This Week in Science - The Kickass Science Podcast » engineering
Archives for the 'engineering' Category
This Week in Science - January 22, 2008 Broadcast
Genes For Lupus, Only The Lonely, TWin Parasites, Old Becomes New, Superhuman Sight, They Fear Us, Eat It Up Yum, Skull For sale, TWin World Robot Domination
Standard Podcast [62:01m]: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (11037)
22 January 2008 | animals, australia bashing, biology, cognitive psychology, engineering, genetics, medicine, nutrition, paleontology, robots, science, technology, world robot domination |
This Week in Science - October 23, 2007 Broadcast
Kirsten’s at a Conference, Justin’s Worried About Bacteria, Robots Really Are Revolting, And Watson Has An Issue, Along With The Weird From Washington w/ Dr. Michael Stebbins.
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25 October 2007 | bioethics, biotechnology, energy conservation, engineering, microbiology, robots, science, science and politics, science history, space, world robot domination |
This Week in Science - July 24, 2007 Broadcast
Space Shuttle Spring Clean, Placebo Addicts, Ptero-tumble?, Super-flood, Nano-rainbow, Sticky Nature, CircumUSA, Sci-fi Fingerprinting, Icy Charon, w/ Interview w/ Geobiologist, Dr.Hope Jahren
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24 July 2007 | animals, biology, chemistry, cognitive psychology, ecology, engineering, evolution, forensics, genetics, geology, nanotechnology, paleontology, science, space, technology |
This Week in Science - July 17, 2007 Broadcast
Justin Talks Girl Talk, Sleeping Sickness, Spacey Fashion, Watery Gas, Supernovas Suck, This Week in World Robot Domination, The Weird From Washington with Dr. Michael Stebbins, TWIStributors Times 3, Stripping by Numbers, Viral Attacks
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17 July 2007 | archeology, biology, biotechnology, engineering, mathematics, medicine, molecular biology, psychology, science, science and politics, sleep, space, world robot domination |
This Week in Science - Tuesday May 22, 2007 Broadcast
Erecting Jet-Lag, Opinions Exposed, Watching Eyes, Speaking Whale, Exoplanet Madness, Mo’ Water On Mars,This Week in the End of the World, & Interview w/ Dr. Francis Everitt of Gravity Probe B
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22 May 2007 | biology, cognitive psychology, end of the world, engineering, extrasolar planets, global warming, ozone, physics, psychology, relativity, science, sleep, space, therapies, whales |
This Week in Science - Tuesday May 15, 2007 Broadcast
Sake Power!!!, Fire Power!!!, Planetary Shocker, African Shocker, Bitty Brained Primate Precursor, Opossum Decoded, Monster Supernova, Toxoplasma Tricks, & Interview w/ Dr. Justin Wolfers re: Economics of Prediction Markets
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15 May 2007 | Black Holes, alternative energy, animals, astrophysics, australia bashing, bioethics, emergent behavior, energy, engineering, evolution, genetics, mammals, paleontology, science, space |
This Week in Science - March 27, 2007 Broadcast
Multi-dimensional Math-a-ganza, Right to the Rant, Sugar Spark, Bio-Battery, and Groovy Glasses, Indonesian Roadblock, See With Your Mind, iPOD Beats, Kirsten Gets Nostalgic, & Interview w/ William Gurstelle, author of Whoosh Boom Splat
Standard Podcast: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (4958)
27 March 2007 | bioethics, biology, biotechnology, chemistry, cognitive science, diy tech, energy, engineering, fuel cells, genetics, mathematics, medicine, physics, psychobiology, robots, science, world robot domination |
This Week in Science - January 30, 2007 Broadcast
Better Living Through Brain Damage, Robo-sniffer Domination, Virgin Modo Sighting, Evolutionary Hopscotch, Hobbitty Hop, End of the World, Mapping the World, & Interview w/ Biocomputing expert and author of Genesis Machines, Dr. Martyn Amos
Standard Podcast: Play Now | Play in Popup | Download (3557)
30 January 2007 | archeology, biology, biotechnology, cell biology, cognitive psychology, computer science, end of the world, engineering, evolution, genetics, global warming, molecular biology, paleontology, reptiles, robots, science, world robot domination |
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