
North Dakota Leaders Endorse Governor Romney

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    Sunday, Feb 03, 2008

    Romney Press Shop (857) 288-6390

    Boston, MA – Today, Romney for President announced the support of two North Dakota conservative leaders: State Representative Don Dietrich and former North Dakota Tax Commissioner Rick Clayburgh.

    Announcing their support, Governor Romney said, "I am very pleased to have the support of these two experienced North Dakota public servants. Both Representative Dietrich and Commissioner Clayburgh are strong voices for conservative change in North Dakota, and both have a record of fighting for the low taxes and decreased government regulation that we need to get our economy back on track. I thank Representative Dietrich and Commissioner Clayburgh for their endorsements, and look forward to a strong showing in North Dakota's caucuses on Tuesday."

    In a joint statement, Representative Dietrich and Commissioner Clayburgh said, "The state of the economy will be at the forefront of North Dakotans' minds as they cast their votes on Tuesday. Mitt Romney is the only candidate who has the decades of real world experience that will be needed to lead our economy through these uncertain times."

    Background On Representative Don Dietrich:

    Representative Dietrich Is Serving His First Term In The North Dakota House Of Representatives Representing The Grand Forks Area. In the House, Rep. Dietrich sits on the Industry, Business and Labor committee. He is a U.S. Army veteran, and has one child with his wife, Mary.

    Background On Former Tax Commissioner Richard "Rick" Clayburgh:

    Rick Clayburgh Is A Longtime Republican Activist Who Served In The North Dakota House Of Representatives From 1989 Until 1995. He subsequently served as the North Dakota Tax Commissioner from 1996 to 2005. Currently, Rick is the director of the North Dakota Bankers Association.