
Shogi Presets for Game Courier

Here is a selection of four Shogi presets. Each one enforces, or at least is supposed to enforce, most of the rules, even the rule against checkmating the King with a Pawn drop. Besides enforcing rules, these presets spot check, checkmate, and stalemate. When it spots one of these conditions, it will display a message above the board. They also automate capturing and forced promotion, and they allow the use of the * operator for dropping captured pieces without specifying the off-board location of the captured piece. None yet enforce the rule against perpetual check, a rule I haven't found a clear definition of yet. To select a preset, click on the appropriate image.

These presets are brand new as of January 13, 2005, and they might have bugs. Since these presets are stored in separate files instead of being inserted into each log, I will be able to debug them, as need be, without interrupting any games. If you find a bug, please report it to Fergus Duniho. If you find that the preset allows certain illegal moves, do not send the illegal move to your opponent. Just report to me what kind of illegal move is allowed. Otherwise, when I fix the bug, your game would break. As long as every move you send is legal, bug fixes to the code should not break your game.

Written by Fergus Duniho
WWW Page Created: 23 January 2002.

Game Courier Logs

Game Courier Logs for Games of Shogi

Click on the above link to view logs of Shogi played on Game Courier.


Author: Fergus Duniho.

See also


This item is a play-by-email page,
It belongs to categories: Two dimensional, Oriental, Shogi, or Shogi-based
It was last modified on: 2005-03-08
 Author: Fergus  Duniho. Shogi. (9x9, Cells: 81) (Recognized!)
2005-03-10Fergus Duniho Verified as Fergus DunihoNoneI have now darkened the edges of the Motif Shogi pieces, shown in the bottom right image on this page, so that they show up well on the sodalite blue board, shown in the bottom left image on this page. I did this by means of a filter I wrote for darkening greys, where a grey is defined as any pixil whose red, green, and blue values are all equal.Edit
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2005-01-14Fergus Duniho Verified as Fergus DunihoNone
I have updated the Shogi presets to spot check, checkmate, and stalemate,
and they can now also enforce the rule against checkmating the King with a
Pawn drop. They can also now use aliases for promoted pieces that each
equal the label for its unpromoted state with a + sign in front.
To see the code behind this, check out one of the presets, such as this
and the include file used for all Shogi presets:
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2004-02-14Fergus Duniho Verified as Fergus DunihoNoneFor the present, I want to focus on the upcoming multivariant Game Courier tournament. Besides other variants, this tournament should include both Shogi and Kamikaze Mortal Shogi. It looks like Shogi does have the popularity for its own tournament, and this is something we could do in the not too distant future.Edit
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2004-02-14Ludovic Jeantot Verified as Ludovic JeantotGood
Would it be possible to organize a specific Tournament in Shogi's game?
If there were enough volunteers, I would be ready to organize it myself.
Contact me.
          Ludovic Jeantot
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Last Modified: Fri, 20 May 2005 20:07:44 -0400
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