8 Sep 44
The Missile Age began when the first
German V-2 missile struck London.
The Allies developed a plan to use
timed anti-aircraft artillery barrages to defend London
against incoming V-2 missiles. The plan was never implemented
because of the damage that would have been caused when
unexploded artillery shells fell back on the city.
At the end of World War II, U.S. leaders
learned of Nazi plans for an ICBM that would have been
aimed at New York City had the war continued into 1946.
4 Jul 45
A delegation of American officers,
which went to Europe to investigate the use of ballistic
missiles during World War II, recommended that the U.S.
undertake a research and development program to develop
defenses against these new weapons.
Dec 45
A report by the Scientific Advisory
Group of the U.S. Army Air Forces (forerunner of the U.S.
Air Force) discussed the use of missiles and a form of
energy beam to defend against missile attacks.
4 Mar 46
The Army Air Forces, precursor of the
U.S. Air Force, initiated two long term studies, Projects
Thumper and Wizard, that were to explore the feasibility
of developing interceptor missiles that could destroy
missiles moving as fast as 4,000 miles per hour at an
altitude as high as 500,000 feet.
29 May 46
The Stilwell Board Report, which had
been convened in November 1945 to determine what equipment
U.S. ground forces would require following World War II,
recommended the development of defenses against ballistic
missiles. The report stated:
"Guided missiles, winged or nonwinged, traveling at extreme
altitudes and at velocities in excess of supersonic speed,
are inevitable. Intercontinental ranges of over 3,000
miles and payload[s] sufficient to carry atomic explosive[s]
are to be expected. Remotely controlled, and equipped
with homing devices designed to be attracted to sound,
metal, or heat, such missiles would be incapable of interception
with any existing equipment such as fighter aircraft
and antiaircraft fire. Guided interceptor missiles, dispatched
in accordance with electronically computed data obtained
from radar detection stations, will be required."
Sep 53
The prospect of ICMB developments prompted
the seven marshals who had led Soviet efforts in World
War II to ask the Central Committee of the Communist Party
of the Soviet Union to investigate the possible development
of an ABM system. In response to this request, a feasibility
study was conducted and the determination reached that
missile defenses were possible. This led the Soviets to
initiate their ABM development program at the end of 1953.
an analog computer, Bell Telephone Laboratories completed
50,000 simulated
intercepts of
ballistic missile targets. These simulations indicated
that it was possible to hit a missile with another
Up to this point, a number of scientists said that it
was impossible to intercept missiles because of their
high speed. This, they said, would be like "hitting
a bullet with another bullet."
16 Jan 58
Secretary of Defense Neil H. McElroy
assigned primary responsibility for the ballistic missile
defense mission to the U.S. Army, ordering the Air Force
to scale back its Project Wizard and make the radar and
command and control equipment from this project compatible
with the Army's Nike Zeus ballistic missile defense system.
4 Mar 61
According to one report, the Soviets
completed the first interception and destruction of a
missile warhead. An official report described this intercept
as follows:
"The V-1000 antimissile was launched according to a computer
command. The detonation of the antimissile's high-explosive
fragmentation warhead was conducted at an altitude of
25 km according to a command from earth from a computer
after which, based upon data from the film recorder, the
ballistic missile warhead began to fall apart."
19 Jul 62
During a test over the Pacific Ocean,
a Nike Zeus missile fired from the Army's Kwajalein test
facility intercepted a dummy warhead from an Atlas ICBM.
Although the Zeus only came within two kilometers of the
warhead, this was close enough so that the nuclear warhead
of a fully operational Zeus would have destroyed the ICBM
22 Dec 62
A Zeus missile came within 200 meters
of a reentry vehicle during a simulated intercept over
the Pacific Ocean.
10 Nov 66
Secretary of Defense Robert S. McNamara
informed the American people that the Soviets were deploying
their Galosh ballistic missile defense system.
23 Jun 67
At the
Glassboro summit, President Lyndon Johnson and Secretary
of Defense Robert
tried to convince Soviet Premier Alexsei N. Kosygin that
the Soviets should abandon their effort to deploy missile
defenses, for the U.S. would merely have to add more
warheads to its ICBM force to overcome these defenses.
This elicited the following response from Kosygin: "Defense
is moral; offense is immoral!"
18 Sep 67
of Defense Robert S. McNamara announced President Lyndon
decision to deploy
the Sentinel ballistic missile defense system. This was
to be a two-tiered defensive system that employed two
interceptors: the Spartan and the Sprint, both of which
were nuclear-tipped. The Spartan intercepted warheads
and decoys outside the atmosphere. The Sprint intercepted
warheads within the atmosphere where air resistance
strip away decoys and make it easier to find the attacking
warheads. The system itself was designed to protect
U.S. from the so-called "Nth country threat," an attack
by unsophisticated ICBMs such as those the People's Republic
of China was building.
6 Feb 69
Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird halted
the deployment of the Sentinel system pending the completion
of a review of U.S. strategic programs by the new administration
of President Richard Nixon.
14 Mar 69
Richard Nixon announced his decision to deploy a missile
system designed essentially
to protect U.S. ICBM fields from attack by Soviet missiles.
This system retained the same missiles that were to
deployed as part of the Johnson administration's Sentinel
system. The re-oriented missile defense system was
Safeguard. The overall plan for Safeguard included the
option to expand the system so that it could become
population defense against the "Nth country threat."
26 May 72
U.S. President Richard Nixon and Soviet
General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev signed the SALT I agreements
which include the ABM Treaty. This treaty limited the
Soviets and the U.S. to the deployment of two ABM sites,
each having 100 interceptors. One site was to guard an
ICBM field, the other would protect the national command
authorities at each nation's capital city. A 1974 protocol
reduced the number of permitted sites to one.
In view
of technical limitations and the restrictions on missile
contained in the
ABM Treaty, Congress ordered the Army to close down the
Safeguard system, scarcely four months after it had
operational. The Soviets continued to maintain their
own ABM system near Moscow. At the same time, Congress
the Army to re-orient its missile defense program from
one designed to produce a follow-on system to Safeguard
to a program of R&D; that was to serve as a hedge against
a possible Soviet breakout from the ABM Treaty. There
were at least two major problems with the Safeguard
First, its large phased array radars were vulnerable
to destruction by Soviet missiles. Destruction of these
systems would blind the defensive system. Additionally,
when the nuclear warheads on defending Spartan and
missiles were detonated, these explosions themselves
would also blind the radar systems.
The U.S. Army pushed the development
of technologies that made possible a revolution in missile
defense interceptors. These interceptors could destroy
their targets by actually colliding with them. This eliminated
the need for nuclear warheads and thus solved one of the
major problems with the earlier Safeguard missile defense
31 Jul 79
Ronald Reagan, Republican presidential
hopeful, visited the NORAD Command Post under Cheyenne
Mountain near Colorado Springs. Here, Reagan saw a demonstration
of the command and control facilities the U.S. would use
to alert U.S. retaliatory forces and the American people
in case of nuclear war. He was upset to learn that there
was nothing the U.S. could do to defend itself against
missile attacks. Shortly after this, he decided to make
missile defenses a part of his national security policy
if he were elected president.
8 Jan 82
A group of private advisors headed
by Mr. Karl R. Bendetsen briefed President Reagan in the
Oval Office, recommending that he launch an emergency
national program to develop missile defenses. This effort
should be patterned after the Manhattan District Project
that produced America's atomic bomb during World War II.
11 Feb 83
After months of considering the strategic
issues raised by America's inability to field the MX missile
as a response to the growing ability of the Soviets to
deliver an effective first strike against U.S. ICBMs,
the Joint Chiefs unanimously recommended to President
Reagan that the U.S. begin to pursue a national security
strategy that would place increased emphasis on strategic
23 Mar 83
Ronald Reagan announced his decision to launch a major
new R&D; program
to see if it might be feasible to deploy effective
missile defenses
at some point in the future.
25 Mar 83
The policy announced in the 23 March
speech was formalized in National Security Decision Directive
18 Apr 83
President Reagan issued guidance calling
for the completion of a two-part study. One study would
assess the state of missile defense technology and recommend
a technology program for the new missile defense program.
The second part would assess the strategic and policy
implications of such a program. The first study became
known as the Defensive Technologies Study or the Fletcher
Report, and the second study became known as the Future
Security Strategy Study (sometimes called the Hoffman
Oct 83
The Future Security Strategy Study
(FSSS) was completed. This study consists of a series
of papers that were completed by two groups: an interagency
group headed by Mr. Franklin C. Miller, assistant secretary
of defense for strategic forces policy, and a group of
contractor personnel headed by Mr. Fred S. Hoffman of
Pan Heuristics Corporation. Mr. Miller served as the overall
study director. Among the major findings of these two
groups were the idea that missile defenses could enhance
deterrence (Miller group) and the view that an anti-tactical
ballistic missile system could serve as a useful first
step toward a national missile defense system (Hoffman
Oct 83
The first version of the Defensive
Technologies Study or Fletcher Report was completed. The
final version did not appear until February 1984. This
report outlined two models for the new missile defense
research program ordered by the President. The favored
program was to be technology constrained and called for
a funding level of $1.405 billion in 1984, $2.385 billion
in 1985, $3.43 billion in 1986, $4.284 billion in 1987,
$4.623 billion in 1988, and $4.766 in 1989. The alternative
program was funded at a lower level and referred to as
the fiscally constrained program. The recommended program
was to consist of five basic research areas: Systems;
Surveillance, Acquisition, Tracking, and Kill Assessment;
Directed Energy Weapons; Kinetic Energy Weapons; and Supporting
Technologies (Survivability, Lethality, Space Power, Space
Logistics; Communications, Computers, and Software). The
technology constrained program became the guide for the
Strategic Defense Initiative. Comments in the Fletcher
report adumbrated both limited missile defenses and theater
missile defenses. Specifically, the report recognized
the commonality between the terminal phase of a strategic
missile defense system and more limited defensive systems.
