
U.S. Air Force ROTC - Course Descriptions

It's a curriculum unlike any other.

In addition to your normal college coursework, Air Force ROTC courses and hands-on leadership opportunities will complement your major and push you to make the most of your college life and your career.

Taught by a world-class military faculty and supplemented by distinguished speakers, Air Force ROTC classes bring policy and history to life.

Classes take place in university classrooms, equipped with everything needed for learning in a comfortable and positive atmosphere. Computers and other helpful facilities will be located at the Air Force ROTC detachmentThe Air Force ROTC unit at a host university..

Cadets are only required to wear their uniforms to Air Force ROTC classes, on Leadership LaboratoryLLAB - ROTC course for all cadets to learn management and leadership skills. day (once a week), and to occasional special events. The rest of the time they look like every other college student.

Air Force ROTC curriculum is organized by aerospace class and separated into four major areas:

Profession of Arms
Gain knowledge in military officership, military law, laws of armed conflict, and military customs and courtesies.

Communication Skills
Cadets develop enhanced oral and written communication skills critical to military leadership.

Leadership Studies
Develop leadership and management skills through a better understanding of the different aspects and functions of military leadership.

Military Studies/International Security Studies
Gain a better understanding of the nature of conflict and how the United States military forces, particularly aerospace forces, are developed, organized and employed

Take a look at the following course descriptions to get an idea of what Air Force ROTC has to offer you.

  • Freshmen and sophomores have Air Force ROTC classes for three hours each week.
  • Juniors and seniors have Air Force ROTC classes for five hours each week.


FALL – Aerospace Studies 101
SPRING – Aerospace Studies 102

FALL – Aerospace Studies 201
SPRING – Aerospace Studies 202
FIELD TRAINING4- or 6-week program involving physical conditioning, weapons training and survival training, as well as an opportunity to develop skills as both a leader and team member.

JUNIOR – MUST CONTRACTThe document cadets have to sign stating they are committed to joining the Air Force after graduating from college.
FALL – Aerospace Studies 301
SPRING – Aerospace Studies 302

FALL – Aerospace Studies 401
SPRING – Aerospace Studies 402



AS 101-102 Foundations of the Air Force – 2 semesters, 2 credit hours
This survey course briefly covers topics relating to the Air Force and defense. It focuses on the structure and missions of Air Force organizations, officership and professionalism. It is also a good introduction into the use of communication skills.

AS 111-112 Leadership Laboratory – 0 credit hours
This course (to be taken in conjunction with AS 101 and 102) is a weekly laboratory that touches on the topics of Air Force customs and courtesies, health and physical fitness, and drill and ceremonies.

AS 201-202 The Evolution of Aerospace Studies – 2 semesters, 2 credit hours
This survey course is concerned with the beginnings of manned flight and the development of aerospace power in the United States, including the employment of air power in WWI, WWII, Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War and the peaceful employment of U.S. air power in civic actions, scientific missions and support of space exploration.

AS 211-212 Leadership Laboratory – 0 credit hours
This course (to be taken in conjunction with AS 201 and 202) provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate fundamental management skills and prepares you for Field Training.

THE PROFESSIONAL OFFICER COURSEPOC - ROTC course for juniors and seniors.

AS 301-302 Leadership Studies – 2 semesters, 6 credit hours
This course is a study in the anatomy of leadership, the need for quality and management leadership, the role of discipline in leadership situations and the variables affecting leadership. Case studies are used to examine Air Force leadership and management situations as a means of demonstrating and exercising practical application of the concepts. Deal with actual problems and complete projects associated with planning and managing the Leadership Laboratory.

AS 311-312 Leadership Laboratory – 0 credit hours
This course (taken in conjunction with AS 301 and 302) provides you the opportunity to develop your fundamental management skills while planning and conducting cadet activities.

AS 401-402 National Security Studies and Preparation for Active Duty – 2 semesters, 6 credit hours
Learn about the role of the professional military leader in a democratic society; societal attitudes toward the armed forces; the requisites for maintaining adequate national defense structure; the impact of technological and international developments on strategic preparedness and the overall policy-making process; and military law. In addition, you will study topics that will prepare you for your first active-duty assignment as an officer in the Air Force.

AS 411-412 Leadership Laboratory – 0 credit hours
This course (taken in conjunction with AS 401 and 402) provides you with the opportunity to use your leadership skills in planning and conducting cadet activities. It prepares you for commissioning and entry into the active-duty Air Force.