
LiftPort Group - The Space Elevator Companies

What is a space elevator? 

A Space Elevator, or more specifically the LiftPort Space Elevator, will consist of a ribbon made of a very strong and very light material, carbon nanotubes, anchored to the Earth's surface at the LiftPort Station with the other end reaching into space. By making the ribbon long enough, and attaching a small satellite as counterweight, the Earth's rotation will provide enough centrifugal effect to overcome the pull of gravity and keep the ribbon taut. The LiftPort Space Elevator will then provide a permanent bridge between earth and space. Elevator cars will be robotic "lifters" which will climb the ribbon to deliver cargo and eventually people to orbit or beyond.

Who is LiftPort Group?

LiftPort Group, founded in April, 2003, is a group of companies dedicated to building the LiftPort Space Elevator. Our goal is to provide the world a mass transportation system to open up the vast market opportunities that exist in space, many of which haven't even been imagined yet, to even the smallest entrepreneur. These new markets can only become viable through safe, inexpensive, routine access to space. Our motto is, "Change the world or go home," and we strive each day to make that change a reality. 

Primarily targeting the hardware of the space elevator, the LiftPort Group member companies are researching and designing the nuts and bolts in the fields of carbon nanotube production, robotics, photo voltaics, power beaming and targeting, and permanent floating structures for the ocean. Outside of that, we also are responsible for project management, web design, public relation, accounting, and legal issues for each member company of the group.

How can I help build an elevator to space?

Join us! We have many volunteers from all over the world helping to spread the news about the LiftPort Space Elevator.  Read our FAQs, sign up for our newsletters, and join our forum. These things are part of the critical path toward building any infrastructure project, especially something as world changing as a space elevator. If you have some skill that you think we could use, or just want to ask a question, This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it We're happy to hear from you.

If you can, purchase something from our store. These items are designed to help you spread the news about the LiftPort Space Elevator, and the proceeds reduce the strain on our investors.