
RocKwiz on SBS


“It’s virtually impossible to watch RocKwiz and not fall profoundly in love with it” -Tony Mc Mahon, Inpress Magazine

“This program is a very cool quiz show cat”
- The Age, Green Guide

RocKwiz is a music trivia quiz show that doesn’t take itself too seriously. It’s an entertaining mix of music, quiz, chat, celebrity guests, and contestants drawn from the live audience, who play off for nothing more than the honour of winning!

Recorded in the fabulous Gershwin Room at Melbourne’s legendary rock headquarters, the Esplanade Hotel in St Kilda, RocKwiz is hosted by Australia’s Brainiest TV Star Julia Zemiro and resident rock brain, Brian Nankervis. The RocKwiz Orkestra (Peter Luscombe, James Black, Mark Ferrie) provides the musical clues and backs the special musical guests in performance.


Click here for episode re-caps

RocKwiz Video Link

Click here to watch RocKwiz highlights!