TMDC11 - Text Mode Demo Contest XI
Welcome to the Text Mode Demo Contest 11 site.
TMDC11 will be held from
11.11.08 to 12.12.08. The submission deadline is thus 12.12.08. You can submit your entries starting from 11.11.08. You don't have to wait 11.11.08 to start working on your prod ;)Get the invitation demo! (around 4.7MB)![]() |
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Text mode demos offer unique challenges for the demo maker which play a very insignificant role in other kinds of demo competitions. First of all, resolution and color spaces are rather limited, forcing the demo authors to consider different forms of anti-aliasing and careful adjustment of contrast and color balance.
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you make textmode look good?News
April 14th, 2008: New site online
We'd like to thank for the webspace and tAAt for the sources of the old site. Most of the info on this site is the same that was on the old TMDC sites.The organizators might have changed, but TMDC is still the same competition. Same rules, same deadline, same goal: make text mode look good (and earn eternal fame).
April 10th, 2008: Invitation released
The invitation was released at BlockParty and won the 1st place. Surprisingly enough, there were 3 other textmode demos (including one wild linux entry). Everyone seemed relieved to learn that TMDC was not dead.
December 21, 2007: Update time over
The deadline as well as the update time are over. The results will be published early 2008.
November 16, 2007: 1900+ downloads, more prizes!
The invitation demo has been downloaded over 1900 times so far, plus we have some more prizes! Top-3 will receive Dark Domain DVDs from ACiD Productions, and the 1st place winner will get the BBS Documentary from Jason Scott!
So, to recap;
1st place winner will get:
- A copy of the BBS Documentary from
Jason Scott!
Top-3 place winners will get:
- A Dark Domain DVD from ACiD
- The infamous TMDC diploma from tAAt ry
- A registered copy of Wicked Defence
from Ixchel Studios (download
demo here)
- A registered copy of Mayhem
Intergalactic from Inventive Dingo
(download demo here)
- A registered copy of Real E$tate
Empire from Rusty Axe Games (download
demo here)
- A registered copy of Battle
Castles from Rusty Axe Games (download
demo here)
- A registered copy of Gladiator Trials
II from Tagged Software (download
demo here)
- A registered copy of Galcon
from Imitation Pickles (download
demo here)
November 5, 2007: Invitation demo
Grab the invitation demo by Sol and Orbiter here and spread the word! (Pouet)
(prizes moved to above post)
November 1, 2007: Ramping up - help us spread the word
Nitro/Trauma prepared a nice flyer for us - download it, print a dozen copies, and pin them on the message boards of your schools, clubs, workplaces, etc!
(prizes moved to above post)
October 28, 2007: TMDC 10
Cutting it a bit close this year, but we're back with another competition. But hey, nobody has ever worked on an entry for the whole month! Full(er) prize info will be posted shortly; top-3 will receive (at least) a registered copy of Wicked Defence by Ixchel Studios!
Due to constant whining about audio quality, the entry size limitation has been grown again.
January 7, 2007: Results and downloads!
The results are out, as well as the demos:
1. Signal To Droids by The Northern Dragons 26.14% (pouet) 2. Somnium by paulius and Altoriu Seseliai 23.69% (pouet) 3. Devious by Traction 20.82% (pouet) 4. Carbon Monoxide by Hedelmae 19.79% (pouet) 5. Diet Cola by Alpha Design 11.76% (pouet)Although there were fewer entries than most years, the quality of all of the entered demos was superb. Make sure you check out all of them! The jury really had problems choosing their favorites this year.
Thanks for entering and we'll see you in TMDC X!
October 30, 2006: Invitation demo info!
Get the invitation demo by Lifepower and LPChip from Crimson Shine now! And spread the word!
October 8, 2006: Prize info!
We have some absolutely amazing prizes this year!
