
Wyoming Fact Sheet: WY agriculture income population food education employment farms top commodities exports counties financial indicators poverty organic farming farm income America USDA free

  • ️USDA Economic Research Service
  • ️Thu Aug 31 2006
Population, Income, Education, and Employment
Farm Characteristics
Farm Financial Indicators
Top Commodities, Exports, and Counties
About the State Fact Sheets

Data updated August 31, 2006

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Population, Income, Education, and Employment

  Rural * Urban * Total
    1980 329,052 140,505 469,557
    1990 319,220 134,368 453,588
    2000 345,642 148,140 493,782
    2005 (latest estimates) 354,332 154,962 509,294

More information on Wyoming population
County-level Population Data
Rural Population and Migration Briefing Room
• Contact John Cromartie, 202-694-5421.

  Rural * Urban * Total
Per-capita income (2004 dollars)
    2003 32,530 34,535 33,139
    2004 33,599 35,832 34,279
    Percent change 3.3 3.8 3.4
Earnings per job (2004 dollars)
    2003 33,228 37,886 34,636
    2004 34,087 39,020 35,584
    Percent change 2.6 3.0 2.7
Poverty rate (percent)
    1979 8.3 6.9 7.9
    1989 12.2 11.0 11.9
    1999 11.9 10.3 11.4
    2003 (latest model-based estimates) 10.7 10.9 10.8

More information on Wyoming poverty rates
County-level Poverty Data
Rural Income, Poverty, and Welfare Briefing Room
• See important notes about decennial and model-based intercensal poverty estimates
• Contact Robert Gibbs, 202-694-5423

Education (Persons 25 and older)
  Rural * Urban * Total
Percent not completing high school
    1980 23.6 18.7 22.1
    1990 17.7 15.3 17.0
    2000 12.5 11.3 12.1
Percent completing high school only
    1980 40.0 39.8 40.0
    1990 34.5 29.9 33.2
    2000 32.1 28.3 31.0
Percent completing some college
    1980 19.9 22.8 20.8
    1990 29.8 34.2 31.1
    2000 33.4 38.5 35.0
Percent completing college
    1980 16.5 18.7 17.2
    1990 18.0 20.5 18.8
    2000 21.9 21.9 21.9

More information on Wyoming education
County-level Education Data
Rural Labor and Education Briefing Room
• Contact Robert Gibbs, 202-694-5423

  Rural * Urban * Total
Total number of jobs
    2003 238,542 103,352 341,894
    2004 243,661 106,161 349,822
Unemployment rate (percent)
    2004 3.8 4.1 3.9
    2005 3.5 3.8 3.6

More information on Wyoming unemployment rates
County-level Unemployment and Median Household Income Data
Rural Labor and Education Briefing Room
• Contact Lorin Kusmin, 202-694-5429
Percent employment change
    2002-2003 1.1 2.3 1.5
    2003-2004 2.2 2.0 2.1
    2004-2005 1.6 0.5 1.3
Percent of 2002 employment in farm and farm-related jobs
Total 15.6 11.0 14.2
    Production 4.6 1.4 3.7
    Farm inputs 0.3 0.1 0.2
    Processing & marketing 0.5 0.0 0.4
    Wholesale & retail trade 9.5 9.2 9.4

More information on farm employment
Farm and Farm-Related Employment data
• Contact Alex Majchrowicz, 202-694-5355
* Urban and rural (metro and nonmetro) defintions are based on the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) June 2003 classification. See Measuring Rurality: New Definitions in 2003 for more information.
More information on socioeconomic conditions
Rural Emphasis Page
• Contact Tim Parker, 202-694-5435.

