
1,000 UW-Stout Students Drive Protesters Off Campus

Posted by: GaryB Location: Waterloo ON on Aug 8, 2008 at 09:09 AM
They are in it for the money as much as anything - they have there own legal group which sues every time they dont get to picket - and the legal group gets paid out of public funding for the representation regardless of whethere or not they are succesful - now you know how they can afford to do it

Posted by: Catharine Location: Eau Claire on Apr 12, 2008 at 08:56 AM
My heart goes out to the families who have lost their loved ones. I am thoroughly disgusted and infuriated by the incomprehensibly hateful behavior of the Westboro Baptist Church. I was so shocked and bewildered by their behavior, I did some onine searching about them. It's hard to believe a group this twisted exists. Thankfully, in my search, I also discovered a wonderful group of individuals opposing the Westboro hate group. Check out the Patriot Guard: http://www.patriotguard.org/ Consider giving them your support in memory of the Stout students and all the others who've been victims of Westboro's hate campaign.

Posted by: sarha Location: elk mound on Apr 11, 2008 at 07:37 PM
Religion has gotten way out of hand, and this proves it. These people should have been picked up for harrassment. Where did these people get the money to travel here? My only wish is that people like these would read the Bible themselves, rather than having someone read it them. And then tell them what it means. As adults they should be able to figure out what the Bible means all by themselves. In the past few years, Religion has came to equal, government, sex, greed, and power. Just opposite of what it is suppose to do. Just look at the Bible thumpers in Texas. I am so happy the students at Stout, ran them kooks out of town. Hopefully, those kind will think twice the next time they want to come to Wisconsin.

Posted by: Jo Location: Eau Claire on Apr 11, 2008 at 06:23 PM
Great job of the Stout students to stand up against those heathens. Did any one read what their web site is? These are ignorant inbred morons and should be watched closely.

Posted by: Cory Location: EC on Apr 11, 2008 at 06:18 PM
From doing some checking online, they seem to be a cult, much like the "JonesTown" cult, that does everything they are told as they believe it to be the "word of god". You know, I think it would be really fun to show up at their "church" and protest them! See how they like it when their service is disrupted by people causing a specticle. We should be afforded the same protection from the law that they are. I mean, on student is arrested for grabbing one of their signs, but they aren't given any kind of citation for say tresspassing or anything else they could find?

Posted by: Menomonie Location: Menomonie on Apr 11, 2008 at 05:21 PM
Human rulership has proved to be a failure, well symbolized by the number 666. Notice their flyer says they're coming from Kansas 66604. “If anyone makes the statement: ‘I love God,’ and yet is hating his brother, he is a liar.” (1 John 4:20) Jesus even said: “Continue to love your enemies.” (Matthew 5:44) True Religion . . . PRACTICES LOVE: True worshippers are “no part of the world,” are not divided by race or culture, and display ‘love among themselves.’ (John 13:35; 17:16; Acts 10:34, 35)

Posted by: katie Location: IL on Apr 11, 2008 at 03:50 PM
these people at this supposed "church" are an obvious waste of space and a and a nuisance to our society... geez, what is next... oh, maybe they'll protest the rescue of 400 children from that polygamist compound in texas

Posted by: Catherine Location: Eau Claire on Apr 11, 2008 at 02:22 PM
Did you read their nonsense press release? They don't even make any sense... I wouldn't worry about anything they have to say... either they are brainwashed or on some kind of drugs...

Posted by: Judy Location: Hayward on Apr 11, 2008 at 01:47 PM
I can not beleive some one would be so sick to say some thing like the protester's did. We are so sad of what happened to these family's. Those young people had a life ahead of them and and just taken away from there family's. They say what goes around comes around. So sad to think people could do some thing like this at a time like this. Our prayers are with the family's. Way to go Stout young people.

Posted by: Nancy Location: Chippewa Falls on Apr 11, 2008 at 11:30 AM
It sickens me to have people like that show up and say such hateful things about 3 wonderful young people who did nothing wrong. I am proud of the students for running them off. We live in a country that allows freedom of speech, but when is too much, and for them to pretend to be talking for God. How scary! Our thoughts and real prayers go out to the families of these kids and to the Stout students for standing up for what is right. Don't these people have anything better to do then show up to hurt people, and to protest our solders like that is very sick. None of us like the war, but because of what our solders are doing it allows idiot people like them to go around the country and say the horrible things they say. Sad isn't it?

Posted by: Baptist Location: Wisconsin on Apr 11, 2008 at 11:10 AM
Westboro Baptist Church is classified as a "hate group" by the Southern Poverty Law Center. While its members identify themselves as Baptists, the church is an independent church not affiliated with any know Baptist convention's or associations. Know that God is love and that these people hide behind their ignorance. Look them up, almost all of their protests show that they are hiding behind signs and scarves etc... as to not be identified. Hmmmm......I wonder why they are hiding? There is comfort in knowing that God can see them and He will punish them accordingly. Solace in Christ. My prayers go out to all who have been touched by this terrible tragedy. God help those ignorant members of this cult.

Posted by: Brandon on Apr 11, 2008 at 10:52 AM
I think this group missed big chunks of the Bible. I remember reading something about casting stones.

