The AAEC's 50th Anniversary Convention Gets Underway
National and local press will be covering this week's AAEC convention as editorial
cartoonists from across the continent gather in Washington, D.C., to celebrate
their 50th anniversary. Here are two early articles, one from Editor & Publisher
looking back over the last 50 years of the organization, and a look at the
industry's future in the National Journal:
Be sure to check out E&P Online throughout the week for Dave Astor's daily
reports from the confab. http://www.editorandpublisher.com/
Fell Forced Out of Long-Time Lincoln Gig
Paul Fell's long-term relationship with the Lincoln Journal-Star came to an
abrupt end last week in a dispute over a political donation.
Fell, who has been providing three cartoons a week to the newspaper as a freelancer
since 1992, was let go after his name showed up on a list of journalists who
gave to political campaigns, as compiled by MSNBC.
The newsroom ethics code at the Journal-Star forbids political contributions
by staffers who are involved in political coverage. A staff reporter at the
paper who also made a political donation was allowed to keep her job after
admitting she violated the ethics code and apologized. Fell, however, was let
As columnist Kathleen Rutledge noted in a June 23 column: "Fell's case
differs from [reporter Sylvia] Hermanson's. We pay him to express his own opinion
on matters of public interest through cartoons that appear on the editorial
pages. He is not an employee but a freelancer who is
Full Article]
AAEC's 50th Anniversary to Kick Off Early with Event Open to the Public
Political cartoonists from across North America will descend on Washington,
D.C., the first week of July to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Association
of American Editorial Cartoonists (AAEC). From July 4-7, 2007, over 100 cartoonists
from the AAEC will meet at The Mayflower Hotel for their annual Convention,
as they look back over 50 years of biting commentary, insightful caricature
and ink-smudged criticism — and look ahead to the shifting digital canvas of
the 21st Century.
The confab will kick off early on Tuesday, July 3, with
an event that is open to the public. "Cartoonapalooza: Fireworks in Pen and Ink!" is a rare opportunity
to meet prize-winning political cartoonists in person as they discuss their
most controversial cartoons. Featured cartoonists will include Tom Toles (The
Washington Post), Mike Luckovich (Atlanta Journal Constitution), Mike Peters,
("Mother Goose & Grimm"), Jack Ohman (The Oregonian),
Full Article]
'Rants & Raves' now on GoComics.com
R.C. Harvey is doing a blog for GoComics.com that features excerpts from his
biweekly "Rants & Raves" newsletter at RCHarvey.com, reported
E&P in June. "Rants & Raves" includes Harvey's commentary
on comics, editorial cartoons, and other topics. GoComics.com is the Web site
affiliated with Universal Press Syndicate. Harvey is also an author and comics
historian. He has worked as a freelance cartoonist, too.