Studio 360 This Week - Freud, Psychonauts, Broadway
Kurt Andersen and Jonathan Lear look at how Sigmund Freud and his theories still pervade our culture.
In a video game, the player ventures into the minds of dangerously insane patients at an asylum. The goal of Psychonauts is to resolve their conflicts and save the little kids whom they are threatening. Tim Schafer, the game's creator, told producer Jonathan Mitchell that his best ideas came from a college course on dream interpretation. But why is he so fixated on bunnies?
Go to the official Psychonauts Website
Buy Psychonauts
Buy Freud's The Interpretation of Dreams
In 1925, the movie mogul Samuel Goldwyn traveled all the way to Vienna to meet Sigmund Freud. Goldwyn wanted the famous doctor to consult on movies for MGM - to tell filmmakers what was really happening in famous love stories. Freud, however, refused even to see Goldwyn. Playwright David Ives imagines that strange encounter, with Tom Robbins as Goldwyn and Lewis Stadlen as Freud.
The Goldwyn touch: A biography of Sam Goldwyn
David Ives' Scrib
The Ceiling Above the Couch
Sigmund Freud saw most of his patients -- famous case studies like "the Wolf Man" and Anna O -- in the study of his Vienna home. Spencer Finch, a painter, was so inspired by Freud that he spent a day in the Freud House depicting the view from the couch. Produced by Curtis Fox
Go to Spencer Finch's web site
Read W. H. Auden's "In Memory of Sigmund Freud"
Learn more about the Sigmund Freud House-Museum in Vienna
Jonathan Lear
Jonathan Lear is the John U. Nef Distinguished Service Professor at the
University of Chicago, and a practicing psychoanalyst. His book, Freud,
puts Freud's major ideas in the tradition of classical philosophy ("know
thyself") dating back to Socrates. He is also the author of Open Minded:
Working Out the Logic of the Soul; Therapeutic Action: An Earnest
Plea for Irony; and Love and Its Place in Nature.
Buy Freud (The Routledge Philosophers)
Buy Open Minded: Working Out the Logic of the Soul
Buy The Freud Reader
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Sarah Jones
In the new Broadway show Bridge & Tunnel, writer- performer Sarah Jones celebrates (and impersonates) the incredible diversity of New York City�s outer boroughs. Kurt asked Jones how she embodies the hopes and dreams of a Pakistani accountant, a Jewish grandmother and many other characters.
Official Site for Sarah Jones's Bridge & Tunnel Review
Wendy Wasserstein
Pulitzer-Prize winning playwright Wendy Wasserstein passed away this week. The author of The Heidi Chronicles and The Sisters Rosensweig, Wasserstein spoke with Kurt Andersen last year about her plans for the future and her experience giving birth at the age of 48.
Read the obituary of Wendy Wasserstein in the Chicago Sun-Times