- ️Wed Jan 11 2006
A Resolution to Calling for a Tribute for Col. Gregory "Pappy"Boyington, USMC
WHEREAS Col. Gregory Boyington who as a student at the University of Washington from 1930 to 1934, was a member of the Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity, served as an ROTC cadet, and represented this university as a swimmer and wrestler and held the Pacific Northwest Intercollegiate middleweight wrestling title before he graduated in 1934 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Aeronautical Engineering with a 2nd Lieutenant's Commission in the Coast Artillery Corps, served as a combat pilot in the 1st Squadron, American Volunteer Group (the "Flying Tigers of China") and served subsequently as a Marine Corps combat pilot in the Pacific Theatre as Commander, Marine Fighting Squadron 214 ("The Black Sheep Squadron") from 12 September 1943 to 3 January 1944, during which time he was awarded the Navy Cross, America's second highest combat decoration, and the Medal of Honor, America�s highest combat decoration, whose citation which was signed by Pres. Franklin D. Roosevelt in March 1944 which reads(1,2):
For extraordinary heroism above and beyond the call of duty as Commanding Officer of Marine Fighting Squadron TWO
FOURTEEN in action against enemy Japanese forces in Central Solomons Area from 12 September 1943 to 3 January 1944. Consistently outnumbered throughout successive hazardous flights over heavily defended hostile territory, Major Boyington struck at the enemy with daring and courageous persistence, leading his squadron into combat with devastating results to Japanese shipping, shore installations and aerial forces. Resolute in his efforts to inflict crippling damage on the enemy, Major Boyington led a formation of twenty-four fighters over Kahili on 17 October and, persistently circling the airdrome where sixty hostile aircraft were grounded, boldly challenged the Japanese to send up planes. Under his brilliant command, our fighters shot down twenty enemy craft in the ensuing action without the loss of a single ship. A superb airman and determined fighter against overwhelming odds, Major Boyington personally destroyed 26 of the many Japanese planes shot down by his squadron and by his forceful leadership developed the combat readiness in his command which was a distinctive factor in the Allied aerial achievements in this vitally strategic area.
and, Col. Boyington was shot down on 3 January 1944 and then spent twenty months in a Japanese Prisoner of War camp before repatriation on 29 August 1945,
That we consider Col. Gregory Boyington, United States Marine Corps, to be a prime example of the excellence that this university represents and strives to impart upon its students, and,
That we desire for a memorial for Col. Boyington be commenced by the University of Washington by 11 January 2008, the twentieth anniversary of his death, which will be publicly displayed, so that all who come here in future years will know that the University of Washington produced one of this country�s bravest men, and that we as a community hold this fact in the highest esteem.
1. By this time, Colonel Boyington was declared by the Marine Corps missing in action, presumed killed.
2. Later evaluation by the United States Marine Corps increased the number of enemy aircraft destroyed from 26 to 28.
* Gregory Boyington Baa Baa Black Sheep (Bantam Books, 1990)
* Daniel Ford - Flying Tigers: Claire Chennault and the American Volunteer Group
* Bruce Gamble Black Sheep One. (Presidio Press, 2003)
* http://www.washington.edu/alumni/columns/dec98/back_pages1298.html
History of Legislation
01/11/2006: Submitted for consideration
01/13/2006: Referred to the General Affairs Committee
01/17/2006: Reported Without Opinion by the General Affairs Committee
01/24/2006: Placed on First Reading
01/31/2006: Placed on Second Reading
02/07/2006: Amended by the Senate
02/07/2006: Failed by the Senate
Legislation ID:
Date Submitted:
Andrew P. D. G. Everett - RHSA-At-Large 3
Adam P. Bruckner, Ph.D.
- Professor and Chair Dept. of Aeronautics and Astronautics
James C. Byers
- Senator - IFC 1
Lee M. Dunbar
- ASUW President
Jonathan A. Evans
- RHSA-At-Large 4
Stephen W. Keith
- Capt. USN - Professor of Naval Science
Tyler J. Lee
- Lambda Chi Alpha President
Deidre E. Lockman
-Senate - ASUW Women's Action Commission
Brent Ludeman
-Senator - Commuter 8
Josef G. Stute Senator
- Senator - Commuter 28
Colin A. Thomas
-Senator - MacCity Vice-President
Zachary Tobin
-Senator - RHSA-At-Large 1