
ACD/Free Stuff: ChemSketch 10.0 Freeware

NEW: Starting September 2006, ACD/ChemSketch Freeware Is Updated to Version 10.0: See What's New

Advanced Chemistry Development, Inc. (ACD/Labs) is renowned for our expertise in many areas of chemistry. From industry standard systematic Nomenclature, PhysChem, and NMR prediction software to structure-enabled Spectroscopy, Spectrometry, and Chromatography data management tools, we offer an unsurpassed range of products that facilitate the research process and make teaching more memorable and rewarding.

In addition to our expert analytical, naming, and physicochemical tools, we also offer chemical drawing (ACD/ChemSketch) and databasing (ACD/ChemFolder) products. Affordable online access to many of our software products is enabled through ACD/Labs Online service.

While our freeware version is substantial, our full-featured commercial version offers even more advanced features. Click here to view a comparison of our freeware and full-featured versions.

An Academic Site Licensing Program that covers the commercial versions of ACD/ChemSketch, ACD/ChemFolder, and ACD/Labs Online (I-Lab) is also available to our customers in the field of education. Through this program, students and young researchers are empowered with our modern professional software for less than the cost of an average lab manual or scientific calculator. We also donate licenses of freeware ACD/ChemSketch to academic and educational institutions. Read more on our pages for Educators.


Download is available as a "complete package" with all manuals and its own installer: chemsk10.exe (26 MB). In addition, to help those who do not have a reliable Internet connection and cannot download the whole file at once, we have split the software into several fragments that can be re-built to obtain the complete package.

Please note, this software is for personal, home and educational use only, but can be downloaded for a 30-day trial period by users in commercial and for-profit organizations.

Bookmark this page to review the product information and FAQs, view demonstration movies, and also download manuals and related freeware products, summarized below.

Note: ChemSketch 10.0 freeware is not compatible with other versions of free and commercial ACD/Labs software and should be installed separately.

We do not provide technical support for our freeware products. If you have any questions, please refer to the FAQ page. If your question is not answered there, please check the ACD/Labs Freeware Forum to see if other users have dealt with the same issues (feel free to share your wisdom too!). To use the newsgroup, your browser must be capable of supporting the newsgroup protocol (NNTP).

To access the ACD/Labs Online (I-Lab) site, you can use ACD/I-Lab Add-on for ChemSketch that is part of your Freeware package. Through this add-on, you can draw your molecule in ChemSketch, click on the "I-Lab" button, and your input molecule will then be immediately sent to ACD/Labs Online for a variety of predictions: NMR spectra, logP and pKa, and IUPAC name generation, among other things.

For Linux users, we are still offering ACD/ChemSketch Freeware (Linux-compatible version) that can be run with Code Weavers' CrossOver Office. A technical note is available which describes the steps necessary to set up your software. Support for the Freeware version of ACD/ChemSketch, and this implementation, is not available from ACD/Labs. ACD/Labs provides this information to help Linux users get easy access to the best Chemical Drawing package available, free of charge.

ACD/ChemSketch Freeware Resources:

Related products:

  • ChemBasic for ChemSketch 10.0—Now included with the ChemSketch download package
    Programming language similar to Basic for chemists to create their own customized applications in the ChemSketch interface.
  • ACD/TLC Plate Tool
    Recreate TLC plates in our popular structure drawing tool, ACD/ChemSketch.
  • Instructions for Authors for ChemSketch
    If you are preparing a manuscript for publication, or simply want to have a standard style for your reports, you should download this Add-on for ChemSketch. It is a useful compendium of style descriptions, style sheets (PDF format), and web site links for chemical, biochemical, and related journals.
  • ACD/ChemSketch (SK2) File Format Description
    If you want to design your software so that it will read in or create output in ACD/ChemSketch format, this is the document you need.

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