Posted by: Concerned Christian Location: central wisconsin on Apr 11, 2008 at 10:41 AM
I am concerned about the negative message that this has left our area with. WBC has chosen "Baptist" as their affiliation. Please know that in any case God does not hate the sinner, he embraces the sinner with love, it is the sin that is hated. My heart is pierced by this group of protestors, it has put all believers on the defense. I pray for the families of all who have been affected by this protest, please know that God is love and that by prayer and submission to Him we will receive comfort. God Bless to all who stood up to these blasphemous protesters who felt that they work protesting in the name of God, shame on them for desecrating the word and love of God.

Posted by: Renee Location: RIce Lake on Apr 11, 2008 at 10:06 AM
How sad that our world has come to this! My heart goes out to the families and friends of these 3 students. Way to go Stout students for standing up to these SICK people! That they have the "right" to protest like this makes me sick to my stomach!

Posted by: Jill Location: Hayward on Apr 11, 2008 at 09:40 AM
The Stout students should be very proud of themselves! Growing up in a small community God has still been a part of my life and the God I know would not hate anybody. These protester are very sick individuals that HATE life, it's so sad too see that there are these types of people in the world. I would not want to be one of them. My heart goes out to these families. And again WAY TO GO STOUT STUDENTS!!!!

Posted by: Clarice Location: Augusta on Apr 11, 2008 at 05:34 AM
Way to go Stout students!!! You all should be very proud and I'm sure the families of the 3 students that lost their lives are very grateful. Again, way to go!!

Posted by: Just a Gal Location: EC on Apr 11, 2008 at 05:23 AM
This was a horrible thing to do to the kids and families all affected by the fire of these 3 young people. Unfortuately this group terrorizes many families and people across the US. As wrong as we may see it and no matter how many people stand up to them it really does nothing but create the reaction they were looking for. They want the conflict and they want the publicity. They claim to be these great followers of god but last time I checked God is the only one to cast judgements on anyone. I am not going to pretend I am a holier than thou person, because I am not but it is painfully obvious these people have some bible reading to catch up on and as I am sure standing up to them felt amazing and I would probably of joined in it doesnt do a bit of good that is just what they wanted to happen they are too ignorant to care. I hope the student who was arrested for the sign thing is given a warning why not start arresting the real tyrants, the idiots who caused this!

Posted by: Laurie Location: Poynette on Apr 11, 2008 at 05:09 AM
You Stout students should be so proud of yourselves!! Our hats off to you, these are some VERY sick individuals. Way to run them out of town, we watched some video my daughter found on facebook and it made us cry. I hope none of the parents of these fire victoms didn't have to see these sick protesters. Way to stand up for what's right Stout students!!

Posted by: UWEC Student on Apr 10, 2008 at 11:51 PM
I am very proud of UW-Stout! The students did the right thing by letting the WBC know that they were not welcome. I hope more people follow Stout's lead and stop the WBC from protesting at more funeral. The WBC needs to learn respect! And they really need to re-read the bible and quit mis-quoting it!

Posted by: just a guy Location: cf on Apr 10, 2008 at 10:32 PM
what is wrong with this guy? three people die in fire and now it is god punishing the state? it is people like this that turn people away from "religion"

Posted by: Ron Location: Menomonie on Apr 10, 2008 at 10:17 PM
Do your research. 4 lawyers known to upset people, here only to sue individuals or government should not receive the attention they received. They represent only themselves for profit!!!

Posted by: Stout Student on Apr 10, 2008 at 09:53 PM
Very proud to be a Stout student today. We stood up for what was right and defeated hate as we united together!! GO STOUT

Posted by: Derek Location: New Brighton, MN on Apr 10, 2008 at 08:44 PM
It is sad to think that these people from kansas value some some stupid belief over a persons life....

Posted by: Stuart Location: Menomonie on Apr 10, 2008 at 06:59 PM
What right did those people, and I use people very losely, have to come here and talk trash? How could they beleive any God would want such harm to come to anyone? Its a shame that there are adults out there that would act in such a horrible and disrespectful manor. What gives them the right to judge what was such a horrible tradgedy and talk such garbage. I hope that they dont ever have to face such an experiance. It is absurd to think that they could come here and judge something they obviously know nothing about

Posted by: Tim Schmitt Location: Bloomer on Apr 10, 2008 at 06:35 PM
You sure don't have to look to the middle east to find misguided religious fanatics. There sure are plenty right here. The comments from Westboro Baptist Church borders on hate propaganda. Someone should consider a law suit. You can not stand behind religious freedom and promote hate, saying that God is in favor of people dieing by fire is only a hares breath from saying it is ok to start that fire ourselves.

Posted by: Daddy Mac Location: Hudson on Apr 10, 2008 at 06:31 PM
Re: Stouts student anti-protest: I found out my daughter was 1 of the 1,000--I'm so proud of her for standing up for whats right in this world. This "religious group" really does need toget a life. Since your article mentioned Baptist-I'm sure they were protesting the 1 girl who's father is a Baptist minister in the Twin Cities? Go fiqure...Way to go MEG!! Love ya