

Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear Defence (CBRN)

"CBR" is a general term that covers three distinct groups of hazards:
Chemical. Poisoning or injury caused by chemical substances, including military and ex-military chemical warfare agents or legitimate but harmful household or industrial chemicals.
Biological. Illnesses caused by the deliberate release of dangerous bacteria, viruses or fungi, or biological toxins (e.g. ricin, a natural toxin occurring in plants).
Radiological (radioactive). Illness caused by exposure to harmful radioactive materials contaminating the environment.

The Army deploys the following measures to ensure effective operation during any such attack:

camChemical Agent Monitor (CAM)
CAM is designed to detect and display the level of hazard from Nerve agent or Blister Agent Vapour. It can be used to search for and to locate contamination on personnel, equipment or ground.

lcadLightweight Chemical Agent Detector (LCAD)
LCAD's primary role is to give adequate warning of a Chemical Warfare Agent attack to personnel outside cover of MCAD. LCAD is a small compact chemical agent detector, which continuously sample the atmosphere for nerve, blister, blood or choking agents. LCAD forms the first tier of a two-tier detection system, giving an alarm at levels just below attack concentrations.

mcadManportable Chemical Agent Detector (MCAD)
The MCAD is designed to replace the Nerve Agent Immobilised Enzyme Alarm and Detector (NAIAD). The MCAD will provide an alarm at miosis and attack levels of Chemical Warfare (CW) hazards to enable troops to adopt protective measures and avoid incapacitation. It will also be deployed within collective protection (COLPRO) such as Unhardened Collective Protection Systems (UCPS). MCAD is the second tier in a two-tier detection suite, which will provide balanced protection for UK forces. LCAD will provide the first tier.

radiacRADIAC Detection Meter Reader (RDMR)
The RDMR is used to activate and program the RDM and to store data, post mission. It will operate across a wide range of environmental conditions (-40C - +60C) and is resistant to EMP and TREE. The complete RDMR assembly weighs 6.5 kg and comprises of a case with carrying strap containing the reader.

rdmRADIAC Detection Meter (RDM)
The RDM rapidly detects and quantifies penetrating radiation hazards (ie Neutron, Gamma and X-rays). It will display on demand and store in the range from normal background to 999.999cGy Dose or cGy/hr Dose rate respectively. The instrument can retain data for 10 years, even in the absence of a battery. It has a dust and liquid proof casing and is worn by the use of a lanyard for carriage on a person.

rsmRADIAC Surface Meter (RSM)
The RSM is used for the reconnaissance and survey of areas, where the presence of Gamma emitters is known or suspected. For Gamma reconnaissance and survey, the RSM detects and quantifies both dose-rate and total dose in ranges 0.01uGy/hr - 2,000cGy/hr and 0.01uGy - 2,000cGy, respectively. The surface monitoring of equipment and stores suspected or known to have been contaminated with Alpha, Beta, or Gamma emitting material.

CBRN Links:
The Royal Yeomanry