FLASH OF COLOR /// the faye wong fanlisting + tribute
all about faye
This section is dedicated entirely to delving into the world of Faye Wong, and seeing what she is truly like. If you are new to Faye, please read my Fan Intro which will introduce you to Faye and her music. If you are already a fan of Faye's, feel free to browse around the other info here and see if it gives you a better idea of who Faye Wong is. Enjoy!
+ Fan Intro = New to Faye? Read here first!
+ Biography = A long biography on Miss Wong herself.
+ Fast Facts = Fun facts you should know.
+ Name Analysis = See what's behind Faye's many names.
+ Blood Type = Her blood type may also tell us something.
+ Zodiac Info = See how astrology plays into Faye's life.
+ Filmography = Faye's amazing and concise filmography.
+ Discography = A complete and extensive discography.