6 Jan 84
National Security Decision Directive 119 established
the Strategic
Defense Initiative
(SDI) to explore the possibility of developing missile
defenses as an alternative means of deterring nuclear
war. The technology plan developed by the Fletcher
was to be the general guide for initiating this program.
This directive also made the Secretary of Defense responsible
for the new program. The emphasis in the program was
be on non-nuclear developments, although research work
on defensive nuclear devices was to continue "as a
hedge against a Soviet ABM breakout."
27 Mar 84
Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger
appointed Lt. Gen. James A. Abrahamson, U.S. Air Force,
as first Director, Strategic Defense Initiative Organization
24 Apr 84
Secretary Weinberger signed the first
charter for SDIO. This charter was specifically designed
to be general in nature to give the organization's first
director extensive leeway in managing the program. The
charter also specified that the Director, SDIO, would
report directly to the Secretary of Defense.
10 Jun 84
The core of the Army's new hit-to-kill
interceptor technology was successfully demonstrated in
the homing overlay experiment. In this demonstration,
a test intercept vehicle was launched from Kwajalein Missile
Range aboard a modified Minuteman rocket. Also riding
on the Minuteman was an infrared sensor package and an
on-board computer. The interceptor itself carried a computer
and an infrared sensor package for guidance; it was also
equipped with a kill device that resembled the folded
skeleton of an umbrella with weights attached to its ribs.
Once above the atmosphere, the sensor and computer in
the Minuteman located and tracked a re-entry vehicle that
had been launched from Vandenberg AFB by a second Minuteman
missile. Then, the on-board computer of the launch rocket
passed tracking data to the computer on the intercept
vehicle. At the appropriate time, the interceptor package
was launched and homed in on the target using its own
infrared sensor and on-board computer. Once free of the
mother ship, the kill vehicle deployed its umbrella structure,
crashed into the target vehicle, and destroyed it. This
successful intercept followed partial successes in two
other test flights.
Apr-Nov 85
debate over the broad versus the narrow interpretation
of the ABM Treaty
began. One critical
event in this early phase of the debate was a 6 October
appearance on "Meet the Press" by National Security
Adviser Robert McFarlane in which he indicated that
the Reagan
administration would be following the broad interpretation
of the Treaty. Nevertheless, the administration continued
to follow the narrow interpretation.
6 Sep 85
The Mid-Infrared Advanced Chemical
Laser destroyed a Titan booster rigged to simulate the
conditions of a thrusting rocket booster.
Dec 85
Inter-National Research Institute completed a study
of the SDIO organization
and manpower
situation. The study, which was commissioned by General
Abrahamson in August 1985, was directed by Brigadier
Al Esposito, USAF (Ret). The Esposito study found that
SDIO was "critically short of the people and skills required
to carry out the responsibilities" in its charter. To
overcome these difficulties, SDIO should reorganize and
establish a Federally Funded Research Center to support
the organization. The recommended organization included
"two key line positions, the Deputy for Programs and
Systems and the Deputy for Technology."
Dec 85
The SDIO Panel on Computing in Support
of Battle Management submitted its report (the Eastport
Study). The panel had been appointed
"'to devise an appropriate computational/communication
response to the SDI battle management computing problem
and make recommendations for a research and technology
development program to implement the response.'"
The report concluded that "computing resources and battle
management software for a strategic defense system are
within the capabilities of the hardware and software technologies
that could be developed within the next several years."
But this was a difficult task that constituted "the paramount
strategic defense problem." The report noted that the
"tradeoffs necessary to make the software task tractable
are in the system architecture." The study stated that
a "promising class of system architectures" was one that
was "less dependent on tight coordination," for such an
approach to the overall architecture offered "robustness,
simplicity, and the ability to infer the performance of
full-scale deployment by evaluating the performance of
small parts of the system." The report also recommended
the establishment of a non-centralized National Test
to provide the simulation support that would be necessary
to solve the problems of battle management.
30 Jul 86
General Abrahamson directed that SDIO
be reorganized. The new organizational structure featured
two principal deputies: Brigadier General Malcolm O'Neill
became the Deputy for Programs and Systems, and Dr. Lou
Marquet became the Deputy for Technology. The reorganization
was based upon the Esposito Study of SDIO's organizational
requirements (see Dec 85 entry above). This change in
SDIO's organization signalled the rising importance being
assigned to system/architectural designs and was an indication
that SDIO was resolving some of the technical issues it
faced when the program began.
Aug 86
SDIO and the military services signed
a charter establishing the National Test Bed, which was
to operate under the overall guidance of SDIO, which funded
the project. The charter provided for the establishment
of an NTB Joint Program Office (JPO) under executive direction
of the Air Force. Through the JPO, the services were responsible
for executing the NTB program.
11 Sep 86
SDIO completed the Delta 180 experiment.
During this experiment, SDIO completed what was the first
equivalent of a boost phase intercept of a target. Additionally,
this experiment involved a number of sophisticated sensor
experiments, including the collection of data from space
on a booster vehicle launched from the White Sands Missile
Test Range in New Mexico.
11-12 Oct 86
U.S. President Ronald Reagan and U.S.S.R.
President Mikhail Gorbachev held their second summit meeting
at Reykjavik, Iceland. During this meeting, Gorbachev
pressed Reagan heavily to accept limitations on the SDI
program as a pre-condition for other agreements restricting
offensive arms. Reagan refused to accept Gorbachev's proposed
restrictions on SDI.
Nov 86
germination of the concept for Brilliant Pebbles occurred
in discussions
between Lowell
Wood and Greg Canavan. There were antecedents of this
interceptor concept in the interceptor program carried
out by the U.S. Army in the seventies and early eighties,
but it was Wood specifically who became the leading
of "brilliant" technologies as the answer to problems
posed by the costliness and vulnerability of space-based
missile defense systems. "Brilliant" technologies refers
to the use of powerful, miniaturized computers and miniaturized
sensors to give the capabilities previously possessed
only by large, expensive satellites to much smaller,
4 Dec 86
While attending a meeting of NATO's
defense ministers in Brussels, Secretary of Defense Caspar
Weinberger announced the award of seven SDI contracts
for the first phase of a theater missile defense architectural
study competition. Contracts of $2 million were awarded
to each of seven European and American prime contractor
teams which were to complete their work by July 1987.
They would then compete for further contracts based on
the results of their phase one studies.
May 87
The SDIO staff moved into new facilities
that had been constructed for it under the Pentagon concourse
where the old bus tunnels used to be. Prior to this time,
the bulk of the staff was housed in the Matomic Building
in downtown Washington D.C.
11 May 87
Judge Abraham D. Sofaer, State Department
Legal Advisor, completed his study of how the ABM Treaty
affected the SDI program. The report was released on 13
May. Briefly, Sofaer concluded that the Treaty did not
preclude testing of space-based missile defense systems,
including directed energy weapons.
Jun/Jul 87
The Defense Acquisition Board of the
Office of the Secretary of Defense conducted its first
review of the SDI program. A second review was held in
September. As a result, the Phase I baseline architecture
was approved and six specific components of the SDI program
were authorized to enter the demonstration and validation
stage of the acquisition process.
29 Jul 87
The SDI Organization and the Army's
Strategic Defense Command announced the selection of five
phase I contractor teams which were to be invited to participate
in the second phase of the SDI Theater Missile Defense
Architecture Study. Contracts were expected to be completed
in September with each team having until July 1988 to
refine its architectural concept. The value of each contract
was to very from $4.5 million to $7 million depending
upon the exercise of contract options.
Nov 87
Lowell Wood briefed General James Abrahamson
on the interceptor concept that eventually became Brilliant
4 Nov 87
A Patriot with the PAC-2 modifications
successfully destroyed another Patriot missile that was
simulating the flight of an SS-23 missile.
19 Jan 88
Sam Nunn (D-GA) delivered a speech to the Arms Control
calling for a reorientation
of the SDI program. Nunn called for the new SDI program
to focus first on developing a "limited system for protecting
against accidental and unauthorized missile launches." A
longer range goal of the program would be to develop
a more comprehensive defensive system.
Spring 88
The National Test Facility (NTF) was
activated in temporary facilities at Falcon Air Force
Base near Colorado Springs. On 23 March 1988, the ground
was broken to begin construction of the permanent research
building for the NTF, which was also to be located at
Falcon Air Force Base. Eighteen months after the ground
breaking, the building was completed.
30 Sep 88
SDI Organization was realigned. Among the major changes
was the addition
of several new
positions. A chief of staff was added to oversee the
activities of the SDIO staff. The addition of a chief
engineer ensured
the many engineering tasks and analysis efforts would
receive the top-level management attention they required.
Another major change was the creation of the Resource
Management Directorate by merging the Comptroller and
Support Services Directorates, a move designed to increase
management efficiency. In another part of the change,
the Programs and Systems Deputate was redesignated
Systems Deputate. Within this last office, a major goal
of the reorganization was to achieve better integration
and management of the six SDS Phase I elements by placing
them under the Phase I program office within the Systems
Deputate. A further change involved giving the Architectures
and Analysis Directorate, which was formerly the Follow-On
Phase Architectures Directorate, additional strength
that it could better address "alternative and innovative
1 Feb 89
Lt. Gen. George L. Monahan, Jr., became
the second director of the Strategic Defense Initiative
Organization, succeeding General Abrahamson who retired
at the end of January.
9 Feb 89
General Abrahamson's end of tour report
contained a strong recommendation of the Brilliant Pebbles
concept. Abrahamson stated that an entire space-based
architecture based on Brilliant Pebbles could be deployed
in five years for a cost of no more than $25 billion.
3 Mar 89
President George H. W. Bush ordered
a general review of U.S. national defense strategy.
14 Jun 89
Based upon his administration's review
of U.S. security requirements, President Bush concluded
that the goals of the SDI program were generally sound
and that the program should continue in such a way as
to offer the possibility of a deployment decision in the
next few years. Emphasis in this effort was to be directed
toward perfecting boost-phase kill technologies such as
Brilliant Pebbles. In support of these directions, Bush
directed DOD to carry out an independent review of the
SDI program and to have this review finished in the fall
of 1989.
