
Irfan Yusuf Apologizes Again to Daniel Pipes

Press Releases

October 1, 2008

PHILADELPHIA – Following his earlier apology to Daniel Pipes, director of the Middle East Forum, Irfan Yusuf has a second time retracted his defamatory statement about Mr. Pipes.

On August 18, 2008, the New Zealand Herald, published Yusuf's "Karadzic trial gives chance to rein in Muslim hardliners." In it, Yusuf mentioned a speech Mr. Pipes delivered to a dinner hosted by Quadrant magazine earlier this year which was subsequently published as "Europe or Eurabia?" in the Australian newspaper. Yusuf incorrectly stated that in his speech, Mr. Pipes had

predicted Europe's next Holocaust victims would be Muslim migrants. Frighteningly, Pipes suggested that Muslims thoroughly deserved such slaughter.

Upon receipt of Mr. Pipes's protest against this disgusting distortion, Irfan Yusuf and the New Zealand Herald agreed to issue a public correction, retraction, and apology, which appeared on p A3 of the newspaper's print edition and also in the online version, both as a stand-alone correction and accompanying the amended article by Yusuf:

The author, Irfan Yusuf, and the Herald accept that Mr Pipes has never predicted nor has he ever endorsed a Holocaust of European Muslims and they unreservedly apologise to him for the errors.

For immediate release

For more information, contact Brooke Goldstein at