
KangZhan 抗战 - Commemoration of 2nd Sino-Japanese War (1931~1945)

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Brief report on the poll of the role of Chinese battlefield

Submitted by wsh on October 22, 2005 - 3:52pm.

The poll of the <> lasted for from July 15 to Oct. 18. Totally 101 persons participated this poll. More than 84 percents of People agreed that Chinese battlefield did play an important role in World War II.

To see the result of the poll, click here

The author thought that Chinese battle field did play an important role in the World War II. The numbers listed below show a solid testment for this argument.

1. Time: Longest during the World War II.
From 9.18 incident, 1931.09.18 ~ 1945.08.15, 14 years fighting
From 7. 7 incident, 1937.07.07 ~ 1945.08.15, 8 years fighting

2. The number of Japanese Army in China battlefield:
Before the Pacific war broke out (1941.12), China was the only country fighting with Japan.
In the end of 1937: 88% of Japanese Army ware held in play at China battlefield.
In the end of 1938: 94% of Japanese Army ware held in play at China battlefield.
In the end of 1939: 83% of Japanese Army ware held in play at China battlefield.
In the end of 1940: 78% of Japanese Army ware held in play at China battlefield.
During the Pacific war, 34%~69% of Japanese Army ware held in play at China battlefield.

3. Casualties:
During the Anti-Japanese War, Chinese army conducted 22 large-scale battles (more than 100,000 soldiers participated), more than 200 important middle-scale battles (10,000~100,000soldiers participated), totally nearly 200,000 battles. Among those battles, China totally annihilated about 1,500,000 Japanese army plus 1,180,000 collaborationist Chinese Army (僞軍). And at the end of the War, China battle field took over more than 1,280,000 surrended Japanes soldiers and 1,460,000 surrended collaborationist Chinese Army.
By the official statistics from Japan, Japan's total casualties in World War II were about 1,950,000. Among them 1,330,000 (70%) were in China. For the number of Killed Japanese soldiers, 446,000 in China, 190,000 in Pacific ocean battlefield, and 80,000 by Soviet Union in the Northeast part of China.

4. War cost
During the Anti-Japanese war, 35,000,000 (35 millions) of Chinese soldiers and civilian were killed or wounded, which was one third (1/3) of the total casualties number for the entire World War II. The war cost of China was as high as 560,000,000,000 (560 billion) dollars.

From the four points above, it is obvious to see how important China battlefield was. Without the brave fighting and great scarifice by Chinese, the allied force must take much longer time to win World War II, or even the opposite might happen. China battlefield was the main battlefield in Asian-Pacific area. China and USA were both the determinative forces of defeating Japan in the Pacific War.


Submitted by wsh on September 23, 2005 - 9:00pm.

最近因诸事烦扰, 心有困惑, 学习工作繁忙, 较之先前, 创作热情有所降低, 抗战意志有所衰退, 网页更新工作遂亦陷入停滞不前之状态. 好象正好是印证了毛主席的<<论持久战>>, 抗战在经过了一段轰轰烈烈的"夏季攻势"以后, 伴着这萧瑟的秋风, 也转入了"相持阶段". 毕竟"敌人"比我想象的还是要强大一些, "盟国"在物质上的支持也还不够. 当然"相持阶段"并不等于就是中断抗战. 策略性的转入一定时期的低潮是为了积蓄有生力量, 待时机成熟则必有作为. 在"相持阶段"中, 网页的更新的速度会比前段时间较慢, 还望诸位谅解.