

Welcome to anticAPSLOCK! If this happens to be the first time you're paying us a visit, you might wanna check out the Background and our Mission. To make a long story short, we're all tired of having the capslock key messing up our emails and our mission is to get rid of it!

Welcome to our community, and feel free to join!

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Gnome article
Alec Clews article how to disable capslock in Gnome was added today, thanks Alec!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 24 August 2006, Brussels, Stockholm: Coalition forms in War on Caps Lock Old and new are joining forces in the war against Caps Lock. The newly-launched CAPSoff campaign, the subject of intense debate and comment on the...

New article
A new article was added describing how to turn Caps Lock into Ctrl in KDE.

More windows software
Easy SmArT kEyS and Easy Caps Lock added to the windows software section.

A new version of KeyMaster form Heavy Horse was recently released. Link added in links section

Updated article
The Transform article for Windows is now updated with the correct links.

More stuff at the shop!
We'te taken a moment to update the products on www.cafeshops.com/anticapslock, check them out!

Get the background of our community, how it all started and where we're heading! Find out who's who behind the scenes and how to get in touch with us.

Are you an anticAPSLOCKer by heart? Join our community and learn how to live a capslockless life, how to fully enjoy your keyboard and how to help us grow!

Just getting started? Here you'll find featured articles and tutorials for the newborn anticAPSLOCKer as well as the advanced keyboard hacker!

Links, banners and downloads for all of you out there!