This Week in Science - The Kickass Science Podcast » space
Archives for the 'space' Category
This Week in Science - January 15, 2008 Broadcast
Agression = Sex?, Genetics of Disease, Do You Hear What I Hear?, Superconducting Silicon, Fruit Fly Glow, World Robot Domination, The Weird From Washing ton, TWIStribution, Giant Earths and more…
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17 January 2008 | bioethics, biology, chemistry, cognitive science, energy, genetics, medicine, neuroscience, physics, science, science and politics, space, technology, world robot domination |
This Week in Science - January 08, 2008 Broadcast
Happy New Year! As 2007 leaves us, we reminisce about the past year with our Top 11 Science Stories of 2007. Also, we review last year’s predictions, and make new ones for 2008.
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8 January 2008 | animals, biology, end of the world, energy, evolution, genetics, global warming, medicine, paleontology, science, science history, sexy scientists, space, world robot domination |
This Week in Science - December 25, 2007 Broadcast
Merry TWISmas one and all!, Mars Attacked, Mars Alive?, Tracking Santa, Baby Newton, Animal Antics, Whale Tale, MUSIC!!!, World Robot Domination - Power, Tonedeaf Brains, Birds Who Sing Together, More Whales, Animal Discoveries, Stem Cells Arise!
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26 December 2007 | NASA, animals, astrobiology, australia bashing, birds, energy, mammals, paleontology, planets, science, science history, stem cells, whales, world robot domination |
This Week in Science - December 11, 2007 Broadcast
Justin Gets Sick and Quits, Triclocarban and Testosterone, Belief is in the Brain, Mooning Over Saturn, Rest Up, Genetic Bi-Sexuality, & Interview w/ Chris Impey re: Astrobiology
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11 December 2007 | astrophysics, biology, cognitive psychology, evolution, exploration, genetics, mammals, medicine, pharmacology, planets, science, therapies |
This Week in Science - December 04, 2007
Battle of the Brains, Just Like Gorillas, Dakota Duck, Doggie Smarts, Honey Help, Forest Frass, More Foreskin Ranting, Hot Air Injection, Sperm Power, Tree Climbing, Lively Titan?
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4 December 2007 | animals, anthropology, astrobiology, biotechnology, cognitive science, ecology, evolution, exploration, global warming, medicine, molecular biology, nanotechnology, paleontology, petroleum, science |
This Week in Science - October 23, 2007 Broadcast
Kirsten’s at a Conference, Justin’s Worried About Bacteria, Robots Really Are Revolting, And Watson Has An Issue, Along With The Weird From Washington w/ Dr. Michael Stebbins.
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25 October 2007 | bioethics, biotechnology, energy conservation, engineering, microbiology, robots, science, science and politics, science history, space, world robot domination |
This Week in Science - October 09, 2007 Broadcast
Appendi-bug-house, See the Station!, Relativity Easy, Danger From Space, Plastic Steel, This Week in The End of The World (Justin gets ranty), The Wierd From Washington, TWIStributor Trio, Magnetovision, and Spicy Pain Relief.
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9 October 2007 | ISS, archeology, biology, birds, end of the world, global warming, mathematics, medicine, microbiology, nanotechnology, relativity, science, science and politics, technology |
This Week in Science - September 25, 2007 Broadcast
Hobbittses, Passing On the Changes, To Mars Alice, Sperm Or Death?, Dino Discoveries, The Weird From Washington, and Interview w/ Dr. James Watson (yes, THE Watson of Watson and Crick… don’t look so surprised)
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25 September 2007 | biology, cell biology, evolution, genetics, neuroscience, paleontology, science, science and politics, science history, space, space exploration, stem cells |
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