Physical Oceanography Book - OceanWorld
- ️Doanld L Johnson, Jr,
Physical Oceanography Book
Bob Stewart has written "Introduction to Physical Oceanography," a textbook for upper-division college students and new graduate students in oceanography, meteorology, and ocean engineering.
- Dowload your copy for personal use or for use by your students.
- Copycenters such as Kinko's can make spiral-bound copies with heavy covers, printed directly from the PDF file, for around $20. These copies are much better than copies made from printed pages.
The book is also available in Adobe PDF format. Click on the header above to go to the pages.
A web-based version of an earlier edition of the book is also available. Click on the header above to go to the pages. Please Note: The latest version is the PDF version above.
Friendly Page
Revised on: 26 January, 2005