Summer 89
Four major studies of the Brilliant
Pebbles concept were carried out, including a review by
the JASONs. The general conclusion of these studies was
that Brilliant Pebbles was a promising, technically feasible
concept that could provide the solution to cost and vulnerability
problems of the space-based elements of the Phase I Strategic
Defense System architecture.
Dec 89
At the request of Secretary of Defense
Richard Cheney, Ambassador Henry F. Cooper agreed to carry
out the independent review of the SDI program that President
Bush had called for as a result of his administration's
review of national security requirements.
15 Mar 90
Ambassador Henry F. Cooper submitted
the report of his independent survey of the SDI program.
Here, Cooper endorsed the concept of Brilliant Pebbles
and spelled out the concept that became the system for
Global Protection Against Limited Strikes (GPALS).
30 Jun 90
Lt. Gen. George L. Monahan, Jr., retired
from the Air Force.
10 Jul 90
President George Bush appointed Ambassador
Henry F. Cooper to the position of Director, Strategic
Defense Initiative Organization.
2 Aug 90
Iraq invaded Kuwait.
24 Oct 90
FY 1991 Appropriations Conference Committee Report,
H. Rep. 101-938 called
for the Secretary
of Defense to establish a centrally managed Theater Missile
Defense (TMD) program funded at $218.249 million for
1991. The conference committee report also required the
Defense Department to accelerate R&D; on theater and
tactical ballistic missile defense systems. While Congress
that it was too early to determine the baseline for a
tactical ballistic missile defense (TMD) system, it
the Secretary of Defense to submit a plan by 1 March
1991 for determining a TMD baseline system and then
and fielding this system. Once determined, this plan
was to be funded fully in DOD's Six Year Defense Program
Furthermore, the plan was to take account of Air Force
and Navy requirements and include participation of
9 Nov 90
The Under Secretary of Defense for
Acquisition assigned to SDIO the responsibility for the
Defense Department's centrally managed Theater Missile
Defense program.
17 Jan 91
U.S.-led coalition forces in the Middle
East began military operations against Iraqi forces.
18 Jan 91
to press reports, for the first time in history, an
missile intercepted
and destroyed a ballistic missile under combat conditions.
A Patriot air defense missile destroyed an Iraqi Scud
missile that was attacking a U.S. air base in Saudi
The crew that fired the Patriot missile was led by First
Lieutenant Charles McMurtrey of Montgomery, Alabama.
Patriot was launched against the Scud at 4:28 a.m. local
time. A reporter for the Los Angeles Times wrote: "The
age of 'Star Wars' had arrived." After the end of the
Gulf War, questions were raised about whether or not this
first "kill" actually occurred. This was part of a general
public debate about the operational effectiveness of
Patriot system that began soon after hostilities ended
and continued for about two years.
29 Jan 91
In his State of the Union Address,
President Bush formally announced the shift in focus in
the SDI program to the concept known as Global Protection
Against Limited Strikes. The president stated:
"I have directed that the Strategic Defense Initiative
program be refocused on providing protection from limited
ballistic missile strikes, whatever their source. Let
us pursue an SDI program that can deal with any future
threat to the United States, to our forces overseas and
to our friends and allies."
25 Feb 91
A Scud missile struck a barracks housing
Army reservists, killing 28 soldiers. Later, a monument
was constructed at the entrance to the headquarters of
the 14th Quartermaster Detachment at Greensburg, Pennsylvania,
in honor of 13 of the 28 people killed.
30 Mar 91
Defense Department dispatched the Theater Missile Defense
Report to Congress.
This report
was submitted in response to directions contained in
the FY 1991 Appropriations Conference Committee Report
24 Oct 90 entry above). This report informed Congress
that the SDIO would be the centralized management office
for the theater and tactical missile defense programs
and advised that SDIO would establish a "managerial position
as Deputy for TMD, equal in status to the Deputies for
technology and strategic programs." This new office was
established as part of the reorganization announced on
15 March by SDIO Director Ambassador Henry Cooper.
23 Apr 91
General Donald Kutyna, USAF, commander
of the U.S. Space Command, told the Senate Armed Services
Committee that U.S. control of space enhanced the effectiveness
of coalition forces during the Persian Gulf War. The U.S.
must plan in the future on having the means to control
space by attacking the space assets of a possible enemy.
The general also pointed out that General Norman Schwarzkof,
commander of the coalition's forces, was able to move
his troops without the movements being detected by the
Iraqis because of our control of air and the fact that
Iraq had no space reconnaissance assets.
28 Apr-6 May 91
At 7:33 AM EST on 28 April, the space
shuttle Discovery blasted off from Cape Canaveral
with several major SDIO experiments aboard. The launch,
originally scheduled for 26 February, had been delayed
because of a number of difficulties with the space shuttle.
One of the more interesting facets of the experiments
carried out on this mission was the shuttle's execution
of a maneuver known as the "Malarkey Milkshake." This
maneuver was part of an experiment that observed the
of the shuttle's engines against various backgrounds,
e.g., against the earth, against black space, against
the earth's limb, etc. Planners for this experiment had
expected to get a minimum of six views of the shuttle's
engines firing and hoped for as many as twelve; they
observed the firing engines seventeen times. The shuttle
mission ended at 2:56 p.m. EDT on 6 May when the Discovery
landed at Cape Canaveral.
5 Dec 91
George Bush signed into law H.R. 2100, the "National Defense Authorization Act for
Fiscal Years 1992 and 1993." That portion of H.R. 2100
dealing with missile defenses was known as the Missile
Defense Act of 1991. This act required the Defense Department
to "aggressively pursue the development of advanced theater
missile defense systems, with the objective of down selecting
and deploying such systems by the mid-1990s." Additionally,
DOD was to "develop for deployment by the earliest date
allowed by the availability of appropriate technology
or by fiscal year 1996 a cost-effective, operationally
effective, and ABM Treaty-compliant antiballistic missile
system at a single site as the initial step toward deployment
of an antiballistic missile system." This system was to
be "designed to protect the United States against limited
ballistic missile threats, including accidental or unauthorized
launches or Third World attacks."
8 Dec 91
Soviet republics (Russia, Ukraine, and Byelorussia)
formed a commonwealth
and declared Gorbachev's
government "dead." This effectively marked the demise
of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War.
1 May 92
Ambassador Henry Cooper concluded a
memorandum of agreement with the secretaries of the military
services that established the organizational structures
and procedures for handling the acquisition of the GPALS
system as DOD moved ahead with deploying missile defenses
in accordance with instructions contained in the Missile
Defense Act of 1991. Among the more important provisions
of this MOA were that SDIO would establish a General Manager's
function, headed by a three-star general, that would be
responsible for working with the military services in
the management of procurement actions. The General Manager
would work through GPALS program executive officers (PEO)
that each military service would appoint. The PEOs were
to be of flag rank. Each PEO was to have authority over
all program managers within his or her service who were
completing SDI work in accordance with program management
agreements worked out between SDIO and the military services.
2 Jul 92
Secretary of Defense Richard Cheney
dispatched to Congress the 180-Day Report required by
the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Years
1992 and 1993. This report outlined the Defense Department's
acquisition strategy in support of the deployment goals
set by the Missile Defense Act of 1991. This strategy
would allow the U.S. to deploy a user operational evaluation
system (UOES) to provide limited protection of the U.S.
by 1997. Where theater missile defenses were concerned,
the basic strategy was to upgrade existing defensive capabilities
such as those possessed by the Patriot and then to produce
an advanced, new generation system with greater range
and effectiveness. The advanced system was to be the Theater
High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), which was to have
a contingency capability as early as 1996.
1 Oct 92
House and Senate Conferees agreed to
the provisions that were to be included in the National
Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 1993. This law
amended the Missile Defense Act of 1991 by placing more
emphasis on treaty compliance in any National Missile
Defense the U.S. might choose to deploy and by eliminating
the target date of 1996 for deployment of the initial
NMD site. Finally, the requirement to deploy advanced
theater missile defenses by the mid-1990s was eliminated
and replaced with a requirement to develop advanced theater
missile defense systems for deployment.
Dec 92
Program management responsibility for
Brilliant Pebbles was transferred to the Air Force. All
changes associated with the transition were to be completed
by 30 September 1993.
10 Dec 92
SDIO, U.S. Space Command, and the U.S.
Air Force signed a memorandum of agreement that started
the process of transferring ownership of the National
Test Facility to the Air Force, with the final transfer
coming at a later time as agreed to by the three signatories
to the agreement.
7 Jan 93
Ambassador Henry F. Cooper, director
SDIO, submitted a letter of resignation to President George
Bush, with the resignation to be effective 20 January.
20 Jan 93
William Jefferson Clinton was sworn
in as the forty-second president of the United States.
13 May 93
of Defense Les Aspin announced that the Strategic Defense
Organization was
being redesignated the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
to reflect the new focus in DOD's missile defense program
and the new way in which the program would be managed.
The major change in management was that the organization
would no longer report directly to the secretary of
but rather to the under secretary of defense for acquisition.
Concerning the refocusing of the program, Secretary
noted that the end of the Cold war meant that the U.S.
no longer faced the threat of a massive Soviet attack
such as that the SDI program had concentrated on. Now,
the U.S. faced theater ballistic missiles in the hands
of Third World dictators; these missiles could pose
threat to our forces and to the forces and peoples of
our allies. Additionally, in the future, the U.S. could "face hostile or irrational states that have both nuclear
warheads and ballistic missile technology that could reach
the United States. . . . That's why we've made theater
ballistic missile defense our first priority to cope with
the new dangers of the post-Cold War era." The next priority
was developing defenses for the American people.
4 Aug 93
Secretary of Defense Les Aspin announced
that President Clinton has nominated Major General Malcolm
O'Neill, BMDO Acting Director, for the position of BMDO
Director with promotion to lieutenant general. General
O'Neill's appointment had to be approved by the Senate.
