Gnomon Online: Latin Inscriptions
Lehrstuhl für Alte Geschichte | Katholische Universität Eichstätt |
Latin Inscriptions - The Internet Release
You find here a link to a Folio-Infobase with the complete Dessau's "Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae", a growing number of Ann.Épigr. volumes, and a large and continually enhanced sample of inscriptions from the C.I.L. (135,000 texts). The texts are modified for computerization and thus don't replace printed editions in any way.
A version of this infobase for PCs is available on demand.
If you click here [],
you have access to the Folio-Server.
[temporarily not available]
Using the "Latin Inscriptions" for your research: Some Suggestions.
Please, note that the "Heidelberg Epigraphische Datenbank" edited under the direction of Professor Dr. Géza Alföldy offers a superior version of a growing number of Latin inscriptions contained in the volumes of L'Année Épigraphique.
It is hoped that the text of the Greek and bilingual inscriptions contained in all volumes of L'Année Épigraphique will be made available in the Inscriptiones Latinae Eystettenses in the near future.
Jürgen Malitz (EMail: - 19-Sep-2000