Safety (MSDS) data for carbon monoxide
Molecular formula: CO
CAS No: 630-08-0
EC No: 211-128-3
Physical data
Appearance: Colourless gas
Melting point: -205 C
Critical temperature -140 C
Boiling point: -192 C
Specific gravity:
Vapour pressure:
Flash point:
Explosion limits: 12.5 - 74 vol% in air
Autoignition temperature 620 C
Stable. May react violently with oxidants; readily forms an explosive mixture with air. Extremely flammable. Note the wide explosion limits.
Toxic by inhalation. Odourless and colourless, so no indication exists of its presence in a room. May impair fertility or cause harm to the unborn child. Delayed adverse effects possible. Typical LTEL 50 ppm, typical STEL 300 ppm.
Risk phrases
(The meaning of any risk phrases which appear in this section is given
R12 R23 R33 R48 R61.
Personal protection
The use of effective ventilation, such as a good fume hood, is essential.
Safety phrases
(The meaning of any safety phrases which appear in this section is given
S9 S16 S33 S45 S53.
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This information was last updated on September 4, 2003. Although we have tried to make it as accurate and useful as possible, we can take no responsibility for its use or misuse.