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IST Event 2006, Helsinki, 21-23
November 2006
IST 2006 includes a high-level conference conference, an Exhibition of
cutting edge research results from across Europe and a programme of networking
sessions and workshops, with the exhibition and networking programmes defined by
participants via this website.
Latest news (17/10/2006) : nearly 2500 participants have now registered.
IST 2006 Conference website
Radio Frequency Identification Conference, 16 October, Brussels
conference on Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) closed the series of
consultation initiatives which Mrs Viviane Reding, Commissioner for the
Information and Media, announced at CeBIT 2006. The online public consultation,
which the Commission launched on 3 July (see IP/06/909) and which ended on 17
September 2006, caught the attention of many citizens and organisations: 2190
respondents - a record for such consultations - submitted the questionnaire. The
results of the public consultation will feed into a Commission Communication to
the Council and the European Parliament that the Commission intends to adopt at
the end of 2006.
Programme (.pdf) |
RFID Consultation website |
Making sense of today's media content: Commission begins public media
literacy consultation
(6/10/2006) As new information and communication technologies make it ever
easier for anyone to publish, broadcast or communicate, so the ability to judge
the true merit of media content and make conscious choices – or 'media literacy'
– becomes ever more essential for active citizenship and democracy. To cultivate
and improve media literacy in the digital age, the European Commission today
opened an EU-wide survey of best practices, and will set out its findings and
proposals in a Communication in 2007. The survey questionnaire seeks the
public's views on media literacy in connection with digital technologies, and
information about initiatives in commercial communications, film and the online
world. The deadline for replies is 15 December.
Public consultation
Audiovisual and Media Services Directive : discussion in European
(5/10/2006) The European Parliament's Committee on the Internal
Market and Consumer Protection (IMCO) will today discuss and vote an opinion on
the Audiovisual and Media Services Directive, the former
Television without Frontiers Directive (COM(2005) 646 Final).
Provisional IMCO draft opinion
Press pack
Intelligent clothes: a new concept of “wearability”
(4/10/2006) Clothing
that monitors your heartbeat or respiration, textiles capable of absorbing
smells or reducing transpiration, fabrics moistening the skin: European
scientists are creating a whole new world by actively developing intelligent
clothing. Futuris, a new Euronews magazine produced in collaboration with the
European Commission, features stories on European research and will highlight on
5 October new exciting intelligent clothing. Each story is broadcast in 7
languages and shown several times. Previous topics covered included "ICT and the
World Cup" and "Intelligent Cars". You can also watch these programmes after
their 1st airing on the Euronews website.
Futuris website
Good practice website on
broadband rollout : survey launched
(27/9/2006) The Information Society and Media Directorate General and the IANIS+ project
have just launched a survey to assess the interest from local and regional
authorities in a good practice web site on broadband rollout (virtual Broadband
Exchange). The web site could act as a repository for regional/local
plans/initiatives and calls for tender for broadband infrastructure and
services, facilitate information on relevant EU policies and regulation, ease
the sharing of experiences on broadband deployment, procurement strategies,
provide examples of Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), and facilitate
collaboration with other public authorities in aggregating broadband demand
particularly in remote and rural areas. IANIS+ (Innovative Actions Network for
the Information Society) is an Innovative Action project coordinated by eris@
(The European Regional Information Society Association).
Survey |
i2010 >
Digital divide |
Culture & Society >
eInclusion |
Regions & World >
About this Portal
The last few years have
witnessed a transformation in the industrial landscape of the developed
world. Tele-communications liberalisation, the explosive growth of the
Internet and the increasingly networked nature of business and society all
point to one thing - the birth of the Information Society (IS).
Developing a successful European Information
Society is at the very heart of the EU's
Goal" of becoming the world's most dynamic and competitive economy by
2010. By its very nature, the Information Society cuts
across traditional boundaries, so this thematic portal is your guide through all
relevant EU
policies and
activities ...