
International ISBN Agency - ISBN Standard Revision

ISBN Users' Manual

The ISBN Users' Manual for the new standard that will be used from 2007 is now available as a pdf document.

Guidelines for local ISBN agencies on the Implementation of 13-digit ISBNs

The guidelines for local ISBN agencies on the Implementation of 13-digit ISBNs (Revised February 2006) are available as a PDF-file here.

Guidelines for the Implementation of 13-digit ISBNs

We hope that you are aware of the current revision of the ISBN standard (ISO 2108) and the important changes that will be made in the number structure, scope and governance of the ISBN system.
The [revised] Guidelines for the Implementation (french version; german version; spanish version; hungarian version) of 13 Digit ISBNs are intended to provide you with early information and advice concerning the changes in the number itself and the effect that this will have on nearly all book sector systems. The guidelines have been drafted by a subgroup of the ISO committee (ISO/TC46/SC9/WG4) revising the actual standard, with input and advice from a wide range of industry organisations.

Major changes to be aware of, and addressed by the [revised] guidelines, include the following:

  1. The ISBN will change from 10 to 13 digits on 1 January 2007
  2. Existing ISBNs will be prefixed by 978
  3. The resulting 13-digit number will be identical with the EAN-13 number that is currently encoded in the bar code
  4. The 979 prefix will be introduced when the current stock of numbers is exhausted
  5. Publishers' identifier prefixes are not likely to remain the same for ISBNs using the 979 prefix
  6. Bar codes will carry the 13-digit ISBN with hyphenation above the barcode and the EAN-13, the identical number without hyphens or spaces, below the bar code.
We hope that you will find the guidelines helpful and encourage you to distribute them as widely as possible. Any queries, requests for further guidance or suggestions for additional material should be addressed to the International ISBN Agency, E-mail: isbn@sbb.spk-berlin.de

ISO/TC 46/SC 9/Working Group 4
Project 2108: Revision of the ISBN standard

The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is based on an ISO International Standard that was first published in 1972 as ISO 2108.
ISO 2108 specifies the basic structure of an ISBN, the rules for its allocation, and the administration of the ISBN system. ISO 2108 is currently under revision to deal with changes to the ISBN system. For further information please contact the following URL:


Frequently Asked Questions about changes to the ISBN:


French version of the Frequently Asked Questions:


What's New:


Register of project documents for the ISBN revision:


Meeting information:


Project Status:


ISBN-L Discussion List:


Terms of Reference:


Information leaflets for publishers

The International ISBN Agency has prepared handouts in English, French and Spanish to be distributed at the ISBN stand at the Frankfurt Book Fair. These information leaflets are intended for publishers and should also be translated and made available by the national ISBN agencies to their respective customers.

Press Release

Press information about the approval of the Committee Draft of the revised ISBN standard (CD 2108) to Draft International Standard

Press information about the ISBN Revision by Michael Healy (Convenor, ISO TC46/SC9/WG4) and Michael Cairns (Chair, ISBN Executive Committee)

BISG Machine-Readable Coding Committee paper on ISBN issues

As part of the effort to help the publishing industry prepare for the changes, the Book Industry Study Group's Machine Readable Coding Committee has prepared a paper designed to "frame the issues" related to the evolution that is occurring in product identification: