
LASD - Lakewood Station


The city of Paramount maintains a substation which the citizens of Paramount can use.. The substation is located at 15001 Paramount Blvd. Suite C Paramount, CA 90723

Business Phone: (562) 220-2002

Hours of Operation:
0730 - 2100 (Sun. - Sat.)


Location Map:
click on map to view details


The city of Paramount provides general law enforcement, traffic enforcement, crime investigation and Special Assignment Officers. Deputies assigned to patrol unit perform basic duties such as:

* Responding to the scene of a crime or an accident
* Interview suspects, witnesses
* Writing crime reports
* Responding to radio calls
* Monitoring any suspicious activity
* Arresting criminals and collecting evidence
* Collecting evidence
* Respond to citizen’s questions and complaints

You can contact the city of Paramount- Service area Lieutenant at (562) 220-2188


The Special Assignement Officers (S.A.O.) team is a group of highly trained personnel that are tasked with handling a variety of public safety and quality of life issues for the city of Paramount. The team conducts various operations, which include probation searches, parole searches, search warrants, Section 8 compliance checks, DUI checkpoints to name but a few. Team members also participate in a multitude of city functions and events. A recent addition to the team includes a dedicated crime scene fingerprint technician.

You can reach the Paramount S.A.O. Team at (562) 220-2002