Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain
This section provides information on the functions and structure of the Society, covering: key documents about the Society and its history, the Society's business plan and annual review, the annual British Pharmaceutical Conference, meetings at the Society, people and structures, the Council and its work, devolution/national pharmacy boards, awards and scholarships, job vacancies at the Society, how to complain about the society.
This section provides information on pharmacy careers, pharmacy education policy, undergraduate education including links to schools of pharmacy, preregistration training, the roles of pharmacy support staff, and working in other countries.
This section provides information on areas of support for the profession including registering with the Society, fee structure and payment of fees, updating personal details, clinical governance, audit resources, CPD, postgraduate courses and further training, leadership in pharmacy.
This section provides information on the Society's work as a regulator, including fitness to practise standards, codes of ethics, the pharmacy inspectorate and its roles, how to complain about a pharmacist, pharmacy premises or pharmacy technician, and the Society's disciplinary committees.
This section covers the Society's information resources including the press office, library, advisory services, and museum; it also gives quick links to downloadable documents published by the Society.
This section provides information on the wider world of pharmacy, covering: current developments in pharmacy, the use of medicines, science, practice research, working with other UK and international bodies, events and meetings.