
NSPA - Contest Winners

2008 NSPA Online Pacemaker Finalists

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The Feather, Fresno Christian HS, Fresno, Calif.
Mary Kneefel, editor
Greg Stobbe, adviser

The Paly Voice, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, Calif.
Michael Bloch, Dan Schwartz, Aditi Bellary, editors
Paul Kandell, adviser

Grizzly Gazette, Granite Hills HS, Porterville, Calif.
Caryn Herndandez, Ebony Bailey, Jeremy Rabaino, editors
Evan Hackett, adviser

Gargoyle, University Laboratory HS, Urbana, Ill.
9 editors
David Porreca, adviser

The Black & White, Walt Whitman HS, Bethesda, Md.
Alex Sopko, Jessica Kahlenberg, editors
Louise Reynolds, adviser

Silver Chips, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, Md.
Priyanka Gokhale, Pia Nargundkar and Rachita Sood, editors
Anne Cullen, adviser

Wayland Student Press, Wayland HS, Wayland, Mass.
Robin Kim, editor
Janet Karman, Mary Barber, advisers

North Star, Francis Howell North HS, St. Charles, Mo.
Adam Weber, editor
Aaron Manfull, adviser

The Record, Horace Mann School, Riverdale, N.Y.
Sam Shelley, Catherine Hu, editors
Glenn Wallach, adviser

The A-Blast, Annandale HS, Annandale, Va.
Erick Vu and Matt Camilli, editors
Alan Weintraut, adviser