKCON Educational Services, UK. The website was produced by ISKCON Communications. ISKCON, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, belongs to the Vaisnava tradition of Hinduism. The Heart of Hinduism, in the spirit of the tradition, aims to be non-sectarian, even-handed, and respectful in its description of all the Hindu traditions.


Thanks are due to Rasamandala Dasa for producing the excellent original source material, to Kaushika Mistry for her tireless editorial work, and to ISKCON Communications for providing the webspace and administrative services.