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"Brainwashed" is a three-part serial/telefilm from the fourth and final season of Pinky and the Brain, an Emmy Award-winning animated television series that’s distributed by Warner Bros. Animation and Amblin Entertainment. Originally televised in 1998 as a serialized version on Kids' WB, this episode is divided into three parts, airing between September 14 and September 16. Pinky and Brain stumble into a global conspiracy, and a trendy dance called the Schmëerskåhøvên is at the center of it all.
<< Sadržaj >> Početak ustanka u Srbiji Povratak janjičara značio je povratak zuluma i početak novog zla. Nasilno izgnanstvo nije ih mnogo učinilo mudrijim. Mustafa-paša znao je dobro da će s...