
USC School of International Relations- Hayward Alker

School of International Relations
Von KleinSmid Center, 328
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0043
(213) 740-2152

Professor Alker's current main interest is in world order. With Tahir Amin, Thomas Biersteker and Takashi Inoguchi, Professor Alker is also finishing a book on World Order Debates. The book reviews major currents of international relations theory in the last century or so, with separate chapters on political security, political economy, political community formation and political ecology. It will conclude with a synthesis of contrasting visions of world order and world disorder and a discussion of the dialectics of civilizations.

A second major interest is in the development of information resources for anticipating, preventing, managing violent intergroup and interstate conflicts around the world. This includes the development of qualitative and quantitative information bases on past and present conflict-handling successes and failures, the empowerment of networks of scholars and activists concerned with conflict prevention and management, and the development of new computer-assisted information handling, analysis and forecasting tools. He has just published a book on the Conflict Early Warning Systems project in this area of his interest.

Professor Alker teaches "Historical and Social Science Research Methodology", "Advanced IR Theory", and "Order and Disorder in Global Affairs," and an interdisciplinary course on "Complex Models of Cognitive Social and Ecological systems."

Major Publications: Journey Through Conflict (2001) Rediscoveries and Reformulations: Humanistic Methodologies of International Studies (1996); Challenging Boundaries (1996, coedited with Shapiro); Mathematics and Politics (1965, translated into Spanish and French); World Politics in the General Assembly (with Russett, 1966); Analyzing Global Interdependence (with Bloomfield and Choucri, 1976); and Dialectical Logics for the Political Sciences (an edited collection, 1982).

He has published articles in journals such as: American Political Science Review, World Politics, International Studies Quarterly, Proceedings, American Society for International Law, Millennium, Revue Francaise de Sociologie, Social Science Information, and The Review (of the F. Braudel Center).

Ph.D.: Yale University
Fields: Core Theory & Methods, International Politics & Security, and Culture, Gender & Global Society.