
Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles - Appendix 4

The Main Part of the Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles presents concise information about all missiles and rockets, which have received a numerical designation in the DOD's joint Designation System for Unmanned Aerospace Vehicles since 27 June 1963.

Appendix 4 covers a selection of missiles, drones and other unmanned aerospace vehicles, which were operationally used, tested or only studied by the U.S. military services, but did never receive an official designation in any of the designation systems for missiles and UAVs. However, this appendix is not intended to describe all undesignated vehicles, which would be all but impossible. Instead it will primarly focus on operational missiles and UAVs, important test vehicles, and particularly interesting projects. This is no firm limitation, though, and in priniciple, every undesignated U.S. American unmanned military aerospace vehicle project might be included in this appendix.


The vehicles are grouped by general categories, and listed in roughly chronological order within each group.

Note: Missiles and other vehicles, which are already listed but not yet linked to a page, are definitely planned for future inclusion in this appendix. However, it may take quite a while until further articles will be written. If you are missing your favourite project, drop me an e-mail - most likely, your suggestions will be included in the list of "planned" articles.

Air-to-Air Missiles

Convair Pye Wacket
Hughes Brazo
Loral (Ford) HAVE DASH II

Air-to-Surface Missiles

Minneapolis-Honeywell Wagtail
Martin Marietta ASALM
Lockheed HGV

Surface-to-Air Missiles

University of Michigan Wizard
Oerlikon/Contraves MX-1868
Martin Marietta Sprint
Lockheed ERIS
McDonnell-Douglas HEDI
Lockheed Martin Patriot PAC-3
Lockheed Martin THAAD
Boeing GBI

Surface-to-Surface Missiles

Curtiss/Sperry Flying Bomb
Dayton Wright/Kettering Liberty Eagle ("Bug")
General Motors A-1
Vought SLAM (Pluto)
Lockheed Martin (Vought) MLRS Rockets (M26/M30)
Lockheed Martin Predator SRAW MK 40
ONR/Titan Affordable Weapon
Netfires NLOS-LS (Raytheon PAM / Lockheed Martin LAM)
Lockheed Martin CKEM

Anti-Armour Missiles

Applied Physics Lab D-40 Cannonball
Vought HVM
Lockheed Martin Predator SRAW MK 40

Research and Test Missiles

Note: High-altitude sounding rockets are covered in a separate section below.

JPL (GALCIT) Private
Cook Cherokee
Cook Skokie
Aerophysics Development HTV
Aeronutronics Farside
Cook Cree
WS-199 (Bold Orion, High Virgo, Alpha Draco)
Naval Missile Center Crow
NASA Trailblazer 2
Atlantic Research Athena
Boeing HIBEX
Assault Breaker (T-16, T-22)
Lockheed HOE
Lockheed Martin PLV
Boeing HyFly

Gun-Launched Rocket-Assisted Guided Projectiles

Raytheon ERGM (5 Inch Projectile MK 171)

Air-Launched Unguided Rockets

CalTech/Navy Retrorocket
4.5-Inch Rockets
3.5-Inch Rockets
5-Inch Rockets
NOTS Tiny Tim (11.75-Inch Rocket)
2.75-Inch Rockets
NOTS Ram (6.5-Inch Rocket)
NOTS BOAR (30.5-Inch Rocket MK 1)

Surface-Launched Unguided Rockets

7.2-Inch Rockets
Barrage Rockets (3.5-Inch, 4.5-Inch, 5-Inch)
2.36-Inch Anti-Tank Rocket M6 Bazooka
3.5-Inch HEAT Rocket M28 (Super Bazooka)
Bendix Loki
115 mm Chemical Rocket M55
Talley 66 mm HEAT Rocket M72 LAW
Lockheed Martin (Vought) MLRS Rockets (M26/M30)
Talley SMAW

Sounding Rockets

Note: Sounding rockets, which were used only by non-military organizations (NACA/NASA, universities, research agencies), are outside the scope of this website.

V-2 (A-4)
University of Michigan/NACA Nike-Deacon
Navy Rockair / Douglas Rockaire
Cooper Development Asp / Nike-Asp
Cooper Development Loki-Wasp / Hasp
Atlantic Research Arcon
Aerojet General Aerobee 170/300
Aerolab Argo E-5 (Jason)
Aerolab Argo D-4 (Javelin)
University of Michigan Strongarm
Other Honest John-Nike-Boosted Rockets
Aerojet General Astrobee
Rocket Power Phoenix
Atlantic Research Iris
Atlantic Research (Aerolab) Nike-Apache
Rocket Power Raven
Aerojet General / Space Data Nike-Iroquois
Thiokol/Sandia Tomahawk
Other Nike-Boosted Rockets
Bristol of Canada Black Brant
Orbital Sciences (Space Vector) Aries NMSU Physical Science Lab Pogo / Pogo-Hi
Convair Lobber
Lockheed Ping-Pong

Drones and UAVs

Note: Outside the scope of this website are UAVs which were funded and procured only by the private industry or non-military organizations. This includes privately-developed vehicles, which were only briefly evaluated by the military but not selected for further development and/or procurement.

Republic SD-3 Snooper
Gyrodyne QH-50 DASH
Republic SD-4 Swallow
Fairchild SD-5 Osprey
Republic Bikini
Lockheed D-21 Tagboard
Martin Marietta 845A
Lockheed Aequare
Teledyne Ryan Model 262 Manta Ray
Applied Physics Lab RPD-2 Paradel
Rockwell HiMAT
Naval Research Lab LODED
Applied Physics Lab Air-Exjam
Leading Systems Amber
General Atomics Gnat
Naval Research Lab Flyrt
Naval Research Lab Sender
Geneva Aerospace (Daedalus) Truck/Dakota
BAI XPV-1 Tern
Naval Research Lab Swallow
Accurate Automation LoFLYTE
Aerosonde Aerosonde
Boeing X-37 / X-40
Naval Research Lab Finder
Boeing (Frontier Systems) Maverick
AeroVironment Dragon Eye
Lockheed Martin Desert Hawk
Boeing (Frontier Systems) A160 Hummingbird
DRS Neptune
Boeing/Insitu ScanEagle
Boeing X-45 / X-46
Navmar XPV-2 Mako
Mission Technologies Buster
Advanced Ceramic Research / ONR Silver Fox
Northrop Grumman X-47 Pegasus

Unmanned Lighter-Than-Air Vehicles

Balloon Reconnaissance Systems
Tethered Aerostats

Aerial Targets / Ballistic Missile Targets

Note: Drone conversions of manned aircraft are outside the scope of this website.

Anti-Aircraft Target Rocket M2
Radioplane RP-77D
Curtiss-Wright TDU-12/B Skydart
GAF Jindivik
Philco-Ford LOCAT
Orbital Sciences (Space Vector) Aries
Orbital Sciences Storm I / Storm II
Sandia STARS
Coleman Hera
Boeing/Zvezda-Strela MA-31
Orbital Sciences SR19-SR19

Space Launch Vehicles

Note: Additional undesignated space launchers are covered in Directory of U.S. Military Rockets and Missiles, Appendix 3

Martin Vanguard
ABMA Juno I (Jupiter C)

"Missile Scrapbook"

(An unsorted listing of some missile, rocket and UAV projects, which are mentioned by name in one or more of my sources, but for which I couldn't find sufficient information to write a reasonably complete description)

For comments and suggestions, send e-mail to: Andreas Parsch

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Last Updated: 27 April 2005