
CVPS: Programs & Services

Energy Sources

HydroStationCVPS has among the lowest-emitting power supplies in the country.

The majority of CVPS's power is purchased through long-term contracts from Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station and Hydro-Quebec, which are highly reliable and stable resources. CVPS generates about 6.5 percent of our power from 20 small hydro stations we own, and purchases additional renewable energy through independent power producer contracts. Our commitment to renewable energy in the state is further reinforced through CVPS Cow PowerTM, the nation's first manure-to-consumer energy program, and2007 Sources of Energy our partial ownership in the McNeil wood chip plant.

CVPS's power supply is in stark contrast with U.S. power supplies, which are dominated by coal, a significant cause of air pollution and a non-renewable energy source.