1 Sep 93
Secretary of Defense Les Aspin announced
the results of the Bottom-Up Review which laid out America's
national security plans for the five year period between
FY95 to FY99. Where the ballistic missile defense program
was concerned, primary emphasis was to be placed on Theater
Missile Defense, which was to receive $12 billion. National
Missile Defense was to receive $3 billion, with the remaining
$3 billion split between Follow-On Technology and Research
and Support.
19 Nov 93
The U.S. Senate confirmed Major General
Malcolm R. O'Neill for the position of Director, Ballistic
Missile Defense Organization, and approved his promotion
to lieutenant general. O'Neill was promoted on 22 November
during a ceremony in the offices of BMDO.
30 Nov 93
The Army carried out a successful test
of the Extended Range Interceptor (ERINT) at the White
Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The ERINT collided
with the warhead of a STORM target vehicle. This warhead
contained a cluster of 38 pressurized, water-filled containers
designed to simulate toxic chemical submunitions.
11 Feb 94
The Army System Acquisition Review
Council selected the Extended Range Interceptor (ERINT)
over the Patriot multi-mode missile to be the missile
in the PAC-3 theater missile defense program.
15 Feb 94
An Extended Range Interceptor (ERINT)
hit a ballistic missile target vehicle in a test conducted
at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico. The target
was a nose cone carrying a simulated chemical warhead.
11 May 94
A Scud missile struck the North Yemen
city of Sanaa at 1 a.m. today causing fifty-three casualties.
As many as twenty-five of these people may have died.
10 Feb 96
Program Budget Decision 224 was issued.
This PBD reflected the results of a general OSD review
of the BMD program. It called for a reduction of about
$2.4 billion in the FYDP for missile defenses with the
bulk of the cuts ($2 billion) coming in the program for
the Theater High Altitude Area Defense system.
Mar 96
The Peoples' Republic of China (PRC)
fired four M-9 missiles that landed in the vicinity of
Taiwan. These firings were part of military maneuvers
designed to influence Taiwanese elections, which the PRC
feared might harden Taiwanese resistance to re-union with
mainland China.
9 Apr 96
Dr. Paul Kaminski, Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, directed the
BMDO Director to establish a Joint Program Office to manage
the deployment readiness program for national missile
31 May 96
LTG Malcolm R. O'Neill, BMDO Director,
retired after thirty-four years of military service.
26 Jun 96
Secretary of Defense William Perry
announced that Lt. Gen. Lester G. Lyles, USAF, had been
nominated to the Senate for the position of Director,
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization. At the time of
his nomination, General Lyles was serving as Commander
of the Air Force Materiel Command's Space and Missile
Systems Center at Los Angeles Air Force Base, California.
The General's appointment was confirmed by the Senate
on 2 August.
20 Aug 96
The Israelis completed a successful
test of the Arrow II (Hetz-2) anti-ballistic missile.
During this test the Arrow II missile destroyed a target
missile that was an Arrow I, modified so that its radar
cross section and warhead matched that of a Scud missile.
The target missile was launched from a barge in the Mediterranean
Sea about four minutes before the launching of the Arrow
II missile from an Israeli air force base on the coast
of Israel about ten kilometers away. Israel's Green Pine
fire control radar participated in this test and was apparently
able to track the target missile.
Nov 96
U.S. Army fielded an improved version of the Patriot
PAC-2 system that
included the class 2M
radios of the Joint Tactical Information Distribution
System (JTIDS). This gave the Patriot system the ability
to use Link 16, DOD's most advanced common data link,
which would allow the system to communicate with other
missile defense systems. The "configuration two" Patriot
also had the capability of communicating via Link 11,
which would allow communication with the systems of
3 Dec 96
The Defense Department hosted a special
briefing for the press to discuss the finding that data
gathered by SDIO's Clementine space experiment indicated
the presence of a substantial amount of ice in the north
polar region of the moon.
24 Jan 97
A modified Standard Missile 2 Block
IVA successfully intercepted and destroyed a Lance missile
target at the White Sands Missile Range. This was the
first successful intercept of a missile by the SM2. During
the test, the interceptor successfully transitioned from
radar guidance to its infrared guidance system prior to
destroying the target with its blast fragmentation warhead.
This successful test was one of the prerequisites for
moving the Navy's Theater Wide missile defense system
into the Engineering and Manufacturing Development stage
of the defense acquisition process.
7 Feb 97
BMDO and the U.S. Army's Space and
Strategic Defense Command carried out a test in which
a Patriot Advanced Capability-2 (PAC-2) missile successfully
intercepted a theater ballistic target missile. The target
missile was fired from Bigen Island, Aur Atoll, toward
the Kwajalein Atoll; the interceptor missile was fired
from Meck Island in the Kwajalein Atoll and intercepted
the target missile over the Pacific Ocean. A Patriot Guidance-Enhanced
Missile was also fired at the target, but destroyed itself
because the PAC-2 missile had already destroyed the target
missile. The target missile had the characteristics of
a variant of the Scud missile.
1 Apr 97
established the Joint Program Office for the National
Missile Defense
program after
submitting to Congress the cost-benefit analysis report
that was required by the FY 1997 Defense Appropriations
Conference Report. The JPO was to be responsible for "the
design, development and demonstration of an NMD system
to defend the United States from ballistic missile attack
by 2003." After a 1999 system demonstration, the JPO
was to be in a position to deploy a national missile
system if the threat warranted such a deployment.
24 Jun 97
Joint Program Office, in conjunction with the U.S.
Army's National
Missile Defense Program
Office and the Air Force's 30th Space Wing, successfully
completed the first flight test (IFT-1A) of "a candidate
infrared sensor designed for possible use with the National
Missile Defense (NMD) program." This sensor was produced
by Boeing North America and employed a very "sensitive
infrared silicon-based focal plane arrray." Another sensor
developed by Hughes Aircraft will be tested later. In
the test of 24 June, a specially configured Minuteman
II rocket, fired from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California,
lifted aloft a suite of test targets. This launch occurred
twenty-one minutes before a payload launch vehicle sent
the Boeing sensor package into space from Kwajalein Missile
Range in the Republic of the Marshall Islands. The sensor
package then flew by and "looked at" the test objects,
collecting an extensive amount of data on the objects.
Following the test of the Huges sensor package that will
occur later, both companies will integrate their sensors
with hardware to develop a test exoatmospheric kill vehicles
(EKV). These two EKVs will then be flown in actual intercept
tests. Following these intercept tests, one of the EKV
designs will be selected for an integrated NMD flight
test in late 1999.
6 Aug 97
George J. Tenet, Director of Central
Intelligence, informed Secretary of Defense William Cohen
that in accordance with Section 1321 of the National Defense
Authorization Act for FY 1997, he was appointing nine
individuals to serve on the Commission to Assess the Ballistic
Missile Threat to the United States. The nine appointees
were: Former Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld (chairman);
Mr. Barry Blechman; General George Lee Butler, USAF (Ret.);
Dr. Richard Garwin; Mr. William Schneider, Jr.; former
Senator Malcolm Wallop; General Lawrence Welch, USAF (Ret.);
Dr. Paul Wolfowitz; and former Director of Central Intelligence
James Woolsey.
11 Aug 97
a 6 August meeting of the Defense Acquisition Board,
Mr. Noel
Longuemare, acting
USDA&T;, approved BMDO's NMD acquisition strategy and
the release of a request for proposals for the next phase
of the Lead System Integrator contract.
19 Aug 97
The fifth flight of the Arrow 2 anti-tactical
ballistic missile was launched at 11:29 a.m. local time
(4:29 EDT). The lift-off was normal, but the interceptor
veered off course soon after launch and had to be destroyed
for range safety purposes. The target missile was an Arrow
1 missile. The cause of the failure was isolated to the
Electrical Actuator Driver (EAD). The EADs used in the
test missiles were prototype models that had not heretofore
been subjected to subsystem testing.
21 Aug 97
The Standing Consultative Commission
concluded its fifty-fifth session. During this session,
Russia and the United States reached agreement on TMD-NMD
demarcation and on the matter of succession to the ABM
Treaty. The agreements were to be submitted to the governments
of the countries involved in the negotiations. After final
approval, the agreements were to be signed sometime during
the fall.
25 Sep 97
Task Force on Reducing Risk in Ballistic Missile Defense
Flight Test Programs
met for
the first time. This committee was being cosponsored
by DTSE&E;, BMDO, and DOT&E; to examine steps that could
be taken in engineering, ground test, and simulation
to maximize
the probability that each flight on the various BMDO
interceptor programs would be successful. This measure
was undertaken
in recognition that the BMD program, particularly the
NMD, was ambitious and high-risk due to tight budgets,
demanding schedules, and reliance on hit-to-kill technology.
The task force was chaired by General Larry Welch (USAF,
26 Sep 97
Navy conducted a risk reduction missile flight test
at the Pacific
Missile Range Facility
(PMRF) in Kauai, HI, using a modified SM-2 Block IV.
The flight was declared a "NO TEST" because the missile did
not complete second stage flight and the proper operation
of the SM-2 Block IV second stage was not the focus of
this test. The primary objective was to demonstrate missile
flight stability during second/third stage separation
and subsequent flight to extremely high altitude. The
missile did not enter the upper atmosphere as required
to permit achieving the conditions that were prerequisite
for the primary test objective. BMDO would later challenge
the Navy's decision to declare this "no test" rather
than a failure.
26 Sep 97
In a ceremony at the Waldorf-Astoria
Hotel in New York, representatives of the United States,
Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Unkraine signed agreements
that aimed to establish a demarcation between TMD systems
not restricted by the ABM Treaty of 1972 and national
missile defense systems that were covered by the treaty.
These delegates also signed a memorandum of understanding
that named Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine as
successor states to the ABM Treaty, replacing the defunct
Soviet Union.
29 Sep 97
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
and the U.S. Army successfully demonstrated the first
Developmental Test Flight (DT-1) of a PATRIOT Advanced
Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile at White Sands Missile Range,
N.M. Preliminary data indicate the test was successful.
