The Sybil Thorndike Scrapbook
The Sybil Thorndike Scrapbook
Hello and welcome to the Sybil Thorndike Scrapbook. I recently won this Scrapbook on Ebay for virtually nothing and found that it holds hundreds of press clippings, photos and programmes for Sybil Thorndike's early career. It seemed to me that it would be a great resource for anyone researching, or even mildly interested in, this hugely influential and successful actress, and that the best thing to do with it would be to put it online.
So here it is. Click the Scrapbook above to begin leafing through the pages, or alternatively there are links to all the pages below.
Please feel free to copy the clippings or use them in your work, but please credit the site if you do. If you intend to publish anything from this site please make sure that you credit myself or the site, and give a link back to the site if publishing online.
If you need to contact me about this project please use the Feedback Form.
I hope you enjoy the Scrapbook and find it interesting and useful.