
Royal County of Berkshire Army Cadet Force

  • ️Carole Povey

.....to the Royal County of Berkshire Army Cadet Force. The links on the left will take you to see who we are, where we meet and what we do.  So go on, why not take a look.  

C Company Easter Camp 2008

Adults and Cadets from across C Company all converged at the Weekend Training Centre, Bramley for an 'action packed, fun-filled, Easter Camp 2008'. Although the weather was extremely cold and some snow came falling out of the sky, this did not deter the enthusiam of everybody. To see photos and a couple of 'Drill in Action' video clips, just click on the thumbnails below.

Gallery 1
Gallery 2
Gallery 3

Drill in Action
APC Written Tests

With permission, some of the funniest answers to recent APC Testing are reproduced HERE.

B Company Easter Camp 2008

Adults and Cadets from B Company headed out West to Rollerston Training Camp, Salisbury Plain for the duration of their Easter Camp 2008. Even though the weather was freezing cold and snow put in an appearance it did not interfere with the training and the programme was completed successfully. Just click on the thumbnail below to view the photos.

Norway 2008

As the very successful visit to Norway in February is still very much in everybody's minds, the photo galleries have been moved to a page of their own. Just follow the link over on the left titled "Norway 2008".