
Bacterial Nomenclature Up-to-date



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Bacterial Nomenclature Up-to-date
A service provided by the DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany

Genera: A ... L

Genera: M ... Z

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A complete list of the names can be downloaded from our FTP server: bactname.pdf (PDF file), bactname.exe (self-extracting file for MS-DOS systems) or names.txt (uncompressed ASCII text file). To import the list of names into a database or a spreadsheet programme, you can download bactname.zip (compressed Excel file).

Other useful information on bacterial or general nomenclature can be found at

"Bacterial Nomenclature up-to-date" is based on the work of Norbert Weiss, who maintained the database until his retirement in February 2003. The database is based on those names which are validly published according to the Bacteriological Code. The present database is maintained under the supervision of Manfred Kracht, who may be consulted on technical aspects (database or online access). Queries relating to nomenclature or taxonomic interpretation may be addressed to Brian J. Tindall.


During the last decades bacterial taxonomy has undergone remarkable changes. New categories of information of potential taxonomic value have become available (eg chemotaxonomy, DNA base composition, DNA-DNA hybridization, etc) which make possible very fine distinctions between organisms and reveal dissimilarities not detected before. In addition phylogeny has attracted increasing attention and phylogenetic relationships are now an important basis in the classification of bacteria. The integrated use of phenotypic and genotypic characteristics will have great influence not only on classification. It has also strongly influenced bacterial nomenclature and will continue to do so.

The naming of bacteria is controlled by the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria (Lapage et al., 1992). The correct name of a bacterial taxon is based on:

  • 1. Valid publication 
  • 2. Legitimacy 
  • 3. Priority of publication 
Since 1 January 1980, priority of bacterial names is based upon the APPROVED LISTS OF BACTERIAL NAMES (Skerman et al., 1980). Names that were not included in the APPROVED LISTS lost standing in bacterial nomenclature.

Valid publication of new names and new nomenclatural combinations can only be made by publication in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC BACTERIOLOGY (IJSB) / INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SYSTEMATIC AND EVOLUTIONARY MICROCBIOLOGY (IJSEM) (from January 2000), either as an original article or in the "VALIDATION LISTS" regularly appearing in that journal. The VALIDATION LISTS constitute valid publication of new names and new combinations that were previously effectively published outside the IJSB/IJSEM.

Names not considered to be validly published should no longer be used or should be used in quotation marks (e.g."Bacillus mesentericus") to denote that the name is not validly published.

The APPROVED LISTS contain more than 2200 names at the genus level and below and 124 names of higher taxa. 109 Validation Lists have been published (June 2006). To date, the total number of validly published bacterial species names is 7576 of which about 1375 are synonyms belonging to 1457 different named genera of which about 80 are synonyms.

BACTERIAL NOMENCLATURE UP-TO-DATE is a compilation of all bacterial names which have been validly published since January 1 1980 and nomenclatural changes which have been validly published since. It will be updated with the publication of each new issue of the IJSEM.

BACTERIAL NOMENCLATURE UP-TO-DATE is published by the DSMZ-Deutsche Sammlung von Mikroorganismen und Zellkulturen GmbH. It is also available on disk and in a printed version. DSMZ accepts no responsibility for any errors.

The risk group classification is based on the list produced by the German Occupational Safety and Benefit Authority of the Chemical Industry (last edition: 07/2005).