
DRUM: Item 1903/3506

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Title: The Bureaucratic Politics of Democracy Promotion: The Russian Democratization Project
Authors: Nelson, Susan H.
Advisors: Kaminski, Bartlomiej
Department/Program: Government and Politics
Type: Dissertation
Sponsors: Digital Repository at the University of Maryland
University of Maryland (College Park, Md.)
Keywords: Political Science, General (0615)
Democracy; Russian Federation; Bureaucratic Politics; FREEDOM Support Act
Issue Date: 27-Apr-2006
Abstract: At the outset of the Clinton Administration, relations with Russia and assisting its transition to a market democracy sat at the top of the U.S. foreign policy agenda. Analysis of democracy promotion in Russia in the 1990s reveals three distinct levels of activity. First, through legislation and public statements, the U.S. foreign policy elite set the goals to assist the new independent states of the former Soviet Union in developing the rule of law with an independent judiciary, market economy, plural representative political institutions including free and fair elections, and civil society with independent media. Second, accomplishing these goals fell to the key foreign affairs agencies--the State Department, U.S. Agency for International Development, and the U.S. Information Agency--to translate them into actionable democracy promotion programs. Finally, through federal acquisition regulations and institutional procedures, those agencies conducted competitions and awarded grants...
URI: http://hdl.handle.net/1903/3506
Appears in Collections:UM Theses and Dissertations
Government & Politics Theses and Dissertations

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