
Home - City of Espoo

  • ️Elevation Admin
  • ️Wed Feb 22 2006


A city for creativity and expertise
Creativity and expertise take on many forms in Espoo. The second largest city in Finland, Espoo is well known as a centre for high technology, as well as a vital, cultural city. It is also a metropolis surrounded by nature.

Welcome to the Renovated Tapiola Swimming Pool
The reconstruction of the Tapiola swimming hall is finally complete. The hall designed by Aarne Ervi has been renovated with due respect paid to the original outlook and feel.


Learning About Life
Aged between 17 and 25, the members of the small study group have been at school for two and a half months. Hemen, Faisa, Daban, Zaynab and Shamso are young people with a mission. The mission is simple, but demanding: to learn Finnish.


Espoo for travellers

Accommodation, Sights, Activities and Hobbies, Saunas, Restaurants, Shopping etc.

(09) 10023 telephone health service

Call (09) 10023 always when you are in need of information about health, illnesses or health care services in Espoo. Telephone health service is open 24 hours.

Espoo Service Index in English

The Service Index makes the access to service information fast and easy. You can search an alphabetical register or directly use a search-engine.

Espoo Map Service

The map displays the whole Espoo area. You can search for street addresses, accommodation, sights and sports places.