Test objectives included the verification of launch and
flight functions, interfaces with the existing Patriot
System, and missile operation in flight environments prior
to targets intercept missions. No intercept of a target
was attempted in this test.
1 Oct 97
U.S. Army established its Space and Missile Defense
Command, which was to
be the Army's
component for space and national missile defense. This
new command was also to serve as the material developer
for various programs and the Army's integrator for
missile defense. Its purpose was to assure that the Army's
forces had "'access to space assets and the products
they provide to win decisively with minimum casualties,
effective missile defense to protect the nation as well
as deployed U.S. forces and those of its allies.'"
9 Oct 97
Curt Weldon (R-PA) issued a "Dear Colleagues" letter in which he noted that "now
is the time to respond to [the] emerging Iranian missile
threat." He had already solicited possible responses
to the threat. Among the possible initiatives were the
secure added radar systems to expand the footprint of
existing U.S. and Israeli systems, contingency deployments
of THAAD systems after it had carried out a successful
intercept, acceleration of the Navy Theater Wide system,
17 Oct 97
The U.S. Army test-fired the Mid-Infrared
Advanced Chemical Laser (MIRACL) at an old Air Force satellite.
The laser fired two bursts at the satellite, one for less
than a second and a second one for about ten seconds.
Neither the satellite's laser camera that was the target
of the firing, nor the satellite was damaged in the test.
20 Oct 97
David Smith, one-time U.S. ambassador to the Defense
and Space Talks
criticized the recent agreements reached by the Clinton
administration through the Standing Consultative Committee
talks over the past several years. According to Smith,
in spite of the "bold claims" being made for the agreements,
if ratified, they would only "further calcify Cold War
thinking and obstruct U.S. theater missile defense." Among
Smith's complaints were the outright proscription of
lasers by these agreements and the freezing of U.S. theater
missile defense systems that the level of 1997 technology.
28 Oct 97
Responding to widespread reports of
Iran's imminent fielding of mid-range ballistic missiles,
Representative Curt Weldon (R-PA) and a bipartisan group
of legislators announced their intention to introduce
a bill authorizing $390 million in funding toward a crash
effort to accelerate U.S. theater missile defense programs.
Known as the Iran Missile Protection Act of 1997 (IMPACT
97), this legislation attempted to respond to the short-term
threat by authorizing more funds for the Patriot Advanced
Capability-3 (PAC-3), the THAAD system, Navy Theater Wide,
and the Israeli Arrow program.
31 Oct 97
DOD and the Canadian Ministry of Defense
signed a statement of intent (SOI) on defense space cooperation.
Preparations then got underway for the first bilateral
meetings scheduled for late November.
15 Dec 97
At approximately 11:15 EST, the second
PATRIOT Advanced Capability (PAC)-3 controlled test flight
took place. After clearing the launch tube, the missile
executed a pull up maneuver using fourteen attitude control
motors. The missile reached an altitude in excess of fifteen
kilometers before pitching over to fly down range. Ninety-seven
seconds into flight, the launch crew commanded the remaining
attitude control motors and flight termination system
to function. All indications are the missile flight was
nominal. The Radio Data Frequency Link (RFDL), one of
the items which did not function on the first controlled
test flight, did transmit and receive data.
Jan 98
Subcommittee on International Security, Proliferation,
and Federal
Services of the Senate Committee
on Governmental Affairs released a majority report that
essentially accused the Clinton administration of being
asleep at the switch were preventing the proliferation
of missile technology, weapons of mass destruction,
key enabling technologies. As the report put the matter: "The Clinton Administration's nonproliferation efforts
have been inadequate. . . . The Clinton Administration
has not been willing to take the tough actions necessary
to backup the rhetoric in executive orders and other statements.
And, by relaxing dual-use export controls the Administration
has allowed the United States to join the ranks of the
proliferators." Given the difficulties of containing
proliferation, the U.S. must take other measures to protect
itself against
proliferation, to include deploying national missile
14 Jan 98
The Commission to Assess the Ballistic
Missile Threat to the United States began its work. The
commission was established under the authority of the
1998 Defense Authorization Act, which stipulated that
the commission must complete its work within six months.
Chaired by Mr. Donald Rumsfeld, the panel also included
the following members: Mr. Barry Blechman, Dr. William
Graham, General Lee Butler (USAF, Ret.), General Larry
Welch (USAF, Ret.), Mr. Paul Wolfowitz, Mr. James Woolsey,
Dr. William Schneider, and Dr. Richard Garwin. Dr. Steve
Cambone was appointed staff director of the small staff
assembled to support the commission.
15 Jan 98
The National Missile Defense (NMD)
Integrated Test Flight-2 (IFT-2) was carried out successfully.
All NMD Integrated Flight Test Objectives, as specified
in the IFT-2 Detailed Test Plan, were completed. Test
data was collected at all nodes of the NMD System for
later analysis.
21 Jan 98
Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC), Chairman
of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, advised President
Bill Clinton that his committee would not consider the
Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) until the Clinton
Administration submits for approval the agreements on
TMD demarcation and multilateralization of the ABM Treaty
and the Kyoto Protocol to the U.N. Convention on Climate
19 Mar 98
Thad Cochrane (R-MS) introduced the American Missile
Protection Act
on behalf of himself
and the bill's co-sponsor, Senator Daniel Inouye (D-HI).
Senate Bill 1806, as the Cochrane-Inouye bill was designated,
included a section that recited the modern threat to
U.S. from ballistic missiles, noting that "several adversaries
of the United States have stated their intention to acquire
intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of attacking
the United States."
6 Apr 98
Pakistan tested its Ghauri missile,
which reported has a range of 950 miles and can carry
a nuclear warhead of more than 1500 pounds. The missile
was named after a medieval Afghan king who defeated the
Hindu ruler of New Delhi. The capabilities of this missile,
as well as the symbolism of its name, were considered
to be highly provocative by the Indian government.
14 Apr 98
The Kraken cruise missile built by
the BMDO Countermeasures Hands-On Project crashed on take
off from Point Mugu, California. The Kraken was built
to test the ability of a rest-of-world country to develop
this type of weapon.
17 Apr 98
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
(BMDO) announced the successful launch of its Red Crow
Flight Experiment. The purpose of the Red Crow Flight
Experiment was to assess the operational performance of
a suite of ballistic missile countermeasures under real
atmospheric flight conditions. Preliminary flight data
indicated that the Red Crow mission objectives were met.
The Red Crow launch took place from the Kauai Test Facility,
Barking Sands, Hawaii, at approximately 1:05 PM EST.
20 Apr 98
Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen
announced that the Clinton Administration will fund a
third Arrow battery for Israel in response to the rising
threat posed by intermediate ranged Iranian missiles.
The Israelis had asked for the support back in March.
The estimated cost of this initiative was $170 million.
Secretary Cohen was in Israel when he made the announcement.
30 Apr 98
OSD announced that BMDO had awarded
the LSI contract to Boeing North America of Seattle, Washington.
The contract was for a $1.6 billion development program
that was to last for three years, with a possible follow-on
development program covering up to seven more years.
12 May 98
THAAD Flight Test 08 was conducted
at White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, this morning
at 0522 Mountain Standard Time. The test was a failure.
Preliminary investigation indicated that the THAAD missile
lost control shortly after launch. The missile impacted
on the White Sands Missile Range about 2 miles north of
the launch site. The cause of the failure was later determined
to be an electronic short affecting the missile's thrust-vector
control system.
This was the fifth straight failure to intercept for THAAD.
The fourth failure earlier had triggered major concern
about the program. The failure on 12 May set off an intense
re-evaluation of the program and prompted major program
revisions, including an agreement with Lockheed-Martin
whereby the company would pay the government as much as
a total of $75 million in case of later failures in the
test program.
24 Jun 98
The Defense Consultative Group (Arms
Control and Strategic Issues) met at Carlisle Barracks,
Pennsylvania. This session was co-chaired by Dr. Susan
Koch, deputy assistant secretary of defense (Threat Reduction
Policy) and General-Major Lukin of the Russian MOD. One
of the main U.S. goals for this meeting was to open another
channel for dialogue on national missile defense. In this
vein, a briefing on the NMD program was given.
29-30 Jun 98
state and federal lawmakers, along with economic and
security experts
met in Alaska
to discuss "AlaskaÍs Assets and Security." This effort
was part of a "concerted, statewide effort that began
in spring 1997 to educate Alaskans on the threat of ballistic
missiles and, more importantly, to pressure the U.S.
to guarantee Alaska effective protection against ballistic
missile attack on an equal basis with the 48 contiguous
15 Jul 98
The Commission to Assess the Ballistic
Missile Threat to the United States (Rumsfeld Commission)
submitted its report to Congress. The nine commissioners
who made up the Rumsfeld panel were unanimous in their
conclusions, which included the following:
"Concerted efforts by a number of overtly
or potentially hostile nations to acquire ballistic missiles
with biological or nuclear payloads pose a growing threat
to the United States, its deployed forces and its friends
and allies. These newer, developing threats in North Korea,
Iran and Iraq are in addition to those still posed by
the existing ballistic missile arsenals of Russia and
China, nations with which we are not now in conflict
but which remain in uncertain transitions. The newer ballistic
missile-equipped nations' capabilities will not match
those of U.S. systems for accuracy or reliability. However,
they would be able to inflict major destruction on the
U.S. within about five years of a decision to acquire
such a capability (10 years in the case of Iraq). During
several of those years, the U.S. might not be aware that
such a decision had been made."
20 Jul 98
Trade publications reported that Rear
Admiral George Huchting, the Navy's program executive
officer for theater air defense-surface combatants, had
decided to keep USS Hue City (CG-66) and Vicksburg (CG-69)
from rejoining the fleet for up to a year until interoperability
problems between their Aegis combat systems and newly-installed
Cooperative Engagement Capability systems were resolved.
Successive improvements of the combat systems aboard the
two ships had vastly increased their capabilities, but
had steadily complicated integration problems as older
systems tried to communicate with many newer ones.
