The Civil War Home Page
- ️Sun Dec 16 2007
Welcome to the Civil War Home Page, one of the largest and most comprehensive collections of Civil War related material available on the Internet.
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View Civil War Battle Maps
1. Battle of Antietam (large file 2,482k)
2. Battle of Gettysburg (large file 2,130k)
3. Battle of Fredericksburg (large file 1,776k)
4. Battle of Shiloh (large file 638k)
5. Andersonville Prison (large file 1,582k)
1. Sullivan Ballou's Letter to his Wife
2. The Gettysburg Address - Abraham Lincoln
3. Timeline of Events Leading to the Civil War
4. Women and the Civil War - Duke University
5. Virginia Military Institute Archives
Most Requested Research Pages
1. Union Troops Furnished and Deaths
2. Official Records - Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, Gettysburg Report
3. North American Slave Narratives
5. Ordinances of Secession of the 13 Confederate States of America
6. Constitution of the Confederate States of America
7. Constitution of the United States
8. Georgia Declaration of Secession
9. Texas Declaration of Secession
10. Mississippi Declaration of Secession
1. Portrait of General Robert E. Lee
2. Portrait of President Abraham Lincoln
3. Portrait of General Thomas Jonathan 'Stonewall' Jackson
4. Three Confederate Prisoners at Gettysburg
5. Photo of General Ulysses S. Grant
1. Constitution of the United States
2. The Bill or Rights and Amendments
4. Declaration of Independence
6. Dyer's (Union) Eastern Department and Armies
7. Dyer's (Union) Western Department and Armies
9. Collection from the Southern Historical Society Papers
10. Born in Slavery: Former Slaves Interviewed in the 1930's
Living History, Reenacting and Personal Collections
On-line Living History, Reenacting and Personal Collections Gallery containing photos from Units, Individuals, Sutlers and Personal Collections.
Click to Enter Gallery or contact us to add your Photos, Letters & Diaries.
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