KMT: A Modern Journal of Ancient Egypt Spring 2005
Remembrance: Dominic Montserrat (1964-2004)
S. Ikram
by Zahi Hawaas
A new colossus of Rameses II has been found
under a modern Muslim cemetary
Part II: The Middle Kingdom
by Aidan Dodson
A continuing look at the burial sites of ancient
Egypt's queens & princesses
(& the Secret of the Sloppy Painter)
by Andy Joose
A decorative centerpiece or a funerary object?
And why is the workmanship so careless?
by George B. Johnson
Exclusive color photographs of the scenes in the
20th Dynasty Tomb of Prince Montuhirkhopshef
by Greg Reeder
Another look at the mysterious Manchester
Museum Mummies, the so-called Two Brothers
by Dennis Forbes
How the ancient Egyptians of the Imperial
Period viewed & depicted their neighbors
by Omar Zuhdi
An Egyptian noble's 6th Dynasty African voyages