

Gaderos, Galileo Demonstrator for Railway Operation System

EC Competitive and Sustainable Growth Programme          

GADEROS is a pilot project managed by the EU Directorate General for Energy and Transport. GADEROS demonstrates the use of GNSS safety-of life features for defining a satellite-based system to perform train location for safe railway applications that is integrated into the European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS) / European Train Control System (ETCS). The system offers another technological approach for train location, mainly for conventional and low-density traffic lines.

The principal objective of GADEROS is to provide the proof of feasibility of train location tools with GNSS support at the requested Safety Integrity Level (SIL) compatible and interoperable with the ERTMS/ETCS. These tools shall apply the GNSS Safety of Life services, especially the integrity.

 Galileo Pilot Project : Gaderos  

 Galileo Demonstrator for Railway Operation System  

 Gaderos Project Baseline  

 Gaderos Project Overview