Farm Characteristics

1992, 1997 and 2002 Census of Agriculture
  1992 1997 2002
Total land area (million acres) 62.15 62.15 62.14
    Total farmland (million acres) 32.88 34.30 34.40
        Percent of total land area 52.9 55.2 55.4
        Cropland (million acres) 2.84 3.03 2.99
            Percent of total farmland 8.6 8.8 8.7
            Percent in pasture 25.4 24.3 30.3
            Percent irrigated 38.7 39.4 32.1
            Harvested Cropland (million acres) 1.53 1.80 1.30
        Woodland (million acres) 0.79 0.76 0.72
            Percent of total farmland 2.4 2.2 2.1
            Percent in pasture 90.3 90.6 81.8
        Pastureland (million acres) 28.95 30.19 30.25
            Percent of total farmland 88.1 88.0 87.9
        Land in house lots, ponds, roads,
        wasteland, etc. (million acres)
0.30 0.32 0.44
            Percent of total farmland 0.9 0.9 1.3
Conservation and organic practices
        Farmland in conservation or wetlands
         reserve programs (million acres)
0.19 0.24 0.26
            Percent of total farmland 0.6 0.7 0.7
        Certified organic farms, all commodities (number) N/A N/A 13
        Value of all organic commodities sold ($1,000's) N/A N/A 268
            Certified organic farms, crops (number) N/A N/A 7
            Land used to raise certified organic crops (acres) N/A N/A 2,236
Average farm size (acres) 3,772 3,633 3,651
Farms by size (percent)
            1 to 99 acres 23.4 25.3 31.0
            100 to 499 acres 26.1 25.0 24.4
            500 to 999 acres 12.4 11.6 10.2
            1000 to 1,999 acres 10.1 10.3 8.7
            2,000 or more acres 28.1 27.8 25.6
Farms by sales (percent)
            Less than $9,999 36.7 38.6 46.8
            $10,000 to $49,999 28.0 29.0 23.5
            $50,000 to $99,999 13.6 12.4 10.6
            $100,000 to $499,999 18.8 17.2 16.0
            More than $500,000 2.5 2.8 3.2
Tenure of farmers
        Full owner (farms) 4,051 4,878 5,560
            Percent of total 46.5 51.7 59.0
        Part owner (farms) 3,436 3,410 3,082
            Percent of total 39.4 36.1 32.7
        Tenant owner (farms) 1,229 1,155 780
            Percent of total 14.1 12.2 8.3
Farm organization
        Individuals/family, sole proprietorship (farms) 6,781 7,349 7,566
            Percent of total 77.8 77.8 80.3
        Family-held corporations (farms) 788 877 680
            Percent of total 9.0 9.3 7.2
        Partnerships (farms) 976 972 928
            Percent of total 11.2 10.3 9.8
        Non-family corporations (farms) 52 60 66
            Percent of total 0.6 0.6 0.7
        Others - cooperative, estate or trust,
        institutional, etc. (farms)
119 185 182
            Percent of total 1.4 2.0 1.9
Characteristics of principal farm operators
        Average operator age (years) 53.4 54.3 54.1
        Percent with farming as their primary occupation 64.4 59.6 61.1
        Men (persons) 7,922 8,503 7,890
        Women (persons) 794 940 1,532

More information on farm characteristics
Census of Agriculture
• Contact NASS Customer Service, 1-800-727-9540.

Data from the 1992 Census of Agriculture is not adjusted for coverage. See Coverage Adjustment from NASS.

Farm Financial Indicators

Farm income and value added data
  2004 2005
Number of farms 9,200 9,200
  Thousands $
       Final crop output 135,743 160,105
+     Final animal output 906,031 913,396
+     Services and forestry 180,151 209,339
=   Final agricultural sector output 1,221,925 1,282,839
-      Intermediate consumption outlays 652,839 731,257
+     Net government transactions 276 87,817
=   Gross value added 569,362 639,399
-      Capital consumption 124,176 131,043
=   Net value added 445,186 508,356
-    Factor payments 181,255 208,520
         Employee compensation (total hired labor) 89,887 108,617
         Net rent received by nonoperator landlords 15,806 12,450
         Real estate and nonreal estate interest 75,562 87,453
=   Net farm income 263,931 299,836

More information on farm income
Farm Income Data
Farm Income and Costs Briefing Room
• Contact Roger Strickland, 202-694-5592.

Farm balance sheet
• Estimation of State-level Balance Sheets has been suspended. See the Farm Balance Sheet data page for more information.

Top Commodities, Exports, and Counties

Top 5 agriculture commodities, 2005
  Value of receipts
thousand $
Percent of state total
farm receipts
Percent of US value
1. Cattle and calves 718,833 74.4 1.5
2. Hay 40,089 4.2 0.8
3. Sugar beets 33,860 3.5 3.1
4. Sheep and lambs 30,126 3.1 5.4
5. Hogs 27,052 2.8 0.2
All commodities 965,745   0.4

More information on Wyoming's top agriculture commodities
Leading commodities for cash receipts
• Contact Larry Traub, 202-694-5593.
Top 5 agriculture exports, estimates, FY 2005
  Rank among states Value
million $
1. Feeds and fodders 35 10.6
2. Seeds 27 9.0
3. Feed grains and products 35 8.0
4. Wheat and products 42 7.4
5. Vegetables and preparations 32 3.9
Overall rank 45 44.5

More information on agricultural exports
State Export Data
Agricultural Trade Briefing Room
• Contact Nora Brooks, 202-694-5211.
Top 5 counties in agricultural sales 2002
  Percent of state total receipts Million $
1.     Goshen County 13.8 119.5
2.     Platte County 9.2 79.9
3.     Laramie County 7.6 65.5
4.     Fremont County 6.9 59.9
5.     Park County 6.1 52.9
State total   863.9

More information on agricultural sales
Census of Agriculture
• Contact NASS Customer Service, 1-800-727-9540.

Data Sources

Prepared by Economic Research Service, USDA, Washington, DC.