
New data protection head takes post

  • ️Thu Sep 11 2008

TALLINN - The Estonian government has appointed Viljar Peep as the newhead of the country's Data Protection Inspectorate.

The appointment is effective as of Oct. 1 and will run until Sept. 30, 2013, spokespeople for thegovernment said. The term of office of the incumbent director general, UrmasKukk, expires on Sept. 30.

Peep, formerly a departmental head at the Justice Ministry, holds adoctorate in history and has been working at the Justice Ministry since 1995.He participated in building the commercial register and played a major role infully digitalizing the commercial register and the land register.

The Data Protection Inspectorate is a state agency whose main tasks areindependent supervision of the processing of personal data and maintaining thecountry's databases, organizing data protection activities, and monitoring andimproving legislation.