
Physical Oceanography Book - OceanWorld

  • ️Doanld L Johnson, Jr, godojo@yahoo.com

Physical Oceanography Book

Bob Stewart has written "Introduction to Physical Oceanography," a textbook for upper-division college students and new graduate students in oceanography, meteorology, and ocean engineering.

  • Dowload your copy for personal use or for use by your students.
  • Copycenters such as Kinko's can make spiral-bound copies with heavy covers, printed directly from the PDF file, for around $20. These copies are much better than copies made from printed pages.

Text Book PDF Version

The book is also available in Adobe PDF format. Click on the header above to go to the pages.

Text Book Web Version

A web-based version of an earlier edition of the book is also available. Click on the header above to go to the pages. Please Note: The latest version is the PDF version above.

Printer Friendly Page

Revised on: 26 January, 2005