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The A2A database contains catalogues describing archives held locally in England and Wales and dating from the eighth century to the present day.

Click the Search button to search these catalogues

A2A does not offer a full description of all local archives!


A2A is changing...
In order to ensure the availability of the A2A service in future, the A2A database is being transferred to a new platform with a simpler interface.

The new service now resides on TNA's website at http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/a2a

Existing bookmarks and links will soon be redirected to the new service.


Usage since launch:  15.8 million searches  |  38.8 million catalogue downloads


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The A2A database was last updated in April 2008 and now contains 10.3 million records relating to 9.45 million items held in 418 record offices and other repositories.

For more details, see the list of catalogues which are new this month

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