21 Jul 98
Iran carried out the first flight test
of its Shahab-3 medium-range ballistic missile, which
was expected to have a range of 800 to 900 miles, sufficiently
great to strike virtually any country in the Middle East,
including Israel.
27 Jul 98
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization (BMDO) and the
U.S. Army announced
that a contractual
agreement had been reached between the Theater High Altitude
Area Defense (THAAD) system Prime Contractor, Lockheed
Martin Missiles & Space (LMMS), and the Government concerning
incentives to improve missile performance. The agreement
called for cost-sharing of up to $75 million if LMMS failed
to achieve three body-to-body hits over the remainder
of the Program Definition & Risk Reduction (PDRR) phase
of the THAAD contract. Five test flights remained in
PDRR test program.
27 Jul 98
The Defense Department announced the
selection of the booster for the National Missile Defense
(NMD) Ground-based Interceptor (GBI). Jacques Gansler,
Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology
and the Defense Acquisition Executive, selected a booster
that incorporated commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) stages.
The other booster considered was the Minuteman intercontinental
ballistic missile (ICBM). The COTS booster was to be assembled
by the Boeing Corporation, the lead system integrator
contractor for the NMD program.
31 Aug 98
Korea flight tested its Taepo Dong-1 missile in a flight
that carried
over Japan. According
to the Washington Times, the missile traveled about 1000
miles, surpassing by 380 miles the range of the No-Dong
medium ranged missile. This launch caused an angry
in Japan, which immediately canceled plans to extend
$1 billion in aid that was to help North Korea build "two
civilian reactors." It also caused a furor in the U.S.
government over the next two weeks as its implications
for the U.S. threat were teased out.
14 Sep 98
Israelis successfully completed a non-intercept full
integration flight test
of the Arrow
II missile system. In this test, a Radar Environment
Simulator generated an electronic threat and threat
trajectory that
was fed to the Green Pine fire control radar, which "tracked" this
data and passed information to the Citron Tree command
and control system. Data from Citron Tree were then passed
to the Hazelnut Tree Launch Control Center and launcher,
launching the missile. Up-date information from Citron
Tree was passed to the missile via an up-link between
Green Pine and the Arrow missile.
5 Feb 99
Citing technical snafus and cost overruns,
the Air Force canceled its contracts with TRW Inc. and
Boeing Co. to design and develop the prototype satellites
for SBIRS-low.
10 Feb 99
The National Missile Defense program
conducted Risk Reduction Flight 5, which was designed
to reduce the technical risks inherent in the National
Missile Defense (NMD) Integrated Flight Test 3 scheduled
for June. Risk Reduction Flight 5 demonstrated real time
element hardware and software capabilities and system
interfaces. The functions exercised included communications
links, system loading and timing, algorithms, cueing,
and tracking. The flight also provided the National Missile
Defense Test Team with training and a rehearsal for NMD
Integrated Flight Tests 3. Risk Reduction Flight 6 was
scheduled for May 12.
21-27 Feb 99
During this week, a U.S. delegation
composed of Robert Bell (special assistant to the president
for arms control), Deputy Secretary of State Strobe Talbott,
and John Holum (Under Secretary of State for Arms Control
and International Security Affairs) traveled to Moscow
for preliminary talks on modifying the ABM Treaty. The
Russians essentially stonewalled the American delegation,
continuing to insist on no changes to the treaty.
25 Feb 99
In a
letter to the President, Senator Jesse Helms (R-NC),
chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, asked the President to provide evidence to
contradict the contention of Republicans that the 1972
ABM Treaty is moribund. Without this evidence, Helms
his committee would hold hearings in the near future
in which the operating "'legal assumption'" would be that
the treaty is "'no longer in force.'" Accompanying his
letter was a memorandum prepared by attorneys George
and Douglas Feith for the Washington-based Center for
Security Policy, which states that the ABM Treaty died
with the demise of the Soviet Union.
15 Mar 99
BMDO and the U.S. Army conducted the
Patriot Advanced Capability-3 missile Seeker Characterization
Flight (SCF) test at White Sands Missile Range, NM, today
at 6:55 a.m. MST. Preliminary data indicated that the
test was successful. The objectives of the test included
collecting data and analyzing the system/missile capability
to detect, track, and close with its target, gathering
data on the PAC-3 missile seeker in a flight environment,
and evaluating performance closed-loop homing guidance
in flight. While interception was not a specific objective
of the SCF, the PAC-3 missile did intercept the Hera target
16 Mar 99
Senate voted 97 to 3 "to commit
the United States to deploy a national anti-missile defense
system after President Clinton and most Democrats dropped
their long-standing opposition to the measure in return
for a renewed commitment to arms control. The measure
called for the U.S. to deploy national missile defenses
"'as soon as technologically possible.'"
17 Mar 99
By a vote of 317 to 105, the House
of Representatives approved a measure committing the U.S.
to deploy national missile defenses.
29 Mar 99
In a flight test at White Sands Missile
Range, THAAD failed to hit its target for the sixth straight
31 Mar 99
The Arms Control and Disarmament Agency
ceased to exist at midnight. As directed by Congress,
ACDA was absorbed by the State Department when its former
responsibilities were assumed by the under secretary of
state for arms control and international security affairs,
who also served as senior arms control adviser to the
president and to the secretary of state. The new under
secretary was supported by four bureaus: the non-proliferation
bureau, an arms control bureau, a political/military affairs
bureau, and the verification and compliance bureau.
1 Apr 99
Boeing and the National Missile Defense
Joint Program Office broke ground at Boeing's Jetplex
facility in Huntsville, AL, to begin construction of a
prototype silo to be used for NMD weapon system testing
and development exercises. This silo was part of a larger
facility, estimated to cost $2.6 million, that Boeing
was building at the Jetplex facility. This larger facility
was known as the Ground-Based Interceptor Development
Integration Laboratory (GDIL) and would include a simulated
missile control room.
11 Apr 99
India successfully tested its Agni
II missile.
14 Apr 99
Pakistan carried out another test of
its Ghauri II missile just three days after the Indians
conducted a test of their Agni II missile. The Ghauri
II is reportedly the longest ranged missile in the Pakistani
arsenal. It can hurl a 2,200 pound payload 1,240 miles.
15 Apr 99
Pakistan test fired its 450-mile Shaheen
4 May 99
A Navy Theater Wide Block I Program
Acquisition Decision Memorandum was signed by Dr. Jacques
Gansler. It baselined NTW to a Block I FUE in FY2007.
5 May 99
The Israelis successfully tested their
Black Sparrow air launched target vehicle, which was designed
for use in the Arrow program.
11 May 99
The Senate confirmed the appointment
of Lt. Gen. Ronald T. Kadish as third director of the
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization.
20 May 99
By a vote of 345 to 71, the House approved
legislation stating that it was the policy of the United
States to field limited national missile defenses as soon
as technically feasible. The bill also said that the U.S.
should continue arms control talks with the Russians.
25 May 99
A test of the THAAD missile was aborted
when the Hera target missile failed to follow the appropriate
trajectory. This test was to have been the tenth in a
series of thirteen flight tests currently planned in the
Program Definition and Risk Reduction phase of the THAAD
27 May 99
Lt. Gen. Lester Lyles was promoted
to General as he assumed his new duties as Vice Chief
of Staff United States Air Force.
3 Jun 99
Russia conducted another successful
test of its Topol M missile. Fired from Plesetsk cosmodrome,
the missile hit a target 5,500 miles away in Kamchatka.
This was the seventh test in three years for Topol, which
NATO designates the SS-27. The maximum range of this three-stage,
solid-propellant ICBM is 11,000 kilometers. It is 22.7
meters long, has a maximum diameter of 1.86 meters, and
weighs 47.2 tons at launch.
10 Jun 99
THAAD successfully intercepted a Hera
target missile at White Sands Missile Range. This test
ended a string of six failures.
14 Jun 99
Lt. Gen. Ronald T. Kadish, United States
Air Force, assumed his duties as Director, Ballistic Missile
Defense Organization, becoming the agency's third director.
20 Jun 99
U.S. and Russia issued a joint statement following
discussions between
U.S. President
William Clinton and Russian President Boris Yeltsin.
The statement began by noting that the ABM Treaty was
to "strengthening strategic stability" and reducing strategic
offensive arms. "Proceeding from the fundamental significance
of the ABM Treaty for further reductions in strategic
offensive arms, and from the need to maintain the strategic
balance between the United States of America and the
Federation, the Parties reaffirm their commitment to
that Treaty, which is a cornerstone of strategic stability,
and to continuing efforts to strengthen the Treaty, to
enhance its viability and effectiveness in the future."
19 Jul 99
By a vote of 381-0 the House of Representatives
passed a resolution calling upon American leaders to celebrate
the tenth anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall by
promoting an educational effort on the Cold War and honoring
U.S. veterans of the conflict. According to a newspaper
report on the House vote, the Pentagon fixed the dates
of the Cold War as stretching from 2 September 1945, when
Japan surrendered at the end of World War II, to 26 December
1991 when Mikhail Gorbachev resigned as Soviet president
and the Soviet Union was disbanded.
2 Aug 99
The 11th flight test for the Theater
High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) defense missile system
was completed successfully, when the THAAD interceptor
struck a Hera target missile at approximately 7:45 a.m.
EDT at the White Sands Missile Range, N.M. For the first
time in FT-11, THAAD intercepted a target outside the
earth's atmosphere. This was also the missile's first
intercept of a warhead that had separated from its booster.
The difficulty of the test was further increased because
cooling of the target in outer space reduced the ability
of the missile's infrared sensors to detect it.
16 Aug 99
The Memorandum of Understanding with
the Japanese Defense Agency concerning Cooperative Ballistic
Missile Defense Research became effective with an exchange
of diplomatic notes.
17 Aug 99
The United States and Russia resumed
strategic arms talks that included both further restrictions
on offensive arms and a modification of the ABM Treaty
to allow the United States to deploy a limited national
missile defense system.
