
Titagarh Industries Ltd. - Paper Mills

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paper_mils5.jpg (15697 bytes)"Titagarh Paper Mills Company Limited", one of the Premier Paper Manufacturing Companies producing High Quality Speciality Paper including Security Paper and having two Paper Mills, Paper Mill No. 1 located at Titagarh (30 Kms. from Calcutta), and Mill No. 2 located at Kakinara (40 kms. from Calcutta) was acquired by Titagarh Industries Limited (TIL) in November, 1994. Both the mills are endowed with excellent infrastructural support.

Mill - 1 employs Eco-friendly paper manufacturing process. TPM has set up facilities in Mill No. 1 to manufacture De-inked pulp (Capacity 300 tpd) by recycling waste paper old and over issued newspaper. Future diversification in Mill - 1 includes installation of Fine Grade Paper machines to manufacture Cigarette Tissues and Light Weight Coated papers.

Mill - 2 employs conventional paper manufacturing process and the main Raw Material is Bamboo/Wood.

Mills have expansion / modernisation plans and after implementation of the same  TPM will have facilities for manufacturing of Printing & Writing Paper (66000 t/a), Low Grammage Paper (9900 t/a) and Newsprint (99000 t/a).

Present product range includes - Board paper, S.S. Maplitho, Colour printing paper, Laid & Wove papers, Cartridge paper, Project Poster paper, Duplex and Coated Boards, M.G. Kraft, Stamp Base paper and Non-judicial impressed stamp paper.

Products under development - MG & MF tissue, Cigarette tissues, Grease proof, Release Base paper and Newsprint.

All aspects of the project are being monitored by a highly qualified team of experienced professional managers and technicians and hence, on completion of the project TPM would be a dominant player in quality papers catering to the needs of the  Domestic as well as the International market.