The top 3 demo makers will receive:
- The infamous TMDC diploma from tAAt ry
- tAAt 'dismount' T-shirt from tAAt ry
- Wiiiii <3 tAAt beach towel from tAAt ry
- Assembly
Box of Music CD
- Mr. Robot Mouse Pad from
Moodpod Games
- A Registered Copy of Lux Delux from
Sillysoft Games (download demo
- A Registered Copy of Starscape from
Moonpod Games (download
demo here)
- A Registered Copy of Master of Defense
from Voodoo Dimention (download
demo here)
- A Registered Copy of Invadazoid from
Bantam City Games (download
demo here)
- A Registered Copy of SiL from
Due to budgetary limitations, we can't use UPS, FedEx, DHL or any similar services to ship the goodies, so if you need a more secure transfer than normal mail, you will have to make arrangements - or meet us at Assembly next year!
(Of course, we'd love it if DHL, FedEx, UPS or some other similar entity would like to sponsor us =)
Most of the games are digital transfers, so the above is mostly about the shirt and the towel.
Some prizes have unfortunately been lost in the mail in the past, and there's little we can do about that. If you have a group member close to Finland, use them as your mailing address.
September 19, 2006: Preparing for TMDC9
Here we go again..
Calling for sponsors!
The winners will, as might be expected, get tAAt shirts and diplomas. We also have some Assembly Box of Music CDs as prizes. Other stuff to be announced later on..
January 15, 2006: Results
1. InnerFlux by Crimson Shine 16.86% [ oooOO oOo] 2. signal2noise by the northern dragons 12.98% [ .. .oOo .. ] 3. Tremor by Creative Mind 12.25% [ .OOoo .. ] 4. Textel by Trailer Park Demos 11.49% [ oo oOooooo ] 5. Music To My Ears by Reaper_Unreal & co 11.18% [ oOo.o. ] 6. Drift by AnthillUnlimited 10.49% [ .o. oOo. ] 7. BUCHSTABENSUPPE by Null Ok 9.15% [ oo..oOo. ] 8. Kazkas by Paulius & Linfeng 9.10% [ .... oOo ] 9. Dance of the fridge Fairy by triDDDs 6.49% [oooOOo oOo ]Full results file with jury commentary is also available.
The winners will be contacted through email. If you're a winner and haven't been contacted, please mail us!
December 19, 2005: Update period over
Deadline and the update period are now over, and the demos have been given to the jurors for rating.
The TMDC8 invitation was downloaded grand total of 3600 times during the competition!
We'll try to get the results out by the end of January. All entrants will be emailed when something happens.
November 17, 2005: Submissions-page online
More or less on schedule, the submissions-page is now online.
November 13, 2005: 2000 downloads
We just passed 2000 download mark on the TMDC invitation!
November 4, 2005: 1000 downloads in 48 hours
Although most news sites we posted the news of this contest didn't publish it, the invitation was downloaded over 1000 times in only two days of being released.
Skaven has made higher quality MP3 and OGG versions of the TMDC8 invitation music available on his website.
November 1, 2005: Additional prizes
ACiD is sponsoring TMDC again with their Dark Domain DVDs - updated prize info below.
October 30, 2005: Invitation and prizes
First off, Get the invitation demo! (around 3MB)
Current prize info:
1st place:
- Mindcandy2 DVD from Fusecon (the
DemoDVD project)
- Dark Domain DVD from ACiD
- Limited issue tAAt hat from tAAt ry
- tAAt'05 T-Shirt from tAAt ry
- Infamous TMDC Diploma from tAAt ry
2nd place:
- Mindcandy2 DVD
- Dark Domain DVD
- tAAt'05 T-Shirt
- Infamous TMDC Diploma
3rd place:
- Dark Domain DVD
- tAAt'05 T-Shirt
- Infamous TMDC Diploma
As Mindcandy2 DVD is not released yet, it will be sent to the winners when it is ready.
Want to sponsor TMDC? Send us mail.
Sorry about the lack of updates, but things seem to be getting more hectic every year..
August 23, 2005: Preparing for TMDC8..
Starting work on TMDC8 somewhat later than last year, but I think we can pull it off =).
The invitation demo for this year is not done yet, but you can always check out the invitations from earlier years, along with all the entries.
The prize info is also not available yet, but we'll have tAAt shirts and the infamous TMDC diplomas at least.
Alternative Party won't be organized this year, so we won't be having the prizegiving ceremony there. We're looking at other options at the moment, but we can always mail the prizes..
Remember that you can send us mail to be notified of TMDC8 updates.
Site credits:
HTML and layout by Sol and BarZoule