16 Sep 99
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
and the U.S. Army today conducted a successful intercept
test of the PATRIOT Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) missile
at the White Sands Missile Range, N.M. this morning at
7:26 a.m. Mountain Time. Test objectives included a body-to-body
intercept of a threat representative of a tactical ballistic
missile target; a demonstrated capability of the ground
system and missile to detect, track, and engage the target,
and to collect data to evaluate missile homing functions.
2 Oct 99
and the U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command
successfully carried
out the IFT-3 NMD
test. At 7:02 p.m. PDT, a modified Minuteman intercontinental
ballistic missile (ICBM) target vehicle was launched
Vandenberg AFB, California; and a prototype NMD interceptor
was launched approximately 20 minutes later and 4,300
miles away from the Kwajalein Atoll in the Republic
the Marshall Islands. The intercept occurred at approximately
7:32 p.m. PDT and demonstrated the ability of the exoatmospheric
kill vehicle to intercept and destroy a ballistic missile
target outside the atmosphere. The intercept vehicle
about 120 pounds and was equipped with two infrared sensors,
a visible sensor, and a small propulsion system. The
seeker system located and tracked the target and then
guided the kill vehicle to a body-to-body impact with
the target. The test demonstrated the power of a "hit
to kill" interceptor to totally destroy and neutralize
a warhead carrying a weapon of mass destruction-nuclear,
chemical or biological.
26 Oct 99
Jacques S. Gansler, USD (A&T;) issued
an acquisition decision memorandum authorizing the PAC-3
program to begin low-rate initial production.
1 Nov 99
The Arrow II missile system successfully
completed its first fully integrated intercept test. This
was the seventh flight and third intercept for the Arrow
2. During the test, the Arrow took off and flew in a nominal
trajectory, acquired the TM-91 target, then locked on
and homed in on the target missile. The Green Pine fire
control radar and the Citron Tree battle management center
both participated fully in the test, performing battle
planning, launch operation, up link/down link message
applications, as well as post intercept verifications.
15 Nov 99
Dr. Jacques S. Gansler, Under Secretary
of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics,
accepted the 15 September recommendation of the JROC that
the Army be designed lead service for the land-based NMD
6 Dec 99
Lt. Gen. Ronald T. Kadish, BMDO Director,
instituted the most wide-reaching reorganization of the
agency since the reorganization of SDIO that followed
the negotiation of the 1992 GPALS General Manager memorandum
of understanding with the three major services. The new
organization was flat, with a large number of agencies
reporting directly to the Director's group to improve
communications and increase the speed of decisions. The
four tiers in this new arrangement were the Director's
group where decisions were made, the support area (General
Counsel, Chief Information Office, etc.), the core mission
functions tier, and the execution tier (PEOs and the NMD
Joint Program Office). Additionally, there was a constellation
of seven (the original constellation contained six, but
on 7 December General Kadish added a seventh to produce
an integrated radar plan for the agency) semi-permanent
program support teams. This constellation was expected
to change as the BMDO mission evolved over time.
18 Jan 00
During NMD's IFT-4 flight test, the
interceptor failed to hit its target. The entire mission
was virtually flawless, with the malfunction developing
during the end game. A blockage in the kill vehicle's
krypton cooler caused a sensor failure in the final six
seconds of the flight. As a result, the interceptor missed
its target by 73 meters.
5 Feb 00
A PAC-3 missile successfully intercepted
its Hera target over the deserts at White Sands Missile
Range. The Hera had been launched from Fort Wingate about
five minutes before the launching of the Patriot.
14 Mar 00
The Israelis held a symbolic ceremony
in which an Arrow II missile was rolled out of its production
facility and accepted by the Israeli Air Force.
15 Mar 00
Army completed flight test MFT-3B at White Sands Missile
Test Range.
In this test, a PAC-2
production missile was fired from a PAC-3 launcher and "successfully engaged" a target that was towed behind
a MQM-107 drone. The purpose of this test was to "demonstrate
the ability to launch a standard Patriot missile from
a PAC-3 launcher and collect reliability data on the
missile round."
14 Apr 00
lower chamber of the Russian Parliament ratified the
START II treaty
by a vote of 228 to 131.
This treaty had been agreed to by negotiators of the
two countries in 1993 and passed by the U.S. Senate
in 1996.
On the occasion of the Duma's action, Russian President
Vladimir V. Putin told the Russian Parliament that
the U.S. that Russia would withdraw from all arms control
agreements if the U.S. forced changes to the ABM Treaty.
In his words: "'I want to stress that, in this case,
we will have the chance and we will withdraw not only
the Start II treaty, but from the whole system of treaties
on the limitation and control of strategic and conventional
8 Jul 00
The IFT-5 test, a major test in the
U.S. National Missile Defense program, failed to achieve
the planned intercept. This failure was an important factor
in President William J. Clinton's decision to defer the
initiation of an NMD deployment in Alaska. (See entry
for 1 Sep 00.)
1 Sep 00
In a speech at Georgetown University,
President William Jefferson Clinton announced his decision
not to initiate an NMD deployment. The President noted
that the world was, indeed, becoming in some ways a more
dangerous place so that pursuing an NMD system was rational.
Nevertheless, given the fact that the NMD program was
still showing signs of technological difficulties and
that all of America's security measures, including arms
control, must complement each other, he had decided that
the time was not right for a deployment.
14 Oct 00
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization and the U.S.
Army completed Development
Test-6 (DT-6)
in the Patriot program. This was a complex test involving
three targets and two interceptor missiles. The test
a simultaneous engagement using a PAC-3 and a PAC-2 missile
and two targets, one a ballistic missile, the other
air-breathing drone. One of the principal objectives
of the test was to demonstrate system capability to
and destroy a maneuvering tactical ballistic missile
reentry vehicle with a PAC-3 missile and a sub-scale
target with a PAC-2 missile. The test also aimed to demonstrate
PAC-3 seeker acquisition and tracking of a target with
a second object present in the seeker's field of view.
The targets used in the test were a tactical ballistic
target (STORM) and an MQM-107 drone (two drones were
launched although only one was targeted). During
this highly successfully test, which was conducted at
White Sands Missile Range, New Mexico, the PAC-3 missile
intercepted and destroyed the STORM target. While the
PAC-2 missile did not destroy its sub-scale drone target
(MQM-107), the drone did appear to be damaged.
16 Oct 00
The Israel Defense Forces declared
Israel's Arrow missile defense system operational.
21 Dec 00
Gen. Ronald T. Kadish, BMDO Director, selected the
John Stennis Space
Facility near Gulfport,
Mississippi, as the location for the facility that would
be used to test the Space Based Laser. This site was
over the Redstone Arsenal at Huntsville, Alabama, and
Spaceport Florida. Plans called for the test facility
to be built between 2002 and 2006 and for testing of
SBL to be conducted here "at least six years thereafter."
22 Dec 00
Ballistic Missile Defense Organization's (BMDO) National
Missile Defense
Joint Program Office announced
that The Boeing Company, Space & Communications Group,
Anaheim, California, was to be awarded a cost-plus-award-fee
contract for continuing development of the National Missile
Defense (NMD) system. The performance period of the contract
was 1 January 2001 through 30 September 2007. Work under
the contract was to be performed by Boeing and its major
subcontractors, primarily in Huntsville, Alabama; Tucson,
Arizona; Sudbury and Bedford, Massachusetts; and Colorado
Springs, Colorado.
Jan - Mar 01
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization
moved into new facilities in the complex know as Federal
Office Building 2 (the Navy/Arlington Annex) on Columbia
Pike overlooking the Pentagon. This move resulted in the
consolidation of the agency's major elements in a single
25 Jan 01
and the U.S. Navy conducted a successful flight test
of the newly developed
Missile-3 (SM-3). The missile was launched from the Aegis
cruiser USS Lake Erie in the Pacific Ocean with support
from the Pacific Missile Range Facility, Kauai, Hawaii.
The test was formally known as "the Aegis Light Exo-Atmospheric
Projectile (LEAP) Intercept Flight Test Round (FTR-1A)
21 Feb 01
BMDO completed a highly successful
test in its Critical Measurements Program (CMP). The test,
CMP-3B, took place in the Pacific with a target complex
that included multiple objects being launched from Wake
Island and landing near Meck Island, which supports facilities
that are part of the Kwajalein Missile Range. The test
involved the collection of optical and radar data on a
number of test events.
1 May 01
In a speech at National Defense University
at Fort Leslie McNair on Haines Point, Washington, D.C.,
President George W. Bush called for a new strategic departure
to move the world beyond the strategic framework of the
Cold War, which still dominates the international security
environment. He called for more appropriate sizing of
America's nuclear forces and moving away from the ABM
Treaty. Regarding the treaty, the President noted that
it continues to impose on today's world the outmoded and
no longer workable doctrine of mutual assured destruction.
At the same time, the treaty blocks promising avenues
of missile defense developments that offer more appropriate
responses to today's international security environment.
Nevertheless, under Secretary Rumsfeld, DOD had been exploring
options for missile defense that included air- and sea-based
systems and concepts for boost phase intercept. The President
announced that his administration would conduct rue consultations
with America's allies beginning the following week when
he dispatched high level teams to the capitals of Europe,
Asia, Canada, and Australia. These teams would be headed
by Richard Armitage, Paul Wolfowitz, and Steven Hadley.
Jun 01
Defense Science Board Task Force on High Energy Laser
Weapon Systems
Applications completed
its study. Among its findings was the conclusion that "high-power lasers" had "the
potential to change future military operations in dramatic
14 Jul 01
The Ballistic Missile Defense Organization,
BMDO's Mid-Course Joint Program Office, and the U.S. Army
successfully completed Integrated Flight Test 6 (IFT-6),
a test of BMDO's mid-course, exoatmospheric kinetic kill
9 Aug 01
Ronald T. Kadish, BMDO Director, issued the Record
of Decision for the
beginning of site
preparation at Fort Greeley, Alaska, for the "Missile
Defense System Test Bed."
9 Aug 01
General Willie Nance held a press conference to provide
an update
on the successful IFT-6
test flight. Here, the General explained the role of
the C-band beacon on the target vehicle, noting that
was necessary because of the absence of a midcourse radar
between the radar at Beale AFB in California and the
Radar Prototype at Kwajalein. The General said that the
EKV hit the "sweet spot" on the target vehicle.
27 Aug 01
Israeli carried out another successful
test of the Arrow II missile. In this test, Arrow intercepted
a Black Sparrow target missile that was launched from
an Israeli Air Force F-15 fighter and then simulated the
flight path of a Scud missile. In the test, Israel's Green
Pine radar detected the target missile, and the Citron
fire-control system launched the Arrow interceptor, which
then struck the Black Sparrow rocket while it was still
about a hundred kilometers from the Israeli coast.
28 Aug 01
A coalition of environmental and public
interest groups filed suit in the U.S. District Court
of Washington, D.C., to halt land preparations of the
missile defense test bed site at Fort Greely, Alaska.
31 Aug 01
conducted its Booster Vehicle-2 (BV-2) flight test.
The missile was
launched from Vandenberg
Air Force Base, California, at 1600 EDT. All three stages
of the booster operated properly. Although telemetry
the attitude control system was lost 33 seconds into
the flight and the roll rate of the missile was above
the "actual trajectory was indistinguishable from [the]
planned [trajectory]." Overall, BMDO considered the test
7 Sep 01
Carl Levin (D-MI), Chairman of the Senate Armed Services
issued a press
release detailing the results of his committee's markup
process. After touting the positive aspects of the
produced (improved compensation for people serving in
the military, the addition of $1B for readiness requirements,
etc.), the Senator discussed the bill's provisions
missile defense. Here, again,
the Senator started by accentuating the positive. The
bill provided $625.7 million more for TMD systems, increased
funding for Arrow by $76 million, and an additional $1.1
billion (20% increase) for national missile defense. Levin
then expressed concerns about what he saw as a determination
on the part of the Bush administration to push tests that
clashed with the ABM Treaty and an intention to withdraw
from the treaty. And, since DOD had failed to provide
adequate information on possible treaty violations by
various test activities, the SASC had "adopted a provision
that would condition expenditure of funds authorized by
this bill for a missile defense activity that conflicts
with the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty, as determined
by the President, upon Congress voting under expedited
procedures to approve such expenditures." Finally,
Senator Levin noted that his committee had cut $1.3 billion
from the Pentagon's missile defense requests, since these
funds had not been well-justified.
11 Sep 01
highjacked four passenger jets, crashing one into each
of the
towers in the World
Trade Center and one into the Pentagon. The fourth plane
crashed in Pennsylvania, when passengers alerted to
highjackers' intentions attempted to gain control of
the plane. The Boeing 757 that
crashed into the Pentagon startled members of BMDO
when it flew
at an extremely low altitude over the agency's offices
as it plunged into the Pentagon. The resulting explosion
shook the agency's buildings. BMDO personnel were required
to evacuate their offices and sent home for the remainder
of the day.
18 Sep 01
Carl Levin (D-MI) and John Warner (R-VA) agreed to "drop a controversial provision
on the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty from the fiscal 2001
defense authorization bill so that Democrats and Republicans
can stand united behind the measure in the aftermath of
last week's terrorist attacks." This agreement came after
Levin (chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee
[SASC] and Warner, ranking Republican on the committee,
held "lengthy meetings" on the subject. The focus of the
compromise was a Democratically sponsored provision that
would require congressional approval of any missile defense
test that violated the ABM Treaty. Under the terms of
the compromise, the Democrats would be free to introduce
their ABM Treaty measure in a bill apart from the Defense
Authorization Bill. Earlier,
during SASC committee proceeding, Levin had also engineered
$1.3 billion cut to the $8.3 billion missile defense;
and Levin intended to keep this cut in the bill when
went to the floor. However, Senator Warner gave notice
that he would introduce a measure on the floor to restore
the cut. According to a report in the New York Times,
a Warner amendment to restore the cut funding would receive
the support of a number of Democrats.
26 Sep 01
U.S. Army achieved First Unit Equipped (FUE)-Missile "on schedule signing of the Acceptance Certificate
(DD250) for 16 PAC-3 missiles from Lockheed Martin Missiles
and Fire Control's production facility in Camden, Arkansas."
FUE status included "both the ground system and initial
complement of missiles." In fact, FUE for the ground
equipment had been achieved in December 2000. As of 28
the last development test for PAC-3 was scheduled for
18 October.
8 Oct 01
President George W. Bush issued an
executive order establishing the Office of Homeland Security.
This directive also established the Homeland Security
Council, which included the Secretary of Defense among
its members.
19-21 Oct 01
A poll conducted during this period
by the Gallup Organization showed that 70% of the American
people favored spending the money needed to build a missile
defense system. This was up from 53% in a 14-16 July poll.
3 Dec 01
BMDO and the U.S. Army successfully
completed Integrated Flight Test 7 (IFT-7) in the Ground-Based
Midcourse Segment portion of the overall missile defense
program. This was two straight successes and brought the
count in the intercept test series to three successes
out of five attempts.
13 Dec 01
President George W. Bush served notice
to Russia that the United States was withdrawing from
the ABM Treaty and was giving the required six-months
13 Dec 01
During the Boost Vehicle Three (BV-3)
test, the prototype booster for the Ground-Based Midcourse
Segment of the Ballistic Missile Defense System in the
Boost Vehicle Three (BV-3) drifted off course and had
to be destroyed for range safety reasons after only about
thirty seconds of flight.
14 Dec 01
The Defense Department cancelled the
Navy Area Defense program because it was in a Nunn-McCurdy
2 Jan 02
Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld
issued guidance on the execution of the U.S. missile defense
program. Included here were instructions that the Ballistic
Missile Defense Organization be renamed the Missile Defense
5 Feb 03
The United Kingdom agreed to allow
the United States to upgrade the ballistic missile
early warning radar at RAF Fylingdale Moor.
3-7 Mar 03
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
cosponsored with the American Institute for Aeronautics
and Astronautics the first annual U.S.-only missile
defense conference at the Ronald Reagan building in
downtown Washington, D.C.
14 May 03
and Greenland signed an agreement in principle
to expand GreenlandÕs
Thule Base as a link to U.S. missile defense.
16 May 03
indicated an interest in beginning negotiations
with the
United States to join
AmericaÕs missile shield program.
23 May 03
President George W. Bush and Japanese
Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi agreed to accelerate
cooperation on ballistic missile defense.
15 Aug 03
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
announced the selection of Adak, Alaska, as the Primary
Support Base (PSB) for the Sea-Based X-Band (SBX)
radar that is part of the Ground-based Midcourse Defense
(GBM) system.
17 Oct 03
The Army activated the 90-soldier
Ground-based Midcourse Defense Brigade, which includes
National Guard and active-duty soldiers, to command
and control the ground-based missile defense system.
4 Dec 03
Australia joins the U.S. program
to build a missile defense system.
26 Jan 04
The Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
successfully completed Integrated Flight Test (IFT)-13B, launching a three-stage
booster developed by Orbital Sciences Corporation, the primary booster configuration
that MDA is fielding for Initial Defensive Operations. Launched from the Kwajalein
Atoll in the Marshall Islands, the interceptor was integrated for the first time
with various GMD components, including the fire control system, which generated
targeting information for the interceptor. No intercept was attempted in this
flight. The target was simulated and propagated through the fire control system.
1 Mar 04
The Missile Defense Agency is renaming
its Theater High Altitude Defense Systems to better reflect the programÕs role in the
overall Ballistic Missile Defense System. The ÒTÓ in THAAD will now represent the word
ÒterminalÓ to denote the systemÕs mission to intercept incoming ballistic missiles in
their final descent phase. THAAD is the only system in BMDS designed to engage
medium-range missiles both inside and outside the earthÕs atmosphere.
23 Jun 04
In a Missile Defense Agency radar test,
an Aegis destroyer, the USS Paul Hamilton detected and tracked the flight of the unarmed
Air Force intercontinental ballistic missile after it was launched from Vandenberg Air
Force Base in California. The ship-based radar passed data about the in-flight ballistic
missile to the Ballistic Missile Defense command and control center at the Joint National
Integration Center in Colorado, marking the first time a Navy ship equipped with
advanced Aegis radar and a ground missile defense system has successfully passed
information about a missile. The ship detected the friendly missile when it came
above horizon and tracked it for about 700 miles. The test was an important step
in linking the entire missile defense system together.
3 Jul 04
The Missile Defense Agency dedicated
the ballistic missile defense site at Fort Greely, Alaska. The Alaskan ceremonies marked
completion of construction, including installation of six interceptor silos for the
initial GMD capability.
22 Jul 04
The first ground-based missile
interceptor was placed in an underground silo at the missile defense complex at Fort
Greely, Alaska. Five more interceptors will be in place by the end of 2004. The
system is scheduled to become operational after more interceptors are emplaced,
and the interconnected architecture of radars, sensors, battle management and
command, control and communications is activated.
29 Jul 04
An Arrow missile successfully
intercepts a ballistic missile target off the California Coast. The test was part
of the joint U.S. - Israeli Arrow System Improvement Program.
5 Aug 04
The Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
(THAAD) program completes a System Flight Certification test of the THAAD Divert and
Altitude Control System - an important test for reducing risk when flight tests resume
in the near future.
26 Aug 04
The second of two Arrow tests at the
Point Mugu Sea Range in California was completed. An intercept of the target did not
occur during this test.
2 Sep 04
The Army successfully conducts a
flight test of the PATRIOT Advance Capability-3 (PAC-3) at White Sands Missile Range
in New Mexico. The test demonstrated the systemÕs capability to track, engage and
intercept a short-range tactical ballistic missile and a low-altitude cruise missile
target. A THAAD radar system was used to track the targets during the test.
4 Sep 04
A second ground-based missile
interceptor was emplaced at the missile defense complex at Fort Greely, Alaska.
15 Sep 04
A third interceptor is emplaced
at Fort Greely.
22 Sep 04
The fourth ground-based interceptor is emplaced
in its silo at Fort Greely.