
Washington Blade Online

Washington Blade Advertising Information
There’s no better way to build your business than through the pages of the Washington Blade. The nation’s most respected gay and lesbian newspaper, we reach more than 100,000 readers each and every week.

Founded in 1969, the Blade has an established reputation for local and national news coverage, hard-hitting editorials and provocative op-ed pages. Factor in our comprehensive lifestyle coverage, with guides to theatre, dining and local arts and entertainment, and it’s no wonder more men and women pick it up every Friday.

Averaging more than 120 pages per issue and distributed at more than 700 locations throughout the metropolitan area, the Washington Blade is the authoritative gay news source for the nation’s capital. From Dupont Circle to Capitol Hill, Arlington to Alexandria, and Silver Spring to Gaithersburg and Rehoboth Beach, we’ve got the pulse on the region’s growing gay and lesbian community.

Be seen. Be heard. Experience the power of niche marketing. Enjoy the value of our advertising options. Advertise in the Washington Blade.

Ad Submissions
Email electronic ad files to displayads@washblade.com. Please call your representative for instructions on submitting ads in other mediums. See Production Specifications & Policies for more details on file formats, etc.

To Advertise
New Advertisers: Please email Sales@washblade.com or call Scott Greene, Director of Local Advertising, (202) 797-7000 ext. 222.

Existing Advertisers: Please contact your account executive listed below:

Kevin Smith

Scott Greene

Trey Gossage

Stephanie Murib

Kimberly Akuna

Jeanni Centofanti

Nicholas DiBlasio

Brian Pitts

research | production | ad sizes | ad rates | inserts | classifieds | online ads

gay market muscle

loyal. educated. affluent.
Targeting D.C.’s gay and lesbian community makes sense. A quick glance at our readers* proves it:

Median age is 41 (vs. 42)
85% are between 25-54 (vs. 62%)

92% are employed (vs. 70%)
70% are professionals, managers, technicians
or proprietors (vs. 32%)

Individual Income
Median is $57,200/year (vs. $33,500)
Household Income
Median income is $84,000 (vs. $63,000)

79% are college graduates (vs. 37%)
42% hold postgraduate degrees

96% were very/somewhat likely to use a product or service advertised in the Blade, and 97% took some action within the last 12 months
65% use the Blade when planning leisure activities

*Source: A survey of Washington Blade readers by Simmons Market Research, April 2000. The comparison figures (in parentheses) reflect all adults in the Washington Metropolitan Area, as compiled by the Simmons Market Research 1999 “National Consumer Survey.”

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production specifications & policies

MAC Format: Quark 4.1 or earlier .qx /Photoshop .tif / Adobe Acrobat .pdf files (fonts must be embedded) ONLY on CD or sent via e-mail to your account executive or displayads@washblade.com. 150-line screen with a resolution of 300 pixels/inch. Max density of 240. Please supply a laser print copy of the ad for accuracy. Make sure all images and fonts are included on the disk when sending Quark files. Files can be stuffed with Stuffit. All artwork or copy produced by Window Media remains property of Window Media.

Deadlines: Space reservation and materials due 5 PM Wednesday, 9 days prior to publication. Camera-ready artwork due noon Monday prior to publication (Eclipse: Thursday 8 days prior).

advertising responsibility
Window Media reserves the right to reject any advertisement submitted, as well as the right to print the word “advertisement” on any ad that, in our opinion, resembles editorial copy. We assume no responsibility for artwork or photographs left with us 30 days or longer after the last contract insertion date. The advertiser and/or advertising agency agrees to indemnify and hold harmless from and against any loss or expenses resulting from any disputes or legal claims.

rate protection clause
When new rates are announced, the advertiser is protected at their agreement rate throughout the term of their contract.

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display ad sizes

Premium Full: Inside front and back. Subject to availability.
Four Color Process: $300 per insertion.
Guaranteed Placement: Subject to availability. Call for pricing.

Please call for National Rates.
Multiple publication discounts of 10%.
Charges applied to any production or modification change of advertisements.
Rates apply only to customers in print editions under contract and in good standing.

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advertising inserts
Specifications for Machine Inserting $60 per thousand, minimum 10,000. Neighborhood targeting by zip code is available, but not perfect.

Inserter Specifications
Host piece: Maximum 12” x 18”, Minimum 6-1/2” x 8”
Inserts: Maximum 12” x 18”, Minimum 4” x 6” Minimum 3/8” lap: unless it is a 4 page or Quarter folded piece. Pocket thickness maximum 3/8” (for host piece or insert).
Total package thickness maximum 2” (all pieces.) Maximum number of pieces: 7 inserted into 1 piece per pass. (Pre-Inserting available). Minimum thickness of 70 lb. text for a single piece.

Placement of inserts
Random placement of insert into each product without a lap will occur.

Options for Placement
• Page Specific = Hand Insertion at additional cost and will incur additional time
• Center Placement = 90% effective must have 3/8” lap

Receiving Information
Please refer to Packing, Shipping & Receiving Instructions for Furnished Materials
A sample of the insert needs to be sent to the Printer’s Customer Service for prior approval. (2 weeks prior to actual insertion). All inserts are scheduled through our Marketing Manager.

NOTE: In order to properly handle your insert order, inserts must be delivered seven to ten working days prior to the insert date!

Ship to: AFL Web Printing • 2 Executive Drive • Voorhees, NJ 08043 • Phone 856.566.1270 • FAX 856.566.0110

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Classified Advertising

Washington Blade Classifieds
Washington Blade classifieds are fast, easy and affordable. 25 words or less for $17.50. Your ad appears in both the print and online issues. Each additional word is just 75¢.

Increase your response rate
Hyperlink your Web site of e-mail address for an additional $2 per week, add a Headline for $10, bold or box the entire advertisement for $5 more. Include a photograph or logo for just $35.

Take advantage of frequency discounts
Run an ad for 10 weeks and take 10% off the purchase price, or place it for 20 weeks and save 20%. Run a Real Estate ad for 4 weeks with a 20% discount. No refunds.

The deadline for Blade Classifieds is Tuesday at 5:30 PM for the same week’s publication. Call toll free at 877.863.1885.

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Online Advertising Rates
Online advertising is one of the most effective ways to enhance your print campaign. Now it’s also one of the cheapest. The Washington Blade can help you find a solution that best fits your electronic advertising needs for a lot less than you’d expect.

Website Banner Info
Unique Visitors Per Day: 500,000+

6 Website Areas
General (all areas)
Local Life
Home (includes Classifieds and About Us)

Please email Sales@washblade.com or Scott Greene , Director of Local Advertising at (202) 797-7000 ext 222 for more detailed information.

Online banner rates are weekly and run from Friday to Friday in conjunction with the print edition. The Washington Blade offers a selection of 6 different banner advertisements:

  • Skyscraper Ad 120 x 600 pixels
  • Little Skyscraper Ad 120 x 240 pixels
  • Big Box Ad 300 x 250 pixels
  • Medium Box Ad 120 x 90 pixels
  • Small Box Ad 120 x 60 pixels
  • Menu Box Ad 100 x 60 pixels

Technical Specifications
Formats accepted
.gif, jpeg, flash/.swf, .gif animation
*Sorry, we do not accept .png files

File Size Restrictions
Skyscraper and Big Box Ads
maximum file size 30 kilobytes for jpeg or .gif files, 50 kilobytes for Flash /.swf files or .gif animation.

Little Skyscraper
Medium and Small Box Ads - maximum file size 20 kilobytes for jpeg or .gif files, 40 kilobytes for flash /.swf files or .gif animation

Flash Ads
All flash ads may only rotate once. All flash ads must be submitted without any sound or music files embedded in their code. Also, the URL or email address for the ad must be built into the ads code and must be designed to open a new window for the webpage to load.

Additional Specifications
Online banner rates are weekly and are subject to random rotation and availability.

Current rates apply to re-launch window only and are subject to change. Big Box Ads not available on main page.

Online advertisements available only with purchase of coinciding print advertisements.

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