
City of Long Beach, CA - FY04 Budget


As of May 1, 2007 voters chose to change the City Charter to increase the length of time the Mayor has to review the Budget as well as give the Mayor a line-item veto of the City Council's Adopted Budget. The City Manager's Proposed Budget is presented by the City Manager to the Mayor by July 1, and the Mayor releases the City Manager's Proposed Budget with his recommendations to the City Council by August 1. The City Council then has 45 days to adopt the City Manager's Proposed Budget, as amended, on or before September 15. The Mayor has five days to excercise the line-item veto, and to return the Budget to the City Council with any recommended service reductions. The City Council then has until September 30 (the last day of the fiscal year) to overide the veto or adopt the Budget as amended by the Mayor. The Adopted Budget is published by January 15.

Fiscal Year 2008 Proposed Budget - (in 28 sections) Preface, City Manager�s Proposed Budget Message, Understanding the City's Budget (Demographics, Budget Process, General Fund Revenue, Debt Management), Focus on Results , Financial Strategic Plan, Budget Summaries (by department, personnel, and fund),

Budgets by Department: Mayor and City Council, City Attorney,City Auditor, City Clerk, City Manager, City Prosecutor, Civil Service, Community Development, Financial Management, Fire, Harbor, Health and Human Services, Human Resources, Library Services, Long Beach Gas & Oil, Parks, Recreation and Marine, Planning and Building, Police, Public Works, Technology Services, Water

Fund Summaries: General, Special, Internal, Tidelands, Enterprise, Agency, Capital Improvement Plan, Appendices (Glossary, Acronyms, Index, Acknowledgements)

Fiscal Year 2007 Adopted Budget - (in 28 sections) Preface and City Manager�s Proposed Budget Message with Attachments, Ordinannces and Resolutions, Understanding the City's Budget (Demographics, Budget Process, General Fund Revenue, Debt Management), Focus on Results , Financial Strategic Plan, Budget Summaries (by department, personnel, and fund),

Budgets by Department: Mayor and City Council, City Attorney,City Auditor, City Clerk, City Manager, City Prosecutor, Civil Service, Community Development, Financial Management, Fire, Harbor, Health and Human Services, Human Resources, Library Services, Long Beach Gas & Oil, Parks, Recreation and Marine, Planning and Building, Police, Public Works, Technology Services, Water

Fund Summaries: General, Special, Internal, Tidelands, Enterprise, Agency, Capital Improvement Plan,
Appendices (Glossary, Acronyms, Index, Acknowledgements)

Fiscal Year 2007 Proposed Budget (size:4.45 MB)

Fiscal Year 2006 Adopted Budget (in 32 sections)

Preface, Table of Contents, City Manager�s Proposed Budget Messages with Attachments, Ordinances and Resolutions, Understanding the City's Budget (Demographics, Budget Process, General Fund Revenue, Debt Management), Focus on Results - FOR Long Beach, Financial Strategic Plan, Budget Summaries (by department, personnel, and fund),

Budgets by Department:
Mayor and City Council, City Attorney,City Auditor, City Clerk, City Manager, City Prosecutor, Civil Service, Community Development, Financial Management, Fire, Harbor, Health and Human Services, Human Resources, Library Services, Long Beach Energy, Oil Properties, Parks, Recreation and Marine, Planning and Building, Police, Public Works, Technology Services, Water

Fund Summaries: General, Special, Internal, Tidelands, Enterprise, Agency

Capital Improvement Plan, Appendices (Glossary, Acronyms, Index, Acknowledgements)

FY 06 - Mayor's Budget Recomendations, City Manager's Budget Recommendations, Budget Oversight Committee's Recommendations

Proposed FY 06 Budget

Section 1 - Preface, Table of Contents

Section 2 - City Manager�s Proposed Budget Message with Attachments

Section 3 - Understanding the City's Budget, Demographics, Budget Process

Section 4 - General Fund Revenue, Debt Management,

Section 5 - FOR Long Beach, Performance Management Initiatives, Financial Strategic Plan, Budget Summaries

Section 6 - Mayor and City Council, City Attorney,City Auditor

Section 7 - City Clerk, City Manager, City Prosecutor

Section 8 - Civil Service, Community Development

Section 9 - Financial Management, Fire

Section 10 - Harbor, Health and Human Services

Section 11 - Human Resources, Library Services

Section 12 - Long Beach Energy, Oil Properties

Section 13 - Parks, Recreation and Marine, Planning and Building

Section 14 - Police, Public Works

Section 15 - Technology Services, Water

Secton 16 - Fund Summaries (General, Special, Internal, Tidelands, Enterprise, Agency)

Secton 17 - CIP, Appendices

Section 18 - Glossary, Acronyms, Index, Acknowledgements


Section 1 -
Preface, Table of Contents

Section 2 - City Manager�s Adopted Budget Message, Proposed Message, Ordinances

Section 3 - Understanding the City's Budget, Demographics, Budget Process,General Fund Revenue, Debt Management

Section 4 - Performance Management Initiatives, Three-Year Financial Strategic Plan, Budget Summaries

Section 5 - Mayor and City Council, City Attorney,City Auditor, City Clerk

Section 6 - City Manager, City Prosecutor, Civil Service, Community Development

Section 7 - Financial Management, Fire, Harbor, Health and Human Services

Section 8 - Human Resources, Library Services, Long Beach Energy, Oil Properties

Section 9 - Parks, Recreation and Marine, Planning and Building, Police

Section 10 - Public Works, Technology Services, Water

Section 11 - Fund Summaries (General, Special, Internal)

Section 12 - Fund Summaries Tidelands, Enterprise, Agency

Section 13 - CIP, Appendix, Awards

Section 14 - Glossary, Index, Acknowledgements


Section 1 - Preface, Table of Contents, City Manager�s Budget Message

Section 2 - Understanding the City's Budget, Demographics, Budget Process,General Fund Revenue, Debt Management

Section 3 - Performance Management Initiatives, Three-Year Financial Strategic Plan,Budget Summaries

Section 4 - Mayor and City Council, City Attorney,City Auditor, City Clerk, City Manager

Section 5 - City Prosecutor, Civil Service, Community Development, Financial Management, Fire

Section 6 - Harbor, Health and Human Services, Human Resources, Library Services, Long Beach Energy

Section 7 - Oil Properties, Parks, Recreation and Marine, Planning and Building, Police

Section 8 - Public Works, Technology Services, Water

Section 9 - Fund Summaries (6), CIP, Appendix

Section 10 - Awards, Glossary, Index, Acknowledgements


Fiscal Year 2003 Adopted Resource Allocation Plan (9Mb)