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Welcome to the website of the Consulate General of the
Dominican Republic in Miami

Message from the Consul Manuel Almanzar Castillo

On behalf of the Honorable President of the Dominican Republic Dr. Leonel Fernandez and the Consulate General of the Dominican Republic in Miami, I want to congratulate the Dominican community resident in South Florida, for the progress and efforts made abroad by overcoming you and the development of our country, I remember we are entirely at his services at the Consulate of Miami, I wish that all Dominicans considered it his home, our sole mission will be to help and protect him and open the doors to the hearing and try to solution problems and needs, please call or visit us no matter their policy position, we will be here for all Dominican Citizens.

Licdo. Manuel Felipe Almanzar Castillo

 Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna          Biography

Dr. Leonel Fernández Reyna
Constitutional President of
the Dominican Republic

Leonel Antonio Fernández was born in Santo Domingo on December 26th, 1953, to José Antonio Fernández Collado and Yolanda Reyna Romero.

Dr. Fernández went to public schools in New York City for the primary schooling of what would later on bloom into a brilliant professional career.

Upon his return to the country, he entered the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), establishing his domicile in the residential sector of Villa Juana, where he spent the first years of his youth. At the time, Dr. Fernández felt attracted to the more advanced ideas emerging in the political debate of the time, and which would soon lead him to study the works of whom would become his mentor and guide, Professor Juan Bosch,



Nuevos Equipos para Pasaportes y Visas


1038 Brickell Av. Miami, Fl. 33131

Phone  (305) 372-0099

E-mail: info@consuladordmiami.org

Information -Click here-

Working hours

Monday through Friday 9:30 AM